n a r r A T I p g s mm i l l
P. ’igradufallyn rivetted to-'tlisenlprit.
<i o i / f^eMtifo getting Ä eb e tten of oay alarm, I fud-
■ ’« dönlf^äRPtbaofeed feim ja and 1 Withri bn©1 toikhr o f my
• &iftdgektobta§ed *öa£ hisnbminsib ^
■ Öü the4gd öf-Alärch ffiy‘ friend' dd Gfaaf failed fo r Holland',
M t f i r f t for SK Eüftatdä, .whfere h i k brother was
Yg^yferndid|?änd<tö *ny g^f^«fä^fon:t^ok^With«-Jaim.
JbäÄnä^s - ymitsgeft ’-fcföth«»* .mnryi~far whom;he>diäs
fi'ncb^ obtained 3»is freeddnk lTaited»'with them tdown
the fiter as far as Brands Pointy and. f wished them *a
^ fd^ fs fä l töyigbl^i AS I herd went'aflTdre. au a fifhidg-
Tioat,' I %as"terdpteditb leap into the feaji^hdt:Ä|#athe
ieöoHnf and healthy pleafufe o f fwimnriifg'inf the-; Atlantic
ocean. The fiflier-menhay ing caught -a'qpant&y
o f large fifh, I difcovered one ariibngthem notf.-ygt'm'eri'-
diionbd in.te‘y harifetiy^ tMs wh3!tKe-^^i^Ä^.b£tWeen
two add ^three -feet 'long, ‘thus called fram^sMeqianfj;
which almoft refembles that o f a leirton, hut the belly’Is
white : the- head is v e r y i^rge, with two IdngrharbS pibut
the body %.finaH,- and without. fcalei; ;likei<thetcbdfjrifi if,
however; hot near fo good,’ being. coarfe;:and rinfipid
eating. Tw o other fmall fifties I alfo faw in the boat,
the one balled hero the weepese,: refembling a .whip-lalbf
h e otherr+w&r,®cooy .which Is a delicate -eating, but has
nothing in its form or habits deferving a particular
defcription. . - . „
The 8th of March, being the Prince of Orange’s birthil
E X P i :Ö I T I O N T O iSU R I N AM . 369
day,;?it wasidelebijafed at thehead quarters; where, after
dis^ne^'in the fcanrt ledge,.hearing;CaptainBqlts in an
undeferved^tmanner centred by the colonel’s adjutant, for
recommending, one; of .the.young volunteers of?an ex->-
ceilem;ehara£ter, but Who had no friends to fupporthim*,
1 brbke through th^ging; that fu|roun4ed them in a paf-
fion*,; and-not being*able tp (reftrain>myfelf, .pnhhclyre-
proved-the aggreftor, FbJSrgeoud’S'prefence, when
a furious, altjerpatipn and .very * high words immediately
■enfftedj;. the epjQfg^nence £g| which; was,-that next morn-,
iojg. at- fun-rife walked Jo the iayannah without fe*
cpnds^whfrei near; the ig#lipw;S,,-we drew our fmall fwofcds,
and'after making;a few p^ffes'.at'e^hVnther, Gaptain.Yan
Geuriok’sg point« .niet, my ftMlyi which having ^nearly
pierced^: his hddejhfpped in It wo pieces, .and the fortune
of war putihim:.entirely iin my power. ; ,0ifdainingrhow-
everjtp. taker aim'eani advantage, I inftantly dropped my-
fmall; Tword, and . dc'fired. him to ‘Rep home -and re-
plaefc>l%S; own, ;;in order , to henehr the battles but. this
prbpofal he< was. pleafed ..to; call: fta generous, that faking
me by the hand, heorequcfted a renewal'of friendfhip ;
thus,iafiknowledging we had been toolhafty oil both fides,
We ytenfeB p v ifit ;poor Bolts, .who .knew nqthiog^of. our
morning^; walk, and was (though not -without difficulty)
perfuadedalfo to enter into the amicable treaty: by Which
a fecpnd' rencounter • was happily $prevented, end a-jge-*
neral reconciliation took place.
* A Jilf, Sheffit^* already • named,
who had ferv.ed with honour fro® firft
1 VOL, fl.
fo flit,'b it the pay of a privatefoldier/
i^iripg, tWs: painful expej^tipn, .
<1B OOnn