i i 6
e h a p .
r 'N A R R A ' T I V E O F - AN: f
’.. Cloaths'they fcorn to w’eir, preferring, to-, g© naked hi
a climate where the warmthftff the weather rentiers every
kind of covering an ufeiefs hicumbranee.h
They might breed hogs and poultry,,and keep dogs -f^r
hunting and watching them ;;bcit; this theydeclih e, from the -
apprehenfion o f heihgdifcovered by their nolle,|fa& -even
thé cröWiöf p f a icbek may -betheard m the fegefk at a 'eonfiderable
diftance.-*---- -I ftiallno>yvopce:mor.e proceed..
t .The rebels of this fettlement being -appaypntlyfubdued
and difpe#fed, Colonel Fonrgeoud ‘mad,e\ it hkrmept, bufiand
orders^*© begin the dsevaftation,. with eighty marines and,
twenty ranges. Thüs I cih Aowpt4 1 'yho..rieef t.hat was
gi^^iög^plentifially;in: the two above-men-ti.0bed fields.;
this being - done, 'I dftcoVered a thirdftfieid ffpath of'the
TiSÖfe.-d^^aii.ed, and made fy.repo*pJp*
Foufgedtid, with which he appeared highly Satisfied. In
the afternoons. Captain , Hamel- w as* déf£Qhedi wi-thg fifty
marines and thirty'rai^CT^y to-recphnoitre behind, tp e ,^ -
ïa^J and to diifeoveiydf poffibk* h&W/the rpbels. cpuld
•pafs fl to and fro through ariiunfathomahle marfh,' whilft.
we* Were unable to- purfue. them, j^ h is oifiber at length
perceived a kind o f floating hridgfe amqngft ,the,i3ee<k,>
m adh' Of tnaurecee-trees, but fo éonRjiiufted,. thatvpnly-i
one man abreaft could pals it. On this were feated aftride
a few rebels to defend the communication, who inftantly
feed upon the party, but were foon repulfed by the
rangers* ’who Ihot one ©f them dead, hut he was carried
away by his companions., |; Q ; V ; On
E X PE D I T I O N TO SiU R I N A M. 117
On the 'morning of the a-2d, our commander ordered a CHAP,
detachment to crofs the‘bridge and go on difcovery, at all ^ ^x * f
hazards: # Of this par'ty-vh led .the t o . We now took
the pafs without oppofition; and having all marched, or
rather fcrambled over this, defilfe of floating, trees, we
found ourfelves in a large oblong- field of caffava and
yamsy im, which wCste; about thirty ho-ufesy ^gfl^ eferted,,
•being th f reriaaips o f the old f e t t l e m e a j * I n
this field we feparated into three divifions, the better to
- reconnoity-e,] one maiphipg. north, jon’^ north-weft, and,
the third weft., And here., to our aftonilhment, we dif-
Gov,ered t*hat -the reafon p£ the,.rebels.Ihoutipg, finging,
spad firing,pn the might p^?t,he,.^pth,^wa^pot only jtp coyer
the retreat,of their frierids>s«by cutting off the p&fs, but
hy-their- mnrenftttii|g|noi£e to precept,ps from difcpyep-
fipg that jjfcey; yf-er.e ^ployedj^pien,^oipe,ip. and children,
in prppaRrng- warimboes- or h^^pers.filled with the fineft
dice, yanis, and «caffava,,,, for fpbfiftep.ce during their ef-
cape, oft which they ha4 p nly the chaff and refufe
for aur contemplation«, 4
This was certainly fuch a mafterly, p.aft- of generalfhip
in a favage, people, whom we,affe.£ted to defpife, as,would
hfve'dohfi honour to ^ny European copim^nder,. and has
perhaps been feldom equalled by more civilized nations«..
C II A. p;.