C H A P- ■ fhip Paramaribo, Captain Spruyt (being one of the veffels
XXVIII. that carried over the lick in the beginning o f Auguft)■ rya|
an4 gptirelyjoft in the channel, op .the roçkf-of
UJhant ; but that, by the exertions of fotpe krench fifhing-»
boats, thé çrçw and'troops had all beenfayed, and, carried
into Breft, whence they, had taken a frelh paffagc for the
Texel; aftei which the Prince of Orange (wjio was. ever*
diftingiiilhed for benevolence,; and -doing good and huh
Triant aftiesns)(Ordered tl^f,pacers .and-pri%^'^n^^fyp
One hundred in number,
by way o fÀe^yppg, thgir ljG^s,yn/^ each mbf??!? hppfiyed
about four, thç/ t tb a lt f^ tfclSy* the
Major w&Q ; cpiflmanded,;
Iloweyer, tpy this Ihipwreck, I loft , all pay thfee ch^fts-
q£ J^eetnaeafs ajrçd. pickles, l^ljéçfllesj.-'
naonkies, See., intended as preftnts to my-friendfin Eu-*
• rope, which.indjferipainately_weö| tp- the bpttona,, tQ my.
no ftp,aft mortification.
Having now for above a month been dodged in a paltry
hut, beaten by the, .wind andihowem of. rain (which began,
to" fefein- unexpectedly^;,
,withftandiqg the arrival q f the relief, we were ftill to-
jpsy feme time hunger in-thewoods, which-broke mapy-
hearts; I, on the iath of December,. earne^ly let abppf
building for myfelf a comfortable houte, and which was
finjfogd, without either: pail or hammer, in lefs than fix
days, though it had two rooms, a piazza, with rails, and a
fmall kitchen* befides a garden, in which I fowed, in
pepper-creffes, the names of Joanna and John ; while my
next-door neighbour, who was my friend Captain. Bolts,
made fliift to keep a goat, and thus we lived not altogether
uncomfortably. Others kept hens and ducks, but
not a cock .was to be feen in the camp ; for thefe, having
firft had all their tongues: cut out to prevent their crowing.(
though to no. purpofe) had been fince condemned to
lofe their heads. In fhort, our gentlemen built a row of
Very curious houfes indeed', allprojelffififrom the beech;
while, on the oppofite' fide,. above a hundred green huts
being conflxucted to deceive the •new-come troops, the
Whole together formed no contemptible 'Meet; though it
muft be confeffed its inhabitants were little better than
- Whst nwhs. mpft remarkable: .in m'y own haMtation*
hoWevfery wâs dts. entry, which was,. not (by thedbor, nor
yet. hyjtbe window, but only 4>y*hë:-H»af* > h ^ e .ic te p t
in and out, allowing:-abfôlutel y no other-admittance; and
by this contrivance (alone I Was effectually, guarded from
thdfë frequent: vifitors: who fmek irriÿ pancakes, and ufed
to make too free with my. eggs and bacon, befides inter-* i
rupting. nj®.. while I was drawing, writing; -or 'readings ,
Upon .the whole, I muff acknowledge, that this en camp-
ment was agreeable enough: (more fo'..askbeing on elevated
ground), had bt mot been for the pefhlcntiaf damps: and
mephitic vapours, that exhale conffantly from the ■ earth,
and had already font: numbers to the other world A -■ - :
T t 2 During