rot -gained -btetyywe the colony
timjltffgft opt this-cpnce-ted ueft
■ of enemies, who hei%g -thus j^ co^p ed and driven tm&f
from -their capital -fettleraenb*, never think (as. I t e w
^neady ©hCw^d} returning to the fame
fpot. Iraight, indeed^prtemmee vonr
C ifo ej I & « « « $ t'the ^m©:M.fhiRg.a
f€W iplaOTations for and from a
fpirit of revenge, the rebels -were, by 'being • driven from
4his fettlement, fo diCcftneerted :and panic*-,!firueks -that
from the iprefent period their .depredations 'rftexe 'Certainly
,-lefSj as -they foon afte-rwards retired to an inaceef-
fible depth in the foreft, where th e y neither. comM do
any material fnjnry, nor be joined hy negro4eferters.
T o fhew the m’afterly manoeuvres of.-our ife.hJe.foes, to
more advantage, I hererj^^nt # e ,reader with,a plan o f
this extraordinary fettlement, together with our digerent
.gages, after leaving our encampment on the borders o f
the Gottioa River, v iz.
i , a, and 3,, are fuppofed to be the general rendezvous
at Rarbacoeba, and the two ducceedihg: nights
K*4. The fpot where w e heard the firing and ihout-
ing of the rebels, on the night Of .the 17th.
5. The latitude where the troops ‘were joined fey
the black corps or rangers.
N* 6. The night’s encampment previous to the en-
^ECfcnicnt •
TN* 7»
; The teftch t e -tte opposite fide of the marfhy c H API,
iwhere Captain Meyland with his troops had been de- , XX1‘ A
iN?iS. T h e advanced ^oft of the rebels, whence the firft
fhot wasv'fired at the; troops,
N* 9. The field-with rice and Indian corn,, entered without
- N°'io. The pifs-or ..defile do: v f e h i t h e :firing commenced..'
N° i i . The beautiful rice-fifeld in which the aftion
coritihuediafeovefOTty.minutgs-; i
N° lit. T h é town o f <3a©o^-Sab y in temesiat a , dif>
^ É T jeI. '.SBieijlfrót '(Wteteeiiihe rebels f e d ;on the camp,
and held the ttenverfetóon, -on fb e night of the aoth.
JN0 J4- The ground o f :the old fettlement Cofeay, with,
the floating bridge that covered the .retreat of theirebels.
Miatwem at i-dSffOTeptnimes deftroyed.
“ N° 164 The field of rifè^difëoveièd and -demdlifhed by
-Oaptain istednian on ithe.aifl.:
^JN° 17. A field demolifhed by the’ rangers on the 33d.
. j-8. The fw&mprpmmarlh which furroundedthe
g N 6 19. T h e quagTmire,;or feiree-hiioe, adjoining it.
. N° 2Q.' The foreft.
Ijaving formeriyde^iifegd the .manner in which w e
èreóted om: buts* I -fhall .here -alfb add a .jfinalL plan o f
th e