C ities and wea-
T ownIs?
-opening, tb the eaft,rim fro n t „of the ifland of-Arran/, • Aiboutififty
-vers are employed ie.,„the cotton- inanufa(fturq^%b
„ -Scotland .abouads.'with.'remarkable-edifi£esVf-&trdferit :and--hf©deito.
Thofe o f the capital have been already ntenliotielSi'' In dt%vid^i£|y is'
Hopefon-houfe, the fplendid refidenqe-.of,, theoeafl; of Hcspe^pn ; Dalkeith
palace, a feat of the Duke of Bucdfe&gfe; Newbottfel, the featpsf
the Marq-ai^fidS'-Bbthian Melvhlo^caftlfe^i^hrefjel^egant villa^ o f r*Ae
Right ;fJpri.5,Hem ^ ,D u n d as; and th e ,fplendidirpanfion ofithejMarquisi
o f Abercorn- - Nor m u ft, Pqnnicuik, thp. feat ofifthe. family ofLGkrkybe
omitted ; hut the traveller o f tafte would bf^DTpihniterefted in Haw-
thornden,- the artcrent feat of>Drummond.the poatr. nit vwoaidubevwim
to attempt.a fimilar enumeration foe, the other! counties; ar^bonhy-aJfew
ofethe m&jl- remarkable „-feallribe menuoned- ;; f®ch"’.as in^the.;ibu^h,t|6he
Duke of Roxburgh's,,near, Ke lfo; Mount T e v io t,-^ ' featjjrfegtike^Mar-
tpiisjof Tothian ; Minto tower, Lord Minto’s ; Lajitfer'.eaftle, -"March-
mont, neat Po1w;arth, ;Sbth>|n thfe „M^rfe-if the Duke, (^ s ^ q f -
.berry’s at Drumlanrig j Lord-Douglas’s vill^afBcithweJl; aj^d*Hatnskon
palace, nearJHnmiltom T h e county o f-A y r: fern tains many,b*e&u$sfu'l
edifices belonging to the nohility and gentry,^aiho^lyvMdh ‘m'Wygjbe
mentioned Loudon houfe, th e ’: feat of. the EaryiraFtLoudantp & fiido-
nald, th a t 'o f the Cochrans, .Earls;o f 'Dundonald^i atfid jEblasne Jsld&le,
th e ile a t-^ ’ the. Earl # £ Cafijls,'defigned b y Adapss^in.tt^SI-Q. Wigton-
fhire has Culhorny-the feat o f the-Earls o f Stair, apd Kennedy-;
Galloway houfe, Merton, &c. In (he- vicinity o f (the jfidnrifhing oity
#£^fefgOw, it may be imagined that.tLebX'ilfes^nft'he n-u-maenous afod
elegant ; and, even th e fmall ifland o f Bute can hoaft of- Mount
T h e caftle o f Dumbarton is another remarkableredifice in this region-
On paffing-the Forth, the rich county -o f Fife prefents many in-
terefting edifices;-, fuch as Leflie caftle, the, feat of the Earls o f R o th e s;
Wemyfs, Kelly, and Balcarras, the feat of the earls of-thofe'titles;
the houfe o f Kinrofs, built by Sir William Bruce, &c. &c. Perth-
fHiggf;contains- Tullibardin and .Blair,’ the feats ,o f the Duke of
A th o l; Dupplin, that, of the Earl o f K in n o u l; Drummond; the
refidence o f Lord Perth ; • T ay mouth; 'th e fplendid , manfion of the
110JStatiu. Accbijui;, jfc, jpij
Earl' dPrBraidaIban ^VStGftie,' a&roy&l tpalafed;<’&eu* Sccj« 'In Angus we
findrPanmtke^ ihfe ancient refiSdencd o f th e E'arife „ofi-P anm ureAthie,
that of the Earis :'ISfertMfefkj; and Kinnaird^ of'thsi Earls o f Sautheftc ;
GlamnSa; th^venerabl&feat'-ofitfre^EarK of-Btratlirriore.-■ T h e fhire o£L
Mearns, oi? Kincardine,-t^htaimlDnnpftferihaftle, the elevated tnanfion
of thet:'Eaf.l&-M'*ffiaIVJ3cc. jjj Abe®d©e^fc|rd prefents Caftle'Forbes, Phi-
lorth; and|Ha'ddo‘r ip Bamfshird we> find Cullen- houfe, t|ie interefting
feafeof'the^Earl'^pitfinlaterDuffirirmife*, fthatriofe-tbe £arl of F ife ;
.Ctoddm mftle, a beautiful •manfip» tof“ the Duke t o f in jtfee
c ^ jp ^ ^ ^ r'M e ra y ; (larnaway > caftle^. the \fe stn o f;the-,Earl o f Mojay*;
Invernefs prefents Fort .George, .a- military ereftion of.fome notej-aboat
•tsv;el®e-:miles.\itQ:ft^ef jegpf erf:feve^fsd>4 T h e ,ii® , ^ a tin a e d
tluoHghthie'centre oLt^c'i€omt-y,j.byifdrt;,Augu.ft'u§^taJ't the further,end.
fs, and fort WilliaSif,| at the'-.northern extremity of JLoch,
Lifim.y,-jatf the|^qttpm of, the lofty Beninev^i, In th e eounty»iiqf-'Rofs, ,on>
theporth.&f Dingvv^all,.i% Caftle L^od^ar-fea^pf^the'Eary ©£,Gromarty. :
^e-\y,i ,’3(a^)et-,.fand ’ Balnogoysian, jCO^n.mand,; ;the.,Firth' of, ,Cropiar;tyi'
At Dqrnqck and Dunrobin, are feats ('p f jihe;,'Earls of,Sutherland. T h e
t o e qf^Caithne!^«Kfplays 'many ancient caftles, b u tth e mpdqrn edifices
are ,fe ^ <:-a the; patriot|c^ Si^^phn Sinelair. Las a plcp,fipg refidence. n e ar
Thurfo ; and in the-N. W .’;extremity ofScotland, Lo rd Reay has two ,
manfkmsjvpne near T o n g ,, and, another at Durnefs, with an exteh five-
wild of rocks.j -interfperfed | with moraftes, called/Lord Reay’s foreft.
The weftern coafts of Scotland prefent an enormous void, till Inverary,,
the fplendid manfion of the Dukes of Argyle, rifes like, fprpc oriental
vifiomin the .wildefnefsq -
The- moft remarkable .inland navigation in' Scotland, is ^tbfe excellent
and extenfive canal from the Forth todne.Clyde. , Mr. Smeat.on’s firft
furvey was prefented in 1 7 6 4 ; but four years elapfed before the aft of
parliament was paffed fbr': its execution, and the canal was begun in-
'the fame year veith. ^
Jug* The ditnenfions of this canal, though greatly con-trad:ed from the
original defign',- -ajre -much fuperior t o , any work of the fame nature in
South Britain - The Englifh. canals a r e generally from three ^0 five
1 1 ^ 8 2761: • .. (I 1 H I Ibid. 3;i<5.. . 1
E d if ic e s .
zSss feet