T2Ö ü A R R A T I V Ê: Ó $ i A N ;
A P- 'trie motief o f arranging them- dürihg pur eheanipment
« — —* i in tMeWoods o f <ïulahaj which ?caiïips were gëo er ally öf
a triangular form* as ’being moil fecure in cafe o f a
fürppize^ >afld thé' «eafièft to defend opr | pmvïfions' and
ammunition; but the fituatiön o f thè! ground would nbet
always-permit this, andbthen w^.^n:Gamped In- iny} form,
fquare,'oblong, o f circular, 8ccr— In the annexed plan, r i
r. is thé- hut dr Ihbd io f Colonel |P@drgeoudf or
the commanding officer, in the-centre,^ with a fentinel. .
; 2; Thé ;hutV b f .‘a lt-thè- other- officers*.!^. a fin all
triangle, ft^ n ndw ^ ^ a tirfth e« o tn ^ n d e i? .iri chiéf.
- N”: 3. The angles o f dhe/ outer triangle formed hy'ihe
-huts o f tjié. privie s ip three divifiotis; w b .,th e . main
body, th è ^ a n f ahd the: rear guards,: with Tentjtneis "at
proper diftanees, tobover the ïront'bf eachi»; 1
, N° 4. Powder-chefts, provifiohs, iand -medicines, "With
a feritinel.
" ”N*-5. Thér.firespn^the^hearfiDf eii|h divifion.to drefs
the victuals, and round which the negro flaves are lodged
upon the ground.
j N* 6. A coppièé ö f manicole-trees rto ereóï the huts or
; N° 7. A .rivulet or breek to: provide the.troops, with
frefh Water. Apd,
N°.8. The furrounding foreft,,
I m u | npw . returnuonce more to^ rny,narrative, and
obfefve, that Barbacoeba, infteaidbf- being in a ftate of
fending provifions to Gado-Saby, as our -chief had ex«»
i ' ' " . : [ I gRrajj pedted,