C H A f t
now fWeHed m every vein with indignation and ineffable
contempt : “ Méfieras fhetigers have trembled for thefo
“ hands,” boMmg them tip;* ^ and dare you think tö
*f threaten me With your wtetched I imftrument f No, I
*f delpifo the utmoft tortmres. ymt can; now invent, a&
<f much as I do the pitiful wretch who is going to in**
‘f fliét them.” la y in g which, hhjthrew hirafelf down oh
the rack, where amidft the tooft excruciating torments
he remained with ârfmüe, without mtering a fyllifote; noi*
did he ever fpeak again, until he ended his unhappy
days at the gallows.
What good man can “ reflect the tear-ftainTd qye, '
, “ W^èn blood attefts even Oaves for freedom die?
On cruel glblbets, Kigh 3ifclo?d diey
'** Andl^rce- one grôan efcâpes one “bloated brèaft.
' ® dîeré ^blfe feél thé Chriftiaif rbâ^-
: * There Abie Plato^'tortar’i GMy I
“ While jetty Stâïus'fpdhïs countryfighs,
“ And footy C£?o’-TWth'3us freedom dies 1*
Having dined unth Colonel Fourgëóud on the Rtb o f
March, when we,celebrated the Prince o£ Orange’s birthday,
while Mr. Reyndorp gavé à treat to all the foWiers, he
acquainted me that the rapgers wçre new alone èricamped
at the Wana Creek j that thë peftilential fpot 0èvil'I Rdf-
•war was at lait entirely forfaken ; and that theftwo lately
* The;âbôve names, wkh fucb as ASsw, Saves, in exchange for Quacoo, Quecy,
Pluto, Charon, Cerberus, Proferpine, Me- Shiatny, Sfuamlna, ^uaftba, Jdjubay
iuja, h e . are ufually given to negro h e .
n , jraifed
raifed companies o f fable volunteers had taken a few
prifonersnaind killed others ;on iher Warned peak* behind
Paramaribo. : I was at this time a good deal better, but Rill,
not being quite recovered, he who had. formerly treated
me fo feverely, now. even infilled on my flaying fome
longer time at Paramaribo: nay, gave me an offer to return
to Europe, which I abfolutely refufed; in Ihort, about
the middle o f the mpnth,I was, as well ais ever I w,as in
nay. life, | At this time Colonel Fourgeoud and myfelf
Were daily vifitors ®f the ladiesf in : whofe company no
man could behave better, while I could often not avoid
difgufi: j jtadesd lb: languid were many in their looks, and
£o unreftrained were fome in the ir: eon veifatSon* that a
M rs. AT--— eves .affeed mb* 0 n s etnnmfc, fupply the
place o f her hufb and; while Ihe might as Well have alked
me to drink, .for a rcfifli, a tumbler .of fidts-
On the 1.7th, however, spy-«y^sr were better faffed,
Whfcn,gMSg to dine with Colonel T-exhsr o f the Jttdety
troops, I firft took,a walk in file iorange grove arid the
governor’s gardens ; here, peeping through the foliage,
I ibon difeovered two moft elegant female figiii^ after
bathing, the one a fine young 5<aw^iv^bie«ib*hear^'We<^
ing ^uaderm&i which Jaft was fo very feif complexioned,
that Roe might hav-e. pallifod for 3» native n f Greece, while
the roles that glowed in her cheek were .equal to thpCe
•that bloffomed in the Jmibbery *. They were walking
.* b i s to be remarked, thatthough
icopdans look pile under the *t6md zone, '' mulatfoes and quaderoonsV
®he native inhabitants iiave often a freJEh-
E e s hand