Ç H À P.
’ WÈÈ’
%lfo began to makedts appearance^ and to add to our CHAP,
difirefb w« hadkeifherfurgeon, medicines,, nor To much ,3 - .— j
as . a light* and very httle bread, left, r I was moved with
the fituatiob o f the troops, and again diftributed all my
biieok%defnphs, iofwïgesj Tugaty wine > ducks and fowls,
amongft the unhappy fufferers, with a ; few fpermaceti
Pn the 23d I feptup to the hofpital at : Magdenberg two*
fick officer^ Owlpgb a n d . w i t h all the privates-
that could bear to be tranfported ; and, at the fame time,
I repeated m y humble entreaties to be foon relieved!
-from Co very difagreeable a fituation (for the confinement
t,o which there was not the leafi: neceffity)» and
requefted. to be One o f the party to march againft the
rebels, É8ÊÉÉÉ no^purpcsfe; while the aecounts-Aame from
below that a frefh neft o f negroes were diièpvered* even
clofe tan Paramaribo, and the news ÊSmm from above that
the troops there were daily dying away ; amongft others,
on the 22d, expired a Çaptain Seyhurg, brothel to the
Colonel. This was actually the third captain who died
within the fpace o f one month.
On the 26th two fine young officers arrived, unfit for
ferviee by ruptures, oceafioned by the flippery Rate of the
ground in the rainy feafon.
This evening ©ne of out marines named Spanknevel,,
was miffing, and was not found till1 the z^th, wfien he-
was difeovered fufpended by a nehee to the braqehof a
tree. Not one o f his comrades would out him; down, h e