Ë X F E D I T I O N T O S Ü R I N A M. :°s
death-were fomewhat remarkable, I cannot refill the CHAP,
temptation o f relating them. Having involved' himfelf XXVI1-
in debt, he turned to ready money his remaining effects,
and fled From Surinam: next fetting up in thefipanilh
^contrahandjrad^,, - his all ’^^„tak.en. Deprived-of, every
thing, .he. applied fpr.prpte^onto^a .friend at- De-
hurpanejy-^gave. him" fhelter: at this time
an abfc^fe.gat]?-§1t;ing, in -his fhojilder,, every, affiltance was
„.pff^e^l,but, inj^pn," blr.DefiradeSki^fufing to. let it be
eyep»escamined,; his Admder fhppefore,,grew.yorfe^ and
.eyrem dan^ r ou s, fipt ho per filled'in not permitting it, to
he -unpo^ered $ till, one da|^ having'dreffed-himfelf in his
'ije^pappa-rel, the,-/family was, alarmed- h y the report o f
fire-saynasjr. when »they found him-weltering, in his blood*
|?,ith a piftol by his.-fide,;-and then, .tp^l^ipfor-pfize, hay-»
-ing flripped him, the mark of V. for voleur, ,or thief, was
vdiscoveredron the very fhoulder -fie h.a4.atterojtfed fircon*
.e^^l.T^Thns- iènded the life..of .this poor wretch, who.,had
,fqr .years, at,Paramaribo Supported, the charaóler • o f a
ppjitje and well-bred gentleman, where: he, had indeed
„fieén, univerfally refp^&ed.
Dinner being over at the Goyernor’s, indigorplantation,
f o ftdj a departed in his e^ellency^St coach to the water*-
.fide, where .a tent-barge and eight pars lay in waiting to
row me doyn to the eftate Catwyky in the River, Come*
wina, whither I was invited by Mr. Goet%ee7. a Dutch
naval officer, who was the proprietor of this beautiful
•country *feat. In. this charming:, fituation, no amuferaents
.. V.ol. II. R r were