E X P E D I T I O N y T O A S UR 1 N AM. *97
a to ,be;kept alive ?’’ Which fpeech** on feeing-the Jew c h a p .
.Hare: like. a fool? this' mangled wretch accompanied with a xxyn-
loud and dhêarty lanjljk>'Next5;öbj^rying the fbldier that
Hood feritinel- o-v.er him: bitiogqccafionally on-a -piece o f
jdyjf brieadhhe aflie^hi#.Jf hqwïkjcame to pafs, that he,
c“ ' a m a n ,, .fhoyld hay& no: mpa^ td eat along .with
c< . At ,r”—nu Becanfe I am n$tfp prick,” anfwered the foldier.
j^ liT h en jI Jwiljirnafee^yh^aprefpnl, fir,”: Paid the negro ;
M firft, pick my. hand. that was; chopped off clean to the
bones,* next begin; to devour, my body, tifi you are
«imlat±ex&; 3 when; yoh’ yd^. fe^^/^Qfh;,hreadt and lmeat,
■ *fl$&:iaeftl beeome-s you which piece of humour was
folio wed ;by a-fecond laugh; and tbps he continued, until
I left him, whichwas about three hoursafter the dread-
ful: execution., -
Wonderful it.As indeed* fh ^ ;hunjan:nature,;fliouldbe
hble to endure fo much tortuje, which affuredly could
only be fupported by a mixture o f rage, contempt, pride,
and the glory o f bi^ying'hiiSborjpnentor^ifrctn whom he
was £o foon to efcapef.
Though I never. jrecal, to my remembrance, .without
thé rnoft painful fehfatión., thi% horrid fcene, which muff
revolt the feelings o f all who have onq fpark.of humanity,
I cannot forbear Exhibiting to the. public the dreadful
fpeótacle in the annexed drawing,; I f ,the. reader,
* A t Demerary, fo late as Q£tober,
1789, thirty-two wretches were executed
three days, fixteeq of .whom fufljered
in the manner juft defcribed, with no left
- fortitude, and withoututtering one Angle
Q q however.