C H A P , irigs, and remarks on the colony of Surinam, which I
x xtx hi
- - y had the fatfefaetion to.feë him honour with th6(h%heR
approbation. I then-returned him my thanks;, not only
fo r the material affiftance he had afforded nVe iri completing
this work, but for the unlimited marks o f regard
arid diftindtion with which he had tre&effnft from firft
to laft, during the whole time I refided in Guiana. -
Availing myfelf of his frrendfhipyl ventured, two days
kfter, to give him the following very uncommon reqUe/ij
praying him to la y it béiPorê the court; which, with a
fmilë oil his countenance, and a hearty fhake by the handy
he actually promifed me to perform; vtè'; T'
f - <c I» the undcr-fubfcnbedi do pledge.,my word ef^-hentSur-y
“ (being all I jgofiefs jn the ^orld beficjes. my . pay) 2
“ that if my late ardent requeft to the court ,for the'^^ncU
• “ pation of my, dear boy Johnny Stedman. granted, the^, L
“ laid boy lhall never to the end qf his life, become a charge Ï
If! to the colony, of Surinam,
. (Signed) .. J ohn G . Stedman^ -
a Paramaribo9
j I <t p€y 1777.
Having now done the utmoft that lay in my power, Ï
for feveral days waited the refult with anxiety, but without
meeting with the fmalleft hopes o f fudceis; thu^j
with a broken heart, I was obliged at laft to give him
(fweet fellow) over for loft, or take hiny with me td
Europe, which muft have been plunging a dagger in the
bofom of his mother.
Whalé I remained in thfefttuationjthetranlport,ftiip&? I ' c h a p .
were; put inscommiffionon the , 26th for our depar- XXIX*
turei|^®d l ©pSnofythe commiffaries
tft sfêeîlhem tVQodèd andi-'fatered.;, the officers were* alfo -
cleared theirgarre^rs^ and thirteen men difcharged at
their oSvn: cftSre.y tfippufh: thehtfc^tune^^yjParamaribo.
1' ©ngbtJih^^fsibfedotoicnitÿ that: the dnduftrioiis Çplopel
Fôurgeoud onco»more' paid- üs<, all-in paper,' by which, as.
ufual, Mi doff-ten ipër verity which,- by,letting the Jew^
have tfhagoldand ffiveiiiy -he prucfofttlylodged ? inihisrowh/
packed p.an<Jrwhile rtbe many hundred^ ©f; florins allowed*
Usïbpgovernmerit to. de fray ©xpifo :duti#s^fakëlj $5©* were-;
noyer-brought to account, ©^ .rather? ggg ^gre ftrbiddeiv
to enquire after thém at .all. Ë Theft were trifles indeed*
when dèvïdedï amoiag ftf many tgentlemen| but,, in çne:.
folié ma%-they .wererfft contem|gi^opiçki^g^ | j
Onthe t|ft?<df oKEaraff si ferjednt- arrived, from, thet
camp [aertlfe!- Caffeeporé |Oreek,;; in iRi©;jÇQttiîpiy where
the làfts arrived; iroopsi.ivfre, hourly v'dying; &mik
and brought the almoft incredibly account ,■ - that : the;
man I mentioned 'to -have .been loji in tbeK woods ;©n
th«n-ïf«hg.fif,^'3|^^ry^:5^|§ni^lia^y-v.ye.tnrp^lf ;{'^ftejt>
havipg been, J w f f i n g r mm
which, he fubfifted ; on a few, pounds; of rufk biftuit*
and. feventeen |g|g|nothing at all biit wafer. He added*
that’ he had entirely , loft ahis yoicf) and was .reduced to-
a perfectfkelcton ;-, bowçyeiy ^^jhe -t^kçn- of himby
the officers*, there w^çe li|i^hp5esl,o|.|ds.-jy^ Should