B otany.
are reckoned fome $ ft h i , Hefor
ibe'lpoft.fiajt unde? jhi^- ©bJ,&qi^)f of feeing poifonous,, fo-th^t, quly
the five fob owing are ufed, viz Merulius, cantharellus (Chanterelle
rnyffiroo^n); ^j^garipug- oj-qacjcs ,('Fairy-ring Aga,riqu% .‘q^mpeftris
■ (ebuiihou -M.) j$ Phallus e fc u le ru u sy f^ q r^ j: y ;4 fid T u b e r qibarium
(truffle/) ,
JcEbe lif t cl Ms of Eogli-fh vegetables, is that of'the marine .AJgaa, or
fea-weeds. Four gerieraj and between two and tKi‘e^> hundred ^fec^ejs,
i ajfe found ttpiQn^our ovtn fh'pr^s j the more tender, anxFgehuiaous hinds,
are eaten rikher raw or boiled, an<J tb^Eeft on thofe rqelpy -parts., qf-t^e
eoaft^, where they can be Go)^^ed‘ in gfeat q^uaagt^i'arg, burnt into
help for the ufe of the foaprbpilqr^- an d,gl&(§-makers. ■
", 'Mu.Pennant^ iii.Ms%Briti%S®#Jsgy, has treated this fubje6tf.at.due
extend and with his. ufual ability. T h e nature of. this, \5r9rk will only
admit of a few wnperfe£t notices. O f a®ht(als, that pelebrafed author
enumerates twenty genera*' front th e h^rfc dqjfsrn t.o th,e f e l ,and b.at.
T h e birds extend to farty-reight, the-rqptiles { q fo u u au d the fifh to, forty
genefar befides the cruflaceous and fbell &$$':. 1
1 T h a t n oble and ufeful animal, th e Horfe» Is foi}nd ,in England of
many-mingled breeds, white ruoft other kingdoms produce- only>49ne
kind ’*. : Our- race-horfes -defeend from A rabia» ftalHons* and -the genealogy
faintly extends td our hunters. T h e gpafe. fe en g th and fi&e
o f the.English drsujrhbhorfosi are derived ffomtfegjfo of Germany, Flanders,
and Holftein ; and other breeds haVU^een fowternpdug|ed, that
native.herfes may he found adapted, to every purgqfeof pomp* pjeafure,.
©r utilityt Thofe. o f ¥orklhire ate particularly celebrated fo r' their
fpirit and beauty,; and the grooms <jf that county are yquaUy,-n.oted
fo r th e ir Ik ill in the management o f th is valuable- animal. It is feme-,
what remarkable, that while England excels -ah the European countries
m various breeds o f horfes, yet veterinary ichofils are o f regent, Info,
tution. T h e fpeed o f Childers was computed at a milein a minute pand-
fuch is the-ftrength o f a Yorkfhire paek-horfe, that he will ufually carry
420 pounds j nay, a mill-horfe will fupport for a Ihort diftaace, s
H Pennant’s Zoology, yoL i. p. r.
CHAP. IV. N A TU r a -l g e o g r a p h y .
weight o f 910 pounds. Mr; Pennant obferves, that though the Britifh
cavalry was remarkable, even in the time of Julius Csefar, yet WeEnOW
npt what w4s tjie primitive breed1“, /
■ T he indigenous breed of horned cattle, is now only known to exift
m ^ e id ty o o d -fo /e ft, in ‘StaiFord^.ire’, ^ n d / i i / Chiliitfgham-ciftlt,’ ’in
Northumberland. They are long-legged and wild like deer, of a-“pure
y h ite f o l a t e with g l f lc 'muzzlesi e lrli a riJ ’^mfe; 'air'd ai Mipe o f the
rame'hn^ajong ^ Hflnfrfr as var)
i>m .thofe ofyour b o r f ^ l t n t ^ ^ f , \ n d Cdrh^ffll'’afl' flfh&ll,
wliUeiTje I'duStJnthire,kmd.',JErlye tneir great f e e frcM1 ?hpfd,of'Hol-
ftehi.' J n th e 'B o rth ofi. England/we. find 'ky|ipv*lfo called'' ff&fo’ the
'difeKTof Kyle, inf^he South
of Uuftpfey. gfenerajly o r aTigm; b row n 'fmall
tnarkable 'f o f jhe richhe®br .their piilk. O f Iafee;'" ^ a ts 'Mr. Bakewell,
a S g l y ,, have'nrougfit fhe breeding o f ea’ttle and flieep -to ,a! 'r^giilkr
lyiEdm.’ ‘
T h e number and value o f iheepTn ''ftnelahd, irtay be jddged'fromlthh
ancient ftapW comfiiodity o f O f this ttioft 'dfefiil aniih'al Feveril
breeds appear, generally ’deiloniiriated "ffbih fhelr particdlaftb o d ttiy dr
difirias j/^ tb o fe5 o f' Flerefordfliife, ’EfcvohMfe/jabd ^dtM bltl dowh^,
kre“’ijo1:€'dyfor^nfi'e ‘ fleeces,'"‘while' the Lititblnihirfe• ahd'AV'StWic'kfhirt;
kind, are" fetharkable“ for the quantity. T h e 'Tfeefdale breted %F the
c o u n ty p f Durham, though J ite ly neg le i^d ,! dt^innue"tb’ ’defer've',theh:
"The w h o r is DeaQ'tiful, blit th t E fig th o f^the ir * legs, Teflens
their value in the-gyeS "of1 th e ’ butd-Mr.’ •; The^mfiSttofi o f W iles, o n tHfe
cu n tra ^ y is eftee:med, While the W6of{ishoai®,!'y«rieiiij),ltoyed'fe ifiauy
Ufeful lin d 'ialutafy mahufactufes/ T h e NdfroBchtfeed is fetriarfcable fur
bla^fe f^ e s and legs. Thofe of Eeieeftferihire'kre' very daige,' and with-
Biit frd'rhs.
The mod laudable exertions bav’e'lately been rn'adeny tW Board o f
Agriculture, and b’y ' lnaividuals, fdr,the improterii'eht Of -the Englifli
fleece. I
Tbe goat, ap inhabitant o f th e rocks* has, even in Waletf ’ Degh^i to
yield to, the more ufeful lhaep j that'country Being, like Sqptldnd', thofe
adapted to- the woollen manufacture. It fs'to be regfelted 'that fome
' s 2 means