c h a p * but as this favour was not offered me, while all the
xxin. others, and even „the flaves/were relieved, I fcorned to
petitiqn for it while I was able to ftahd.';-
. On the -ipth, however,;my foot becam^f© bad^th^ the
furgeon reported me unfit for (duty j yet I ft ill remained
in the camp, where I could bmto-none of * abyylervipefl;,.;
. A fupply c\f frefh troops, flaves, andproyifions being
arrived on the aoth, ||ajqr Medlar, with j|o^pen,was der?
tachecl to make new;difcovCrieS*
Among other plagues^ the whole camp;at this/, time
fwarmed with hcufls, which appeared ;e?efy where in
rnoft formidable troops devouring everything that; lay
in their way. ' Indeed the? curfe Heaven feeiped to
vifit ps here-in various fbapes, and every^ vermin were.fo
plenty-at this time, that no ekertiom could keep u&fper-
feftly free. Thefe* locufts w ere brown, two inches in
length, and jfhaped like a grafehopper; they didrnot fly,
but crawled by millions on the very tables and feats' as*
we fat *at-dinner, and-at night they tormented us^by
crawling over our faces by fedres. hi
j The only dcfirable article we found at Jertjfdena was*
fifh, o f which we feldom wanted plenty,,particularly;new.-
Marazn&warrappa% alfo the patakeex and- thz <tid, ys'ifar
both very excellent; the former of which is-about two
feet long, fhaped like a whiting, the other is the fize o f
a large perch. A kind of needle-fifh, called maynaay-
fifee, was found here in great abundance, thefe were
very thin, and about one foot in length;, alfb a kind o f
fijh, about the fize o f a final!herring,but thefe two c h a f .
laft were qnl-f'ufed by the negroes*/ ’ - v
On thmgdiof Deeetnter, Major Medlar’s party returned,
after fourteen ddys*abfence, with a captive rebel woman
‘ and her boÿ about eight, years; old, taken in aXpiall field
Pf-bitter The poor,woman was pregnant, and
under great ‘ alarmé, hut was, tenderlynreated by Medlar,
who was .always a ,h nmane andwelhdifpofed gentleman.
He had, hQwever,„unlnekilyrlQii, two o f hjs beft men, one
A Scfcoefa?^a corporal, the othër called PMJip Van >.d/n BoSy
a privajteh marine,; ;w,ho jîi^g.pnadyertently: «$ten a fe W
‘ $1/ ab o v eW^ f cfafava were poilpned, and died
-during; the famé;night with the moft .egmfüciàtîrig pain
and convulsions ^ the ant-iddte.is. faid to be Cayenne pepper
and fpiritsj neither 4®f which,vfêïe;il at that time to he
• procured.
The black womant confirmed ,the^ account that Bonny
had been wounded ; ‘ flip rfègro
we had found was called ifaac, and had been Iefi for
dead,- . That one Captain formed a new/fettlement
near the fea, called Frffy-Hollo y while Sonny, fhe
affured us, maintained, the'Sri&eiî difcipline amdngfthis
tfbbps : he was, fhe faid'> âbfolut^y défpotk, and had'eke-1
cuted' two of his men but three days before we took
Gado-Saby, -viz. during thlê/night of the 17 th Auguft,
Wherfwe* heard the firing and lKoutiqgÿpnly upon fuf-
pi cion of having hinted forüe few words in favour of the
Europeans, and were- the heads which we found ftuck
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