c h a p , civil but military departments; the other public employ-
XIX. s merits are chiefly
The fecretary to Ms exeetency the governor.
The commiffaries of the vi<ftuaIHhg-offices.
Four. infpe&ors o f the exportation of fugars.
One infpedtor o f the melaffes hogfheads.
One fupervifor o f all the North American veffels.
. Two public auctioneers.
Two ferjeants or meffengers o f the,court.
Two fworn land-furveyors.
Three meafurers of the fquared timber. :
One infpeftor of the black cattle., &c.
One fworn overfeer o f weights and meafures. "
Three Low-Dutch clergymen.«
One French clergyman.
One Lutheran clergyman..
Three public fchoolmafters, ikei, ;
The militia confifts o f eleven companies, with one
captain, one lieutenant, one feebnd lteUtenant, one en-
fign, one fecretafy, and one cafhier'each. The captains
are generally the fwom appfaifets o f the eftattes for fale
on the different "ri vers, where they chance to have their
Thefe are the principal functionaries in the government
o f Surinam; whiqh is. not originally npon a had
eftabhfhment, were it not depraved by fordid avarice* to
the great detriment; of this beautiful fettlement in general/
and to that of its . inhabitants in particular. The
E X P E D I T I O N T O S U R I N A M . 79
colony, by "proper management, might be made a garden c h a r
of Edèny nofonly for the European fettlers, but alfo for , X1X* ,
their African domeftics.- It would not indeed be diffi-
eu ltto 'fuggeft nmprovementsprior even to carry them
into effect. What' has occurred to upon "the fubjesft,.
I will candidly'ftaèe on another öccaffön; and I have n o
doubt but a little attention évenfb ohe'Titigle point would
-be productive of -the happieft cqhfet|utenèéè. Thus* i f 1
cannot on the fpot, like the goddlSaMarit&nV. potirthe balm
into the wound of anf onefufferer, at leaft I can leave the-
preferiptjon, which, i f properly Applied, would, I am per-r-
fuade’d/afford relief to the c om p la in ^ f thoufands/
I hAvë Undertaken the unpkafmg talk o f fheWifighow*
by the dèfperate means of bfood, the colony was frequently
javèd ffom total annihilation. How much motte glorious^
WOulcf it be for thofhSvho-'havte'it in their power not only
to fave the colofiy óf dhrinam, bdt many other Valuable
Weft tridia fettlembrits,' by the help o f a weLl- IM ïned*
and the laudable example ofhumanïty 'ahdbenëvolefice'! 1
Thus much for the political- government of Surinam v
Which 1 will not leave without tranferibirig its mottoy fo
very contrary tó what they profefë, being
rt'pietas—Jides? ' 1 The arms are tripartite* which fapprehend
to bè' fottie of thofè o f the hbUfc o f Somelfdyke,,
the Weft India* company, And the town. Of Amfterdani,.
crowded and fupported by tWo hons rampant* and - with
V thefe 1