about the fizê of a gold pippin, inclofes a reddifh pulp,
full of fmall feeds ; the pulp is very; fweet, and may hé
eaten raw, or róade into' marmalade oKjelly; and then lit
is delicious;. .There are. two fpecies of'guava; that which
is the fweeteft has the fmalleft quantity of fee2&; d :
On the gth o f February, the’ troopJa; thatiwef^fo Méïy
landed were fent. to the [upper, partsrof the? 'river Comef
win a tp, be encamped. I fpeak o f the [ privates^/for rhoft
o f the officers remained to partake o f [3, feaft at the houfe
o f a ; Mr. Mercellps; by whpfe command [(to crown the
banquet) half a dozen negroes continued- blowing Ahe
trumpet and French horn in the room where we dined;
till the company were abfolutely deafened by difcordaiicy
and noife.
On the 6th, the whole corps, without exception; received
orders to leave Paramaribo, ,and to encamp 3tMa^-
denbergj ^mountain hear the Tempatee Creek,. k i,thë'
upper: parts , o f the river Comewina, to which, as I havé
juft mentioned, the. reinforcement was already difpatehedi
Having, therefore, prepared myfelf to fet out on rny
fourth campaign »■ and taken leave o f to y little family? and
friends, I repaired to the water fide, to fet out in thé fame
. barge with Colonel Seybufgh, but who, erroneoufly fup-
pofing that the troops which came With ; him from Hof*
land were a diftinét corps from thofe arrived With Four-
geoud in. 1773, made the hegroes Ihóve off the boat inniy
préfence, when I was iiot* a ftohe’s caft frbm it, and left