■if0 "
S oil A v p ,
A I J ^ . R I A;N D GdM I M 1 :0 N<S.-, jj
great dettiroentspf the field. They in ey a rd s^ apd hehj§,^f
faffron were numerous, cattle appeared in abundance ;• and large -herft£
o f fwine, the latter feeding al'kifi&s fummer in thq-jWOf)ds|iti^At>3,nj.ore'
regent period, Mr. Coxe* gives a deplorable picture o f the want o f cultivation
in the fouthern provinces o f Poland, now fubjefh to Auftria, the
.country being generally overfpread with vaft tra ils o f th ic k gloomy
foreftsyand even from Cracow to Warfaw, a .courfe o f about 258 En g -
■lifti miles, he only m q ^w k h , two carriages, and about a dozen carts.
.The. country was generally fapdy o r :m arlhy,;a q p ||e 5 ^ jy o i^ ^ n a a r ks
o f in d u ftry : the peafantrjrwere th e moft. miferable. and abje£l,that he1
had eyer feen, -and would, aflemble in crowds :to implore .pharity. Such
, bqing: th e cafe, Auftria c an n o t .have made any great j acquififiop in h e r
Pplilh provinces ; and Pruffia has in fa£t: thp chief reafopjtio, b§alijt^ofj|;.hc
^ rtitL o n .
In enumerating, the chief rivers which pervade th.e Auft-rran^'doihir
nip ns,' the Danube commands' th e ' firft ajteatisjq;-: T h is,; opt
.ftream-jafp%in Swabia; an d. C oup t-M ar figl i,h as dol'iip,oa.ted And jejlplai® ed
Jha-brumble .fountains, hi his large .and puSipnll t'fPikj Qp^lhi^’/river.
T h o u g h the cpurfe’ b e o c calpnaPy, im ppdedilydm^lI ^fMl^jfp^whirh
,pools,vyet it is navigable th ro u g h a, prodigious-extent, araka^ter
■tng. Swabja,.Bavarian Auftria p rg p e r, H u n g a ry , and T u% ^% in ;E p ropej
it jo in s th e E u x in e ,o r Black Sea, after a compafafeive^eirsip,t-. bf.ahhuf
1300 Britlfh miles,about one h a lf o f its progrefs.beingjthrqpgh.the?tei:7
xitories o f A uftria.
N ex t in confequence is the Tiefs, which ariftng from the- Carpathian
mountains, »towards Buckovina, and bending towards the wefh receives
many tributary ftreams from th a t alpine chain ; and afterwards. turmiSg
.to thte S. falls into th e Danube n o t fa r to the W. b f ‘Belgrade-; after,a
c o u rfe o f a b o u t 42 0 miles. A t Belgrade the Danube receives'the Sau,
or Save, which forms a boundary between Auftria and Tu rk ey , riling
n o t far from Idria in the mountains o f Carniola, and purfuing. a; courfe
-nearly'equal in length to th a t o f the Tiefs. T h a t o f the Drau or Drave
extends to about 350 miles, from its fource in the eaftern mountains'
o f T y ro l, till.it jo in the Danube below Efleg.
B m Vol. 1'. .1.62, and & 202..
h ö jH A P . IV )% N A T U R A L Ó G E O G R A P H Y . 3«!
T h e -•]5nn'-rffes*ti8'.Ithe5lJM.!|bfsïS6W.i'(ï©Êla)öd,‘jfrom the,Jtnountain o f Ma-‘ River*.
’iqggiy inidthé^lï3 rifons,ï bêlnghai “ póifït o f .partition dividing.the waters
which run-itóy^kfetfcn'thè; Blabküiföa, fró,m t&ófe- whidh'. flow/infópthe
’Adriatic3. T h is 'pb.^èmil{'ri^êfeïs''m@ffe^eijtlè>'near- ii$ feüi|pej> than the
östhfer -Alpine »Wcómeö more- preOrpitous-f >and joins
Danube^tVBAfiSu?withif^Weight I f ^ É ü ë rip é a tly ^ üM 4!^) th a t ftream',
maffer at.éöUrfe? oftLah0hh^2^ K ,m iies,l^biah^>ik 6a.fIy(.eqaa!fte th a t’ oft the
Danube itfelf at th e ir I
llliT h e RaaB; an e fth e- f E’é'^t’h a j d f i i t èMïr e aifis bptwelS'ithe Drave
and thèrrMu,%®3^dofervlffe'biiëf rrtéhttijjnV- T h e Muldct'ïs «'a. cbnfider- Mulda.
able riv e rliy h ic h ^ ^ S 'in the föhtubf^ynfo'umiiins ’ « f fBohbteMff;aiMd! after
Tunning:Wiife*$fc^Sn&tós*SHE.: benids^ÓhhwMi'IMdójöhft^dftElBê'Tié&l: Elbe,
-Melniefe, after p'affiSg< fiftoiigH1’ ■ P ' r óTh e l Elbe IIfeIf ftrifesbin the
Sudetic móuntains’ between 'B o h em ia and-Sifefia,band waferswavgfeal
p a rt o f- th e fo rm e r 'k in ^ öm - befogê. itiëh'têis>SlixcSiy^o'sndifng its eoirrfe
N. Wv towards' th é G é rm a n io ö ililé if The-.iMbrpi, whefefcé -Mbiavia Mo-an.
derives its. name,' alfo aMÜs in the'Sudh%^nönntaiiiiis^TaMlfpaffing-'; by
'Qlmufczijoins ïh e D a n u b e nv©t far td th e WSraP Pfefbufgftl''
t O f thé ’m^bre ubtith'er’nr'ftreams'the! Aidige's'ipcija'&ït^om ffip , Rhattlan Adige.
.Alps', and' beiri^ j ’oined- bys the’ Eifac on' thc&EU pdFVades'ffe^i of.Tyr.oh
'an d T r e n t ' theri fltow's/'iby'5'V:erema':toWards,t'he}A’d,rita|ic,'1 w h ich ,
only)about-(tefiiilmiles ló '.tHfe’iM. o f die,"Pd..*'T t ó h ^ ^ l l p é t 3it'o;;lPi4yèt,'
‘and 'Brentap.all-ïfpringing..’from th e T y r o l q f e 1 iiow rê-1-
g arded as Aüftrianfftfeanis.' ' : - n j u l
£?$The d^kea ‘in thë -!Aüftfia'n dorpibiorlff '’a-re. andb /of Lake*. , v
th em o f . 'Gdhfidferablifi ifiM'i'’:! BohemiaKp‘refe'hts';- 'a! Fefor 'üiïa|l piBdeS ó f
Water, 'towards its Ibuthern h o u n d a r^ jü b u t ohleriïèriUg)Auftria pfdpeij,
file lake o f T ra« n r’:the^E.berri,feè,-'aftd‘' otiheirs,’: a re ttó fi^ a tfe jè iék tó flli
Okrifithia contains a large central lake-note far jfrqm^,®%g^n¥|fe:^4 n.d
Safniola- another, the. Cirknitz Sêe.\ T y rb lj sthöugh 4niAlr^|irt^@Mr*tnyi'
'dilplayd-noï lake o f any» confbquénbe, hsKcepfe aiipa’rt di
Ga«rda; but. the glaciers are numerous. . H u n g a ry sppntains o ^ , n y
mofa fles,tand lak e s; the {dtóft im^orttin-t o f The fatted i-being' > thsat-^f' 4
Platte, ó r:ThéfPlatten'See extending 'aé^uty forty? five - B ritifh 'riipes in
I' Cöxe'ëtSsviff. iit. 28.
VOL. I. 3 A length.