c h a p , circumftance that coukTadd-to my \/htisfa&kni I
i then frankly and fincërely - gaVé rhy -'hand:"tö Cölonël
Seyburg, who gave > a feaft in honour! o f our reëonci-
iiation; and after - binner* tb Jrny- 'bttSf ]öf
duced the letter which'I hadWrittehrto Cölèhëf Fönr-
geoud, which he acknowledged he had intercepted' tb
prevent the affair proceeding to' extremities $£ .it ■ ih è
fame time he.acqaaintedCi^'Tthat:FöhrgëoüB^i^as?Encamped
at the Wan a Creek, inftead è f LiëutehantJGolö^
nel de Borgnes, who had fallen feck, 'ancf'wa^ ^oifeitb Paramaribo.
A pëfféët reconciliation having1 taken placed
and every thing being now adjufted* while thed troóp's
having had fome reft, we fêt büt bncé hiore èö ihe 4th
for the head quarters at Jerufafem ; but I was obliged-to
leave poor Quaco, who was v e ry : ill,; at -DëVSf’s. Hahivar,
under care o f the furgeoir; ind.'.that ^ èwöih^-iwe Encamped
oppofite the mouth o f the GorMoéliböCi^ki0 ;
On the following morning :early’, r^aving' erèfted the
River Gottica, the troops marched back H o n jé rü fe fn |
where I now h ad leifure to ;refleCt on the -various evils
which befal poor mortals, as well thöfe who arë innocent
o f the difficulties they are bronghtintd, as thofe (which
are the greater part) who have brought themfelves into
diftrefs and even^ defpair-hyl their, own indifèrëtiohs;
Thefe reflexions arofe from .finding here, among others j
a newly-arrived acquaintance la Mr. P—t— r, .who having
Iquandered away in Europe above iibiMy? thoufand
pounds, and loft a beautiful wife by vlopementjwas nowreduced
-^educed to tl^e iheolne of an epfign in the Society troops.
This Ëbrii|feman hivift^ formerly poffefled co under able
property in tli-is ve¥y "cofony;,-hiS present lituation could
not but be afluredly the mote galling on that account.—
Alas ! unhappy young fellow : wëll" might you exclaim—
«- priVe de-toiit-jnes, biens»,
g « Dans un cEmat furiefte».
« Je t’adôre & te penjs^
«■ Le| poign^tdi. feul ; iMj reftee
<c Mais» Ôk l 3«rjfujë.sP—t—r„
“ ^Rejfervé goi|n ■ fouffrir »
“ Je-fijaurois vivre encore,: v
Et: fëiire plus que: mourir.”“
Thêfe 'are the words which he fpouted with -a ftgh,
throwing the; laft, filyer he' had left among-the.'flaves
and indeed nothing- could bp more applicable to himfelf
than the lines he quoted, or ihore; lamentable than this*
poor- devil’s forlorn condition; which, however, created
in me, during my prefent humour, no other effect—
than a loud and immoderate, fit of laughter.
C H A P .
VOL. II. X 4 C H A Pi