CHAP, fuftice have beeh e&pe&ed, "Which one need never be at a
xm m . ■ -- _ . ƒ ’ 4 ••
■ a «ors tt) make m a country fo replete with" diflerent ob-
JfeSts # r fpectilatioft. '
Having rowed all night, and breakfafted -at the new
cordon (which was begun to be cut not far from our
former poll: 'DeViFs Hafwar) on a dram and a bifcuit,
we came about noon to the .eftate! Ldptiix, where we
dined with the planter, Monlieur Rivieres -, after, wljjch
Fourgeoud, with his adjutant, proceeded on thei£voyage
to town, while 4 with Another officer went to1 the fba-fltie
at the back o f the plantation to fhoot fcipes and carle W$.
On ouf match thftber and hack again, paffing two
pofts o f the Society, th e -flag was hoiffed, refreftimente
offered ns, and every other civility fhewnms- tifaafc was in
the power o f the commanding officers, dn ihosting,
however we had 'Very little ffpert, t^c^prui&tt'-ofddHing'
1ome fiiip&s, which flew in fu th doucfe that they ahnoft
■ darkened the & y | fo that by- Only firing from tithe ia
tithe above our heads at random, W-ebroughtido wnfeores
at every ihot, but they were o f fuch a diminutive fpe*
icies, that they 'Wert IMrceiy Worth the picking Up; We
might have here killed birds o f greater ffze, ffueh as
Jpcd'H-tittls, crants., fred curlews, and %oM ‘ducks o f m any
“kinds, had we not Unluckily- been cut off” from the
banks on which they Were feattfered, by the lea over*
flowing the quickfands betwixt us and them. They
afforded us, nevertbelefs, a tnoft delightful view, the
beech appearing at a distance like a ftieet o f -fearlet and
purple, embroidered With every other Colour.