3« N A R R A T I V E G F A N
CHAR at-Sporkfgift eftate ? thefe' animals not being quite dead,
, JgvIL . fcn&ehed me terribly witb their fh^rp cla^ws, as they
L arefvery ftrong and: tenacious o f life, j We; bad them-
| drefted? and th^r made ^b'bad foup ^ they may alijb da
in a pye as rb©|§s in ^England, but d'rgfted in anyfqther
Way they are-tough - and difagreeable. . Thefe greg© parrots
may be taught tafpeak, laugh*jtry, bark, whittle, or
meW, but not near fo well asthefe which come from
Affica. It is faid, theyareoften intoxicated by the feeds
©£pbe: ifeotton plant. Thefe parrots -are alfo fubjaSt to
fits, perhaps from their choleric difpofition, yet-longer
vityis peculiarly afcnDM fo>.thern by the Indians > they
hai&ftron^fcooked bills, which affift them in climbing
andsCipelling very,hard nuts, and they fometircies.’bite,
very ^ v e r e ly ; they delight in f i g g in g and balaribingj
h an g i^ from^the branches of .trees, .and in theimfiid as
well>as?dOmeftic Rate ufe one of; their claws as: a hand to
taM^thdr. ’
In-iSurinam thereyare alfo, .fome^heautiful -paroqiaets^
Which are a fpecies of parrots».butifnrialler:though not lefs
- common; the. fin eft of, thefe is o f th'e f e e of. a . vergr finall
pigeon; they .are of .a lively green on the back and tail,
.but .thehoad:an.dneck are auburn-,' the feathers qn:the laft
tbeing;edged with a gold, colour, which gives.tbemsthe
appearancer nf rich fcollops- or feales : the; breaft. is Of a
leadenJiue; the;belly|]ilac,;the Wings ■ tipped'iyith orange
. land azure, and. the 'bill of a very dark Muei;! the eyfesare
the celotUr'Of .fir«^ and the fe^t quite 'black. The other
1 p fpecies
'■ & m Wm WsmiMtW