5 7 8
R iv e r s .
nine leagues in 'length; e a l le d th e Rhinewald .* 'T h is ■ Mountain and
valley are little- vifitèd,«even-by the-Swifs; and the uppe r p |rt;p re fe n ts
dreadful« defarts o f i c e and fn o # ,1 .through, wMe te tth e#w an ï;ia efe^» ls|
foöretimes vifible, fometinfïèse w o rk in g )a| hidden otraekH beöfeafo frozen
arches, § Such is what is efteemed th e c h ie ffo u rc e . o f the Rhine ^beingl
th a t ftylpd b y th e French the - U p p e r R h in e , and in ' Gèrihan~-thè
H in tê r, O r-h e a re r Rhine. * ' Tfee'firiddle
from ‘iïïo ü n t^S ti'- G o th a rd i ie ïndèed th e -1 Üflfigffl:~ftreana,whende' rtS
fdicrce was formerly afcribed to that celebrated1 m o u n ta in ; yet th e rtfóft
eaftern is probably th e morè: confiderablé^.-TKe;té ïé b ra ted ' S'aulTülfë,*
than whom there cannot be a* h ig h e r authority on thefe tdpics, informs
us th a t the Further R hine, wh ich he füpj&fes tolf be fofdaiiedbe0im foit
is neareff to G e rm any, arxfes from a chain o f moUtitains1 at th e head o f
th e Valley ö f Tïifêatisj ddfed' Crifpalt;' while ihe ir h ig h e ^ point' is
ftyled B ad u r: th a t thé middle R hine proceeds from *Jt'h e ! v a lle y ' o f
TVledelo, an appendage o f St, G o th ^ rd : and théfe tw o torrents united
receive a th ird from m o u n t Avicula, ' calléd ip French the^ Uppe|'
R h in e and in G e rm an the Id in tex ‘ R h ein , ^or in fomè/F rench fp a p |
th e names are inverted.* T h e heights here are_,abou.t . 6 i 8o:'feht,abóve
th e fea. From its fqurce th e R hine pery^des .pr- bpjrders, Swjlferiapdy
fo r about the fpace o f 2ops.Britifh m ile s -,ru n n in g N. I^'tq,t-he lak e ,o f
Quittance, whence it bends W .,to . _ B a fe lj;1where;;1| t begins its d o n g
northe rn courfe.
T h e Aar arifos y n the Alp called je • a- fittÖier
fource in th e environs o f th a t terrible;fummit ftyled; the.Schreckhjorh
and another from: .the g la c iers,o f Einfteraart: b a ld in g its eóucfé- to the,
N. W . till it arrive near Arberg, it afterwards -tuirns Ni E. rébeiveS the
Reufs arid th e Limmat, and jo in s the Rh in e bpptafite ’tb Waldfhtrf,
after a courfe o f about 150 Britifh miles. -
* Coxe, iii. 243. Bourrit, Defcript. des Glaciers, tome iii. p, Ö2. •,
3 Voyage dans les Alpes, tome roi p 72 8vo
* Mr. Coxe, and Bourrit, have confounded the Upper and Lowe: Rhine. See WeifTe’s map.
* Coxe, i. 342.
□ •r.The Rejufs-^^Mch divtdeflf<Stpft£ferland in to almoft. two equal parts,
eaftern and weftern, ip'ringfs* J&omthe1, lake ©f d^scendr©,5 o n th e N. W‘.
•of -$t. Gothard.c .T h is lake is' lo n g ,a n d narrow;, the upper part being
furrounded with black*ppecipicesi...fpptted w ith eternal fiiow ; while the
lower *prefent^,i;af, litjt^e ^ en d ap t ,pMn.^ -Froiyi’; the,-".jOthen ,fide o f Stt
„Gothard rifesvt)jq RaUan.ftream^pfjthp T^fiflOy which flows into th e Pq
,not far betaw-P&via. Tbje, Reufs joins. the< Aar, .after a .cgurfe(q f about
80 Britifh miles. ..
T h e Limmat is comppfed o f tyro, ftreams, the L info, which rifes in
•:jthe..S, .p f ,the c antpnrof^Ql^r^s,^andithe.Majt-^^wthich flprings in the
c o u n try o f S^rgans,. ,About',ten miles after thep; ju n ^ tip n , the Limmat
enters, th e lake o f Z u rich , w-henoe ft flow^about aojBritifh miles before
it,jo in the Aar. ,i O n fo e banks of^h q Lijnmat commenced that dreadful
conflidt ,bf the Fr,ench againft fop Auftrians f p d ^tuflians^ whiph extended
down thofe o f thpiReufs, th e -line bfijb^tle,vb^ing faid to have
reached, for 90 miles >; while-for fifteen fubcefliVe days tlie whole region
ieeroedienvelopediin fire and. findke. f >
T h e Rh o n e, a noble fixeatn, can .only bejr-egardqd ^ . a Syrif? river
, p r io r ; to its entering , th e lake o f Geneva, after a coupfe o f about 90
Britifh; miles, forpugja thg,t p^tgntlye, yate called th e , Vallais.. This. riyer
-rife a ln tn o n lit.F u r c a iilt^ fource b e in g ratfler warm, and about jj&oo
fe e t ab o y eiti^ ffil- -.Yet in tru th th is/fo u rce jo in s .a more copfiderable
ftream, from an extenfive gla c ierca lled th a t'o f .the Rhqnej. where.; th e
majeftie r if e r godirefidesrin h|s.j»%lace; o f arcb^-formed; unfler .perpftaal
t , The , T.hur, a .moderate .current^ r i^ s in ' the S, o f/ th'C,- c^untfy p f
' Tokenberg, land pprfoes a11ST» W . .dii^diion to the Rhine, j; ^ tb e ^ cpn-
t fidebBles'ftre.abasiare,the;Saaa, and the-Emme, .w h ic |lj'# i t-hejAatPifee
-In n which -'ebmnierices his :mpjeftfl3t progrefsrin.the Grifoas, foe Adda
; : Sauffiiiy;, yii. 44.
- * weifs calls this'river £ne Seaez. .
t'y - f'Sew-Aiiriiial Regifter. 1799, p. 447. This co'iiflift'fpread’- in breadtli froni the Re'iifs to ,
.tire Rlt&fosrftt MyfcteRpiaL
1. ,r®, Sauffure, ri. 284S.&.C.* .
R ivers.
4 E 2 whicn