•#v 1
E X F E D I T ION' T O S U R I N A M. 325
helD v&w’ibfe'with scorn paffian,;>hd not without a caufe, CHAP.
jfgr -j ■ . • xxviii.
many, of them, being already-attacked’ with the fcurvy, and ,__v—^
other loathfome difeSfes. - WC;‘however’fent for bricks,
and built an oven «©nbake’ifrefh bread, 8ccv anti did; all
that.was in our poWef W'CoWbrt th erh:{ hiving received
alfo a fupply of wine-:* for' m y own'.'-ufe, I gavieJa hearty
Wfeleorrie to, all'the officers, tpchper their Spirits*, but this
ill-fated liquor ha&am'effeA far, different from what I mtended'o^
ioupdof our,captains, P----- 1 -by*-name, who,
fromifomte mifnnderftancfirig,. challenged-me toffight him
'kittantlysi' HavingHretired toa fOpae di-ftance from the
camp, and drawing-Ionr fabres, fJae burft out mtq-an immoderate
fit of. raughfer, ,and throwing away his-.weapon,
de fired to: cut away-,; but -that foi? his;paft': he had
« ffioh areal regard for me,, that he-felt it Wife-impoffible
u fQr him to, make! asay)-refinance ? after which,catching.
/me in both his arms,'he gave m«/® hdarty an embrace,
that he had nearly Rifled Ine&Sand I could not without
th© igreateft difficulty get difentangled.. Being recovered.
. from* m f ffirpari^e, I could hot help- fmiiing in m y turn;.
..and after a: friendly reprimand, Ee-cQhdu&ed my.vaUant
. opponent to- th e : company,I where * we dofed. the .yeair
with the.greateft mirth and conviviality.'.',
A confounded: tumble t through; my hammockiihaving;
uffiered in the morning-ef ;i77<7> wef went tenths com-
mamling officer ofT tfie camp, tO-ipay him» the compli-
. ments of the feafon;^ where I was ftawmthz philander,