H I s
C hurch.
C te g y .
f c& o r .
Cburcli ward
en s • :
th ey have feveral privileges.Superior to the common or minor canons.
At the reformation their falaries •’were moftly- converted into money,
but thofe of Durham preferred the ancient -portions of land, which
having. prodigioufly increafed in value,!’ they are now ftiled tgjaliibn
prehend,.s|ibeing- worth from Stoo&htb^tob/r, >-a> yearj while the«’;bifhdp>,
o u t , ofisf^©dW4*-a-|;yea% has, t'o 'f u ^ ^ § i ^ g r p iai^ndyd^aY£adahie Jikf
penditure. 1 1
' 'r ’TKemexit dfd,df\$s th a t 'o!f'Ihhe»'’Afc^deafc<®m,lam%hhfeg’d'd’%i,lfytQ
rth:eirrofficev is^ttfWrfoedt tnoyb‘aB||§ 'M^n e ^Mtc h eSf,
toT-e^oj^rJ - i ^ ^ |r £ha®,"''&d IfP induCh ■mt$*benefiefeB.j l' ^heh-'JfneJfs,
w hbpbn’ the^Gontinenf, d h a r^ th ’e lab'dtfct-of thfe* k rc h -d la ^ a , on a
fidaller fcale,' beii% fhperfnfehdents o v e r a "few p a r r a n |^ J p ^ * ‘$l- -England
alfo ftyl^if-rural deans, - h u t 'are^lwy unkh’owh. ' Suhiflyijtb'n^ ‘d f
m u c l^ b ftfr6SiTB3^ ^ h e ^ t y ' sn a t u ^ >bS Sr-
Sirs*, that'A’h e fp‘owea: of^fKe archsprieft a lm o ft^ e p ^ o ^ e re d iw ith
iS&aKftP ‘pfefbytery, while .th e ''^ S ^ in c k } fyiip'fls’^ e u ^ i j r a ^ b t h
O f the clergy in general, th e jow e ft order" is that, of“ ^ e ^ ^ s ,A v h o \e
offireTox&priy Was" f oTuperihfenmfiie 'poor • the ^ ^ i e n f tlohations to
the church being always affigpedSgK^reV divmbns,\one4;'fc|^tKe^popr,
another for repairs, and the laft for th e clefegyf . A t jir'c len tfli^ e a c'd n *s
office is reftridte'd-to baptifm, to r e a d u a g j ^ t h e . |p ^
prieftl atvtne^mhinunion, by | a p t & ' t p ^ P W - P e^®|*S> oicltfs
cannot Be*cinoiiieafly received? uefore the' 'age wphty-fm#e' ’^ylears,
thofe o f a prieft require tWenty-fmTr, and " aJ bifhop m'uft p e rfh in iy .
T h e ‘ chrate'is a’ clergyman appointed teMfficiafe' for anothpt^ Idnd^s* J o
named’from his having-the care m i ll^Ts/^hehceAhe- Fferich" rather apply
the term to the refltOr. I f th'e“predial,' or great rythe's !%D\Ke *pz-
riffi, be ‘impropriated,' or converted into fecular handl|,. t'hel‘p¥ieflr--'k
termed a vicar, a name originally implying that they were the
or deputies of the re dtp r f but if the tytheS be entirethe prieft is ftyled
re fit or. . The churchwardens fuperintend the. repairs and decorations of
'the church, and the requifites for divine fervice, Sand colledt the- .alms
o f the parifhioners; they are annually eledled at Eafter, and ^have
-fomec&afest'fiidefrnen, ; a ,k in d 'p f iaffithaints^.'^'fllhe facriftain. corruptly
palled tt&^brip .originally, had1 tKcvfe^Eeof ,tbe furniture and plate o f'th e
chuicliV3dnd/':lWni ftllj g . r j g a j ^ e r , ^ t h e appellation is now ap-
jBjie^|Wjtlie, .grave^dfeger,, when; i,fcd|g|i.t to have, been qonferred-qn the
pariflv^ffek. ,Vj* i
wj^yhfe c le ^y^i&j^neral^en^fe'fi^ejpepuliar privileges, Their goods
are,|fiee> ’’ ƒ:'^thqy cannot be gota pell ed to
^n^^ffilSe^ehvil c^fmilitajyfj ’jth^yiare pnlfeamer^e^agcprdjpg to their
temporal .ollafGfij>&'qrf arc they auhffed.-for a fobhery cpnupittpd in /the
hpn^re^, or fq jj^ ic h in g ,*yvar-ding,. high^ays^^pUfSic.!f-
1 ‘ p<Jv^ar,?f the ‘convocation,.
cdnfiftingfo^lx&eiaiehbilhdps and vyifh, a lowefAmnepof
meihhers,«©U'y ineets f@E t?he (fake o f form •„ b uOa,v;e bht;, been’ allowed
fp-ldehherate fMje, tbp.jr-eigri?*p|l
-,,/Ne-xt iriidigpiW*is/^hej court o f ,ddegateSjya^tjng byt/a^, fpecial corh-
miffion undphthpgreatsijgali, 5f and tpyyRom an_ appeal JiesSfrpm the high-
eft mettopplitanjcqurt., , The*cpUrt’Pf.arches.isffojftylbddhepaufe,it ,i^as
held insthejarches ,of th e church .pf St. l\laryr le-BcMpj.- I^pnj&n, but now
in the}Sgreat hall^.Dodtora^Gommpps, a pnTvLdpi^ir-S of tM f c ^ il law
arekflqwed tp gm ad 8.- The ppurt ©f audience “is al^ayg, pfeHded by-
the, archbifhbp \hiimfelf, vvho sdeeide®. any doubts {concerning‘th e 'a d -
miffion to benefices, and difpenfatiop p fith e ^ tk l^® ’ snatrimonvlJ'1'
-T h e ne ^t,courtis that o f Prerogative,.which judges.pf.eftjjns fallen
b,y;wMi,(pr inteftate; the prerogative-office, is hkew|H*in tfo^tprs. JCom-
mons. jj T f ie MMXt-spf! Pephlkxs refers to,feVeral p^u-liar p a riu ie s j|P ^
emptjfimn thejurifdidri®npf't^'lnffiQPS,rbm,mCTe;(atn^mMe\Jmeyju3ges,
arepbie and without ju ry , - .
- 1 ^7 CHambe'rl. 70,1.. 76. ' Gough’ s Cam. i. 147. 'Blackfl-bne, p. l 'l 1. c; v. >'
“ • T iie degrees-are pnly staken, at the Univeriities, yet they chiefly pradtife in London, a college
being purchafed for tjieii: ufe, b y Dr.. Henry Her-vey, where ..they. co minuned s together in a. col.
legiate manner ; wliencC;SfieSmimi o f DoiSlorsj C(5nimo’is,''mbie properly called the*College1 of
.Civilians,; near .Sd Paul’ s which beirig’^onfnmed in the fire b f Iaon'dph,1 was rebuilt in 1672. The
Procurators, or Proitors, o f theft courts, ate admitted by the ArchbifliopVmaudatevading as the
Solicitors in other courts.’
C hurch.