a 6 N A R R A T I V-È OF A N
G-ff a P. ' day at her eftate to view fome negroes .newly purchafed,
Xy n. ^ eye chanced to fall on a fine negro 'girl about fifteen
, years of age, who could" not èvfin/fpé&k the language o f
thé country. Obferving her to be a' remarkably fine
figure, with a fweet eh gaging' countenance, her diabolical
■ jealöüfy iöfiantiy prompted hera toiburn, thé gifPs
chëéts, mouihi and forehead ^ fa '& r eQ -h o ii'h v n ; ,dhe
alfo cut the tendon Achillesofrone of h e r legs* .thus rendering
her a monftér Of deformity, and a mifej&hJe/eb-'
jedt as long as fhe lived: the poor, viétiin not knowing
What fire had done to- deferve fo fevere J$) |ninifiime:mt.'| !
Some of the negroesf now: rieprefenliiagrtef this lJay.
the many, cruelties, fhe daily inflicted,v and fuppli eating
her to bè.iof Ik nulder dj^iofition ;njt .was reported- that
fhe inftantly knocked out the brdijas^bf -a Quadembn
child, and -caufed fbeheasds of two'yönSg'negröes,'4ts relations,
to be chopped off, for having endeavbUredr to
prevent her; thefe heads, when fhe hadsleft the eftate^
were tied in ,filk handkerchiefs, and carried b y th e iu r4
viving relations to Paramaribo, where they were Kid at
the feet o f the governor, with the fOltemdgffpfef^i ^f ;
« fhisy your Excellency, is the head of (my. fop, and
« this is the head of my brother, firuek off by^ ourraif-
« trefs’s command,.for endeavouring to prevent her mur-
« ders. We know our evidence is nothing in a fiate o f
« flavery \ but, i f thefe bloody heads be a fuificient
H proof o f what we fay., we only beg that fueh perni-
:M/cious adts may be prevented in time to come; in ac-
« knowledgment
« knowledgmentf.of. which ■ we will all rbparfpllv filed a p
WUJt mood: lo r tfre preferyatiqnijand prpfperity o f our
a mailer, 6ur mifirefs, and the.colony.”
To; this humble .and pathetic remonftrance the anfwer
was, .that-..they-c]Were* alb and.fiaould, as. fuch, be
flogged round thqUreet.^ojf,.Paramaribo; and.this moft iniquitous
^feptence tyas; exeeu£edjW;ith the; great^ft ^verity.
, Such jfs, the|cqnfequence of ^the, law of the colony, that
the teftimonyof a ijiggrqq.8^ never;to betaken-. { Had any
pne' white p.erfon beep^prefent^t thei aboyerearnage?;t|ie
evidence would have been „ good; .but- even' then this
fury' would ha^e.,efc^ped by p a y i j^ a fine -9/ , fifty
pounds for eaeh;murder,—But,enough—my foul finks
within;m.e,while 1 dwell fo longj^pon the
On the ad .qf’-May, being again perfectly. reepye^ed, I
took:leave of Joanna.and herljpfinny, ffor.thus he was
-named after myfelf, .though .thp! ceremony, .of baptifm
could.not |y e t , begperformed; they^.nqw continue,^., at
my friend De la Mare’sjhoufe, whilft 14 * out once more
for Magdenberg in a;tent-boat with ftfcoarsy.j
. on the 3d, I called at -Egmpnd, on.'my^^fench.friend
Monfieur' Cachelieu, and next day fiop^ at Oranjebo qp
Ornamibo, where, I was hea r tily • entertfined/by m j old
adversary Captain -Meyland, with whom I had .fought
at the Wana Creek. But now this gqptleman declared^
that he lovefi me better, than any mau in the colpny.
He was juft returned from a twelve days cruize through,
the woods..
/ Among