So N A R R A T I V E O F ; A 1ST
CHAP which th'i&ftferocious animal is never glutted. It has even,
XViii. • happened that^he ja g u a r has carried-off young .negro-
; women at work in-t^ie field, ,a,i\d too frequemly.dhein
children^ This^ contemptible animal, as it- is- called’ and*
mifreprefented by fpme authors, will beat-down-a wild
hoar .with a fxngleftroke o f its-paw, and-even feizfe b y '
the throat, the ftrongeft ftallion-.that ever. Was mounted,
in Guiana,; while-itj favage nature, and thirft after.blood* ,
' is fuch that it cannot be tamed : it will, on the con- .
trary, 1 bite the- very -hand that feeds it,“ and very often ,
devours itsrown offspringa ftilMhis*creature H^not- s A
match for the a b o m t L - Jh a Jie j'which,- \yhen df' gomes A
within its reach, has the power of crufhing h to> ||g || I
in hid fey? moments. >
.The next is the c o u g u a r, called in- Smrinambtlre"fe d * .
^ j^ .^ ^nR-ih4^-naa:v4.with more propriety** be 1
pafed to a greyhound; for its fhape, though not* for its
Ii|e ; . being much larger than the dog which ifrefemble«, .
ihmake, hut it is nutin-general fo*large and heavy-is the £
ja g u a r . The colour of this animal is a-yeddifh 'brown;,
the hyeaft and belly .are a dirty , wbiter.withrlong hair,, and -
not fpotted; the .earthy-colour, the extremity-
black; the head is(.fniall, the .body thin, the limbs long,
with tremendous • whitifh claws; -the'teeth are alfo' very
* large, the eyes .pronnnentr,-andfparkling like ftars. This:
creature .is equally ferocious with the farrne.r*
Another of the dfame. fpeciesris.lhe .t y g e r -c a ty which -
is extremely beautiful. This animal is not much larger ,
i than