3 n a r r a t i v e o f a n
CHAP. brought to Magdenberg, where, by a fkilful furgeop,
XVI- j^r> Knolaert, the wound was fewedr up, and the man
' ^ furprifinglyi. recovered, haying lain nine days in that
dreadful: condition,without any fubfiftenee or cpyerftig
whatever* and weltering in-his own, J)lqod,:eye|i without a
bandage. The week .after Thad nearly loft my.pwnlife
by an accident. ‘„T ^ p negroes, p f the eftate Goet,Accord
being employed ip hunting and f i l in g . fopFourgeoud,
one p f them, named Philander, propofed^ me to acgomr
p^ny $iem in the wood, -where we ought chan^^ta.meet
with fomepingoe^py^o^fa^ b u fa heavy-flio^ypr o^rain
„coming on, when w n h a d B g walked t^p mife's^ v^de?
termined to relinquifti the project,und repair „ ^ e fmall
fpot ealled the Jacob for foeljer* ?to gain w b ic h ^ e were
obliged to pafs through a deep mar/h. Haying waded
till up to our arm-pits,-Philand£r},who was^.e fineft man
without exception that I evff faw, ie g a n ^ T ^ im n asftid
Ms companion, with one hand, holding-,tl\eir fowling
pieces above the water with the other, and ^efired .me
to follow ^ them. This I tried, havingnothing on but
my font and trowfers; when, after -Rimming two^Qf
three-; ftrokes, J funk to ihe bottpm, lijte f-a. ftone» - With
. the weight o f my mufquet; but relinquishing it, I imr
mediately; rofe to the furface, and begged that Philander
would d,ive for i t ;. who having fecured his own to ^
mangrove, brought it up without difficulty. At this moment
a thundering voice called out through the thicket,
— « Who
— w Wly&^fomma dotty S', and another footo footo da Bonny c
“ kiry da dago f Who is that? Who is there? Fire! fhoot!
“ *ifcjs bonny,, kill the dog!”— and looking up, we faw the
muzzl.es pf fix, mufquets,prefented upon us at & very little
diftance indeed, I inftantly dived, but Philander anfwer-
ing that we »belonged to Magdenberg, we were permitted
to cpmepn ihore one by one at the Jacob, and found that
thefe trnfly negro flavgs, having heard a flouncing in thé.
Water, and feeing three armed men in the marffi, took it
for granted that the rebels were coming, headed by Bonny,
himfelf, for whom -they, had miftaken me, being almoft
nakecfand fo mueh fim-burnt,pbefides my hair, which
was lhort and curly, I entirely refcmbled a mulatto.
Being refrelhed with Tome rum, .anft ha'ying dried our-
folyes b y a-gopd fire, we now ^.turned back to the Mag-
deoberg, where I congratulated myfelf on my efcape.
On the .1 pth, .C^ojonel, Fourgeoud being: now Supplied
with frefh -troops, fent a whole Ihip load o f invalids to
Holland, who failed this j day; cand on- February the 26th,
my - dear friend- Henepian alfo failed for Holland, in an
extremely debilitated ft ate.
i Among fhe troops which failed at the lame time with
Heneman were.feveral officers, not .very fick, but juftly
diffieartened and dilgufted at Fourgeoud’s injuft ice, in
having flopped their preferment,, as I have intimated in
the end .of. the tenth chapter; while they now faw them-
folvcs Tuperfeded by raw youths, who were at fehool
Y o ^ .I i. c at