Brought forward »> a s w u m 1 *
I f I now add what goes to Rotterdam and to
Zealand, befides the home confumption, and
the-return of the rum and molaffes, the indigo
at 4/. per lb. and the.timber from 5 d. to. five
'florins per ctibic foot, it will amount to as much
snore - - 16,524,262 7 *
Thus ategej^er i * r . - ƒ. y ,p j 8,524 14., 4
"Which,.fiappofing it was ibut r i,000,000 ƒ i makes a yearly income of
■me'mmm.neat.m fterling money. '
How the above fum is divided between the .Holinjid and!
this colony, fhall be my bufinefs to ftate jn the fccond^lace.,
•Hie town of Amftetdam affords about fifty fliips,c
at an average of 400 tons burthen each, which ;
receive, lor importation ' fidght of various |
commodities, th© fum of -
- For exportation freijghtibf the above"!
produôions, which grow in the co- p 2,000
lony* - - Ufa
Thus each veffel gets for freight 38,000
Which, multiplied-by the N° of yeffels - T & S |
Makes exadly - - ƒ. 1,900,600 —- —
For Rotterdam and Zealand, I calculate together
about 30 veffels more of different bur-
% dens: thus • • ■ - — : f 1,200,000' — —
Carried forward - ; - " f- 'jji’oOjOoti —- 1 —
* .Sugar pays about 3 /. per barrel, and coffee about as much per tlioufand5 C o A
in proportion^-N. B. This Tinfett unauthenticated, thus errors excepted. .
■ And
’ ^Brought fiyward - " /. 3,100,000
And foil ,the prick that>feEMtes?.!for^jba|l^li,' paf-
i^^iT^ersi'oecî ,T'“ ^ -| ■ .rsJJ.rif.:* ,r <r-, ’. 7 -ji.!.,. $0,900
Each Guihra ‘îhip, Importingi^arly.-s f
'from 1 rfegspçs, iowpfb& f i ’ l i t b y g p Q
•H value, at - _ _ J
Thus fuppofing the number of veffels*' 6
' T6';airthefeT.fhill. ajia|i the merchandize jm‘-!
poftecj from Holland,Jftfch as’-wine, fpirits, beer,
fdl t^befef’/porki and Aik," cotton, and linenmanufij£|
t4re?. 5 clqatlis, hats,, lhoes, 3, gold, filver,.
and ft’eerol’narEofttsi ,'arms and ammunition ■, even
mafons aridLcafpenters f&felsfSee.- &e.lat%n'average:
of ’ Sbnut ^WpireeKi. ’psf'oflt. Befides correfpon-
dents 'charged,-rinfurance, dstyj ‘ ftore-ihoufe ex-,
penees, porters fees, wharfage,» and package,
fiwhich; laft articles coft the inhabitants ten per
cent, more,
» Thus altogether . - ■ ■
. Which makes already the fum of - *
Still Jet me' mention the intereft iof 6 per tent,
for the national debt of five millionsfterling,
due by the colony, and what they are defrauded
of by ufurers in Holland, where prodigious
other charges are brought in j and where thofe
who have made, their fortunes go tq Ipend it 1
and the amount will be found to produce at
| ieaft . -
The whole of which items added together, produce
do lefs a fum yearly t h a n - -
ƒ. 5,000,000 —
1,000,000 —
ƒ. 6,000,000 :—
* There are feme years but four, and fonts ten, &c.
y o l . 11. d a ,