m N A R R A T I V E OF A N
CHAP, furprive, I found two fpeties of fifh, which I have never
XXVI. mentioned; the o n e ^ called the haddock, being p|uch
' - | nke ours, hut rather larger and whiter flou red ƒ the other
the Jeparee, which a little refembles the Ikait. At the
deffert was a fruit palled in Surinam %u?zctcka, which I;
believe by the Englifh is called the four-fap. It grows
upon a tree W * moderate 4 ^ a grey bark, and
leaves like thofe qflrflie orange-tree*; but fet in pairs 5
fi-uit is o f a pyramidical form, heavier than the Mr||fb
pear* and all covered over with inoffenfive prickles: the
lkin is very thin, the pulp a fhft pithy fubftan.ee as white
23 milk, and o f a fweet tafte, mixed with amoft agr,eea-t.
ble acid, in which are feeds like the large kernels of
- apple. Anpther fpecies of Jmall zurzacka grows in this
country, fomething.refembiing; hops, but is ,o.£ no ufe
whatever. We had alfo tlie fruit called, faRaMer which
grqws on a large tree, the 'lea ve s ,like tb t# o f the laurel.
This fruit: is. the fize, of- a peach, very round, and o f a
brown colour, covered oyer with a;ipft,down: when,c«t.
in two, the pulp is not unlike marmalade, in which are
found the feeds ; it is fuch a htfeipus fweet, that to many
palates, it. is even difagreeable.
On the aift we once more received our clearance, but
in card money, by which we all loft very, con fiderably ;
however, I inftantly went to Mrs. Godefroy, and again
gave her. aft the money that was in my'pocket, being no
more than' £ . 40. This excellent woman now renewed
her entreaties that I fhould carry my boy and his mother
E X P Ë D I T I O N T O S U R I N A M . 243
with me to pftkn d , but to nh-'purpofe; Joanna was C hap
perfe&lÿ '’irhmbveabîe,"eVfen tOla degtëe of h'eroifm, and v— ^—
no perfuafion could‘make the leaft impreffioh upon her,
untilr her‘ redemption" fliuOiahe màdê complété by the
payment f i th^ farhilhg. In ^his4thàtion we
âftèOted tfô bear1 dur ’fata fefîgriatioh, though v
whht e lc ï fÿ f uSrfek irf 'particular itfaf much More eafily
bfe imagihèdth^idè'lêriuëd. . ^ ^
•phe regii4en|sTc&otih Vëirè how carried On hoard on
the à$d in gtéat ftate* Hfhich put a final clofe to the expédition,
but.^dvithbdf jëdéivihg àhy from Fort
2iëàfehdiaj 1 ddt5 a !§5^fbg fired,-nbr even the flag
h o i f t e d § n % t h & Gt)'
lonel F q t jp h d , thtSgVîn e fe d it waVthiefly ôwing tb
his dwh dëglëa, f f i i e had S ^ g iW h ’ the Goverridt
• bfficï'S ftotice o f 'tus intended departure. The baggage
was alfo Cent on board the fhipsj
narhe-df VaH Hiyfi entert ained the hkrifes at'his private
expëiîcë with thfee hundred M ë s :bf wifle, fruit, Sec.
I haVé Often remarked‘the hofpitaïiEy ànd gënVrofity o f
thëfe people, Which I now alfo M f t l B g ^periéiicdd,
receiving various ptëfëntà !of fruits ah‘d prefôrVfe from
riiÿ numerous friends, to M | M I M ^ hile on the
Voyage; amongftthe p r e f e r s wefe the-fefhafepappayas,
the male hearing H This ghnVS ori a fetey trunk,
neat twenty feet high, ftraight, *nd pithy within, the top
being covered with a crown,.and only fourteen or fixteen
diverging leaves, extremely large and digitated. The
huit grows clofe to the trunk; the flower or bloffom has
l i a amoft