-A rv~.nr\& Kic «rien I TèCÔlledtêtl OITC COItlUS, 3. .gfîlltlô"*
man’s foil from Hamburgh, in Whien. cnaractev i w
k n o w n him, and who 'had been trepanned bito the
Weft India Company’s -fervice I by the crimps of filver-
jCôbpéfs is a Cctóïöèn Mdiër. Thiâ> dorps-, as I* have' ah*
ready laid, is compoled eff âh'hâtions,Ühiiftians, Gentiles,
artd even Jews ; the latter, I muft obferve,- -' devoured
pork and bacon, withobt fcruple-or. befitation, as often
âs they èordd-fintlnn t?
On this ipot, which h ad ; formerly heeriaplantation,
but mow Choked ^ # h ' %bèdsi • I tóef Wipli Tom©
hetbs Which agam I/’fëhhót ^ f s hnfiofiOe(k bfhOu^i I
have no other names for them than thofei givennke by the
negmes,J “öhè ‘Oif^ e^lptMy V h i® w edmmërfly* known
b yth e riàïfieô f ‘ûie]/fSqtfa-j^rJ^ta,^aw-éé^0, c5d\V4 tOh,
and câfled by the black people vmJffi-Wéerëè-vstiePee. I cart
only defcfibe- this ' as 'J a'kind.-of- pea, -or -rather; flattifte
fmairpurpie bean^rôw-iùgm'a pod ffom-a Render creeping
vine; théfe pods are coveréd with a kind Of fineelaftic
ipicula, which, When touched, cable ahTntôîërâhfe itching.
This hairy^éóat feraped Trom the pod, I and - taken
iff à' tea-fpóon with jelly, -&c. has been ihöttgly ce-*
commended* as a vermifuge. A ' fort' Of wood was' aüfd
Ihewn me here by one o f the flàves, which he called
WàjjfëiÊiïà ; this had the fame itching-bSeA when touched,
hut with rèfpeA to its general qualities-bean fay nothing
further. The other ftirubs that We- found were
what they called confaca-weeree-weeree ; thefe grow
with:largh green.leaves, which the negroes ufe for the c h a p .
®ure o f a diforder in the feet called eonfma, when they
can procure-no limes or lemons, ,as I have already mentioned
: -this plant alfo makes art excellent faltad. The
ffemwemee-wyeme-:' is a fine wholefome, herb, and very
much efteemed", but amongft
the moft feriouscpefts ii i the colony, being a kind o f
fbrong ,edged:gmfs, which is in fome places very plentiful.;
and when a mart walks through it will cut his
legs-like a razor. Herbs in.gCneral are in this country
known by the'hame o f -^mnee'-meret by- the negroes.: .
On the sth, I -arrived ,at Magdenbejig- ;i-Here0<?flonei
Seyburg,. and what he called- his- .officers, feemed to
form 'a diftinA-corps fromthofe of Fourgeoud. T h ey
appeared totally .-deftitute o f politeriefs, and-treated each
other with the greateft xudenefs, while their colonel was
moft cordially hated by the commander in chief. This
ftate o f tbings contributed to render our lituation ftill
more d ifa g r e e a b le I however had at this time little
jqafon to complain, being forJhe prefent, at- learft, in th j
good graces o f Fourgeoud, which, by/a trifling accident,
I had nearly again forfeited}. Colonel Fourgeoud having
purchafed o f fome Indians a couple of moft beautiful
parrots, called here cQ€atmsy which were in a cage ready
to be ffiipped off as, a prefent,to her royal highnefs the
' princefs of Orange,- \ perfuaded Monfieur Laurant, his
yalet-dechambre, to take one o f them out, that I might
the better examine it, but the cage-door was no fooner