c h a p. fro, like a performer on the Hack-rope, till he falls afleep*
L XvIII‘ f without either bed or covering;, and during which time
he' isj fanned by a| couple of. his black attendants, to keep
him cool,i&c.^ ■
About three o’clock he awakes b y natural inftindt,
when having; waffled and.,perfumed himfelf; he fits«
down f tp -dinner* attended as. , at- breakfaft by his deputy •
governor.'. and - fable pages, where nothing, is-, wanting,
that the world can afford in a weftern climate, o f meat,
fowls, venilbn, fifli,vegetables,. fr^ t^ ;8cc. and the^mpi^.;
exquifite wines iares, often fqpandered «i:,profufion ; „after,
this a cup o f ftrong. poffee i^nd a,liqpenr finifh the-(repaft..
At fix o ’elqck he is again, waited on by his overjfeer, attended
as in thermorning b y negro-drivers and prifoners,.,
whenjthe fioggipg once more having,continued for fome:
time,- and the.neceffary orders being giyen for the next
day’s-*work, the; aflembly is: dilmifled^ and the evening
fpent with weak, punchy .fangaree, cards^ and. tobacco.-:—
His w'orfliip generally begins, ta y awmalputferi ° f eleven;
o’clock, when he, withdraws,.and is undrefled b y his fo.pty
pages. He then retires to reft, where hepaffes the, night
in the arms of one or other,of his- Table' ;fultana^f;(fp^
always keeps a feraglio.). till aboqt fix , ip the;cnorning*
when he again repairs tp hjs piazza, walk, where hi^pipe
and coffee are waiting for him-; ^ d where',, with the. rif-
ing fun* he .begins bis round o f diflip.atipn* like, a petty
monarch, as, capricious as he is defpotic and defpifeable., ,
Stich abfolute power indeed, cannot fail to be .pecuharly
a delightful
delightful to a man,'who, in all probability, was in his
own country, Europe;'a nothihg.*
B u C in this '■’"colony, this is''too frequently the cafe,
where1 plantations are fold upon credit, and left (by the
"abfent proprietor) to the" apjpraifers, who, by felling
chea|i,ffhave gén’efaïïy an understanding With the buyer.
Thefe are the planters who are thè peft o f the colony;
fuch ks thVnné *gOntlethan jdft defended, who, while he
'litres at the above r&te^ pays-nobody; under pretence of
had crops, mortality amóngft the flkves^Src. but like an
upftart rafcal maffacrës, the ” nègrdes by double' labour,
ruins'-ind pillaged the eftate o f ‘ all Its '‘productions, which
h ë: " clandeffiriely fells for ready* möriey, makes a puffe,
arid runs away. Exceptions,”howëver* take plape in every
circumffance of life ; and I have known many planters
ffh! §®rinaba as gdbd méfi as T ^ e f ‘^ u ld 'dM ré y tj bë aé-
^ualntëff with, vi^hidff PhlitVfe-'-.afiiëa^ftr^idoöèdi^3
K As for theTadïes;fhéy indulge themfelv^s-juft as much,
b y giving way to their Unbounded paffions, arid especially
•to the moft rèlëntlefë- barbarityf «But nfrhilè I can- bear
witnfe'fs to the exalted virtuës' &£s fuch1 a Woman -as -Mrs.
Elizabeth Danforthy *now Mrsl Godfrey yand a'feW more
whofe charadters fliine -with treble luftre,: I ftiall draw k
veil over all the imperfedtioris, too common- to their fek
in this clitóatëi: Before I " drop tKisnm§jé^, lm#ever, d
muff afteft, that hofpitality is in no country praóïifed with
greater cordiality or with-lefs ceremony, a ffranger being
every where at home, and finding his table and his-bed
l a § at j