N a x u rAi ,.
; .T iis . .
mountains are fometimes fplit and engulphed by fubterranean waters,
of which Pontoppidan' relates fome inftances, more to be: credited; as a
■ fimilar event recently, happened in the fouth of France. The farm of
Borre, in the province o f Ghriftiana, Was in 1703 fwallowed up with
all its Buildings, and there now remains only a chafm full of ruins-and
D A N I S H I N L A N D S .
T he prime feat of the Danilh monarchy having ever been in ‘tKe'-ifleS
o f Zeeland, Funën, Laland, Falfter, and the o^^Tpf'tnab;g^i^l;, they
have been confidered in the prierai d e^ g tîo n ’of the^mM|Vchÿ-.‘ In
the' daft the furtheft ifle belonging to Denmark is that
fmall but fertile fpot conquered by foe Swedes in ^645, and jürrén^ered
tbithem byi the treaty o f Rolkild, i6 $ 8 •' bût the inhaMtanï®|Mt|d
thefome yeafo and reftorpcf their ifle to the Danilh.(fomfoafo^,fonder
which it has fiaee continued.
Off the weftern coaft of Jutland-are the ~iflesljoi| Nordftrand,
Sylt, Ronf, Fanoe, and others, which with- Helgoland were known to
the Romans ; and the writer^ of. that nation appear- often-Jto h^ve. cqnr
founded them with fome of the Orkneys, , and even withfobe iflands in
the Baltic.* |
. The Norwegian coaft prefonts; one continued fories-qf fmall and uni-
important iflands, molt of them-indeed uninhabited. AmongUa -few
17 Bufching, 1. 360. .
* T hefe ifles have fiiffered greatly b y the fury o f the ocean. N^rdjlrand,/ after repeated attacks
In the years 13 50 ,13 5 4 . -&c. rvas at length almoft totally, fwallowed up in 1634. Such an .inundation
arofe on the n th o fO f to b e r , at ten o’ clock in the evening, that there pcrifhed 64o8,perfons,
w ith '50,000 cattle ; 1332 houfes, 30 windmills, and 6 churches were fwept away by the. waves.
The re remained but a high part o f the ifle now called Pel worm. ■ Helgelan'd, which has been fob-,
le f t to the Danes fincethe year. 17 74, hàs alfo been; diminiflied b y repeated a (faults o f the .oyean.
Jiufching, i. Z93, 294. " ,
g worthy
Worthy, of, mention may foe.,, named. Rarrn, Bo'mmel, Sartar, Ilitteren,
and others hat the entrance o f,the gulph ofTcoptheim ; the Vikten or
^Vikter'iflands'are followed by- thofo of Loffoden, the moft numerous
and -extenfive, a n d f o r fo e .wKir-lppblf'Bf Malftrom. Among the
foeary iffleVori the* Laponic -fofoe^may.' he named Soroe and Mageroe,
,feh-at o f .^acdhus,vwH@fofoier,e' is a g^rrifonfofo the Arfoic, ocean ;, and
the ifle or peninfula- ofFilkeroe/part qf Which belongs-t;o Ruffian Lap-
The ifles” of Vikten or' Viktbr-.produceUqats and barleys arid it was
from them that the powerful !Rqllo;failedfoforfoeei ThcSfe-of Loffoden
have,exdSMent,fi£Hm:ies^and -the pafturagefuffieesTor;numbers o f
foeep- Theiflfcr! of Rarm ismhefiyfoemarkfole for ».the> high- mountain
p f Augvald. •> The :Nonyegiah ifles,»acefoafofoforglai'm-Quntaindus or
• Craggy, like the correfponding-coaft, witb^lecipitous-rocks^ and a foa
from afbo/ito- f3®o fathoms .deep., walking, ,-th-efobafesi' .Between them
are numerous narrow creeks, .overlhaded hy vaff heights dike thofo 'of
the -Ihore, and guarded as it were By innumerable fmaller ifles,/and
defart rocks, haunted hy fereaniing fea-fowl. -
For many years the Nonvegians held -the iflesrofiOrkney and Shetland,
wh&h.laft was ftyled by them the LanfooJ^Hialkfrom an adven-
■ turer fo called,, whence the, corrupt namieartO%Zetland, Yetland, and
Shetland. The Ferroe ifles remain an appanage, pf the Danilh crown:
they are fevpnteea in number, and,not mhfertile^producing fofoe sbajv
ley, and abundant pafturage for fheqp. Small jUn'ipersyftintpd willows/
and birches, alone bear a diminutive itaagq .qf,trees.y- They were, difo-
eovered prior to Iceland, in the--ninth century; .ryfd-export, feathers,,
eiderdown, caps, ftqokings, arid even felted muttpn,.and tallow. Beau-,
fofuf eafoedopies and>zeolites are found- in . the Ferroe ifles; $bjit,foere
feems- no reafon to believe that they ever we5P! volcanic. < The-.inhabitants
do net exceed»,'jfQpQv* d
. The 'large and celebrated ifland of Iceland may .be regarded - as
260 Britifb miles in length.from foe moft weftern eape'to the moft eaftern,
and about ‘*9©;; in • breadth from N- tq S^ but foe-iiihalbitants -do‘hot
exceed 50^000. The government was1 an arrftocratit’repUbfec'for about ‘
387 years, till in. 1261 it fubmitted to Norway. The maps of this
•VOL. 1. 3 ’x | ' ? country
I s l e s .
Ferroe IfleSIceland