2 99
R U S S I A IN E U R O P E .
H I S T O R I C AJ, <3«E 0 6 R A # H Y.
Names. *— Extent.-r-Boundaries .-^O riginal Population.—Pro^reJJype Geography
an$ fèréfent Boundaries.—thftorical epochs and rinpqutpies.
'- p H E Ruffian eravpke is, perhaps,t the j itioft vextenfive that ever :ex~-
^ w f t e d ; , thef iengt'h hemg. ^fcoait 9200 Englifh miles, •• « id * .th e '
,breadth 134®© *.' «EBttt the oriental part prefents waM'^d&jcte, and aHen-
•deppdpobitron,' asiwSlI appear in the divifion.rof this w pxk appropriated
to -jfVfia. T h e prefent; article tnuft -he reAriiTed to 40 accpuat' o f liufEa
in Europe.
,'' > 'Sy* the fin^L pfptiti<w &§& Polawd j - h B diHfiop.; no vr c,3gt^ti|ls $rotp? the
■river’ IMiefter tel th^ raepntaiiiSj that gr^fidThai# which, naturally
«divides J^ftl'tp® from [A&> a ling$h %pd |a
breadth) above, Ehghfh indies. The extent is -tjepputed ,§it about
I,®q&jc ©& fqua^e miles.;
v -:Ewen;iibe)T^r5>ieaiirpart ©T$heyEyt|fi%H empire epdbF4§©s iqaoyjangi-
ent hbtgdopa atid'.fla.tes;; b#C:the7ehitf'Oap4;t^ats of jRuflra fhfi|irfc»f|iy
be herei'ccmttdered., Amidit, the'grand. ,conflu;x .ofi;nations -towards, the
■weft, «which attended; the ydeelineaand-..fall ,of the Roman; Empire, the
;Slavohic iJribe-.of .Reifijiefijapdd theobfervation -oPyhiftoFytill the ninth
century; and it is uncertain whether the term were native, or imported
* T ooke1» View ©f the Ruff. Emp. 3 vols. &vo. i. p. 6.
Q.Q.2 | I )by