T h e - q E h e p i h i e f t t o w n s ^ a f p iT iH g j t d iu c 'b ’p r e -^ r p t e n G d , .
thotighofetteeaTbe ©ftfhr mare impoBjtapCUpHan ©tbe^dfo^dl' be,claftsd,::as
before .m^tipftefV in' a k irid ie f 'geographical: ord'erp.dDeg|iitingvat the
South-weft, arid 'pmceedingto/tbe' 'Worth ,?ff?
a -F a to a f^ ^ S b fow a ll^ 'h 'e moft wefterty p'QM^iitrEngJkad/ifs chiefly
remarkable for the arrival and difpatch*of packet- boats ; but Exeter, in
the adjacent county of Devon, is an ancient and-r.efpedtable.city. It is
the feat of an extenfivecommercc in coarfc woollen goods, nianufadtured
in a part of Somerfetftiire, and in Devon and Cornwall ‘9. They rate
e^pdriedtld» fiaijtS‘3and>other>parfsicif therOontin^htj tosrtfliei annual value,
EaftlffdiaiClp'mpany pupehafe yearly
fey 1 Befides the1 native - wclok^f 0hel abovementioned
counties, Exetet- ifnp(kts!^fEia.m3 KestLaboutt^fe® .bags - a-^
yeand Stdine fhips-are alforocEupiS in'S«8a cod’-^i:Ste!ry;afi Newfduttd-
ktiidy and- in: the, .Greenland 'capture (fftwha'Iqss*; The iiihpQEts^a^e from
%p%-|ltad'ypi6fembnE^tj.<tod the BaMe;;ifand‘-?sia4s' tb§p£fgrj:]j:;q$!
Sfggbfed and Wales. It isy moreover^ thek$fedl^eco€;-manyf/gen,t©©l
families; ; and ftheuifrequent refort,Bfia©th©rgi fi-oip the: ,p.?3lghte0MfS!S
c o u n t i e s . - . j
i 'DorchUfterv the chief town ©f th e coontyiof Dorfet, is aipliaL&ei^^n-
iy®rat)Ie.;antitjjAy'> fitaated. afo’wfodltS^BxFrQiHej. but has no manufactures,
and is ©nly^ee&Brat^dfoEaits malts
^■ 'Salifhhryf the^principal town' ^ iresla®khbi£tfor
extreme neatnefs, and for its Cathedral, - a beautiful'piece of; Gothic
aMhitedture, with the loftieft fpi-re in. England, -Chs;*heBgJrt',hri'ag!'^j&o-
i€bV '»There is 'a- rhanufadture o f flartoeld, pfi$&iratfieK kfichtkry-gcMds,
aifdi h at&wkite,1 tM Of flfo ftMa*S b d n g f partreUatly. rioted i-
Wiffife|fh- tftrififtnri cbritttjy, is fethed for the Glanufidfure:"of ta n ritf ll.
e h r p d t s J d :5
•_ iof- Hampfhire, was, for mart1}*» cfe'ritprtesj..
*<jf fingffin#,- a -pre-tmiinettdfe #hit®- i^dtd? 0St
till the thirteenth' century“ .. ■ The port was Southampton, but tjte.fape-
ribr fafet-y and convenience o f that o f London,, gradually reftored the
Aikin’s pngl. ^tineated, p. '"MUsei^s WlEdiSfli;'-
f l g l I la t t e r
latter ,to that: metropolitan dignity, which it held in the Roman period. Cities am»
Winchefter remains a venerable city, with many veftiges. of .ancient ToVN,‘ y
fame apd-dglendour. It is fituated in a bottom, amid open chalky
downs, upon the fmall river Itchyn. The cathedral rather impreffes
the idea .of majefti.c gravity, than of magnificence ; and has- no fpire,
having, been predierht e fpre |that mode-of ..architecture was ufed, The
aftiisfef Teveral Saxon monarehs are,.here preferyed with reverence.
N©£ far fi|d,m the cathedral ftands the.:celebrated,..cdrlege, founded by
William, of Wickham, and which has, fent forth many illuflrious cha-
radters. The regulations of this fchool are, in To me inftances, peculiar
aadTevere; but in this., and the other grand Englifli luminaries, the ■
equality*:o;f rtfee,pupils, except in r.efpedt of age , and abilities, and even
the fubferviency in which the younger, are1 held by the elder, tend to -
fteel'an^fQr|^%;,,the,ppnd, ^ a ip f t tjie futyjpqpeiijtic^es y d ermilati.nw.g 0f ’
Hfesf, >Jri 3&e' ■ 1CdnlPr .p^ifhMcify- js fp^jL TOoft elegant -Gqtftk
nrnfi i ,aij|d'a|J^ , ^ ' s ^ r n e-^freprifry, .fhp ftiell of^,pMa^,fbujk.iftid^f
t,h£: ^ irp ^jpnf^^^*G hxift^^e r,'W xe iji,,yet h p y .y and 'mekgan^yrit'was
b^gmijsy (^ h ^ lflvD y fe td l^ t pn^mfbed d^thV.' <It has mqpd been
ufedTpyJJi'rench priforters, and ip jiy a ^ waSMe rm d e n ^ d f i about,,
em ig rap ^p rie ^ from F ran c e ;,
In fanje1 county is fitqat,e,d;-,>Por,tAnouth,ltekevgrand^UaYal1 arfenpij’' Portfinouth.
•of’England. 4?3fn e Ear^ytr, k.'fisobie y f t .capacip4s , narrow at
tia’ncc^cbutjfooadirigjOutiirito an inlandfbay^ ^ve Qf’sHx mires«®.yfetEgth', -
andfroinj.tyok to ^ f tn 'n ijin ^ e a d th .T h e adyaptages derived from*nature
ha^Cffibeep improveddjyfth'e^ar^ycfmdiipry p f fig ^ ftv e .'g fep ew io n s ^
andTo amatriot "Rortfmi nidi-. prelCiits oile ^o^thd, medt in td rej® g mepes "■
to be found in the Britilh dominions. The regular' fprtilicatipns towards
the land, in therafelves happily a novelty to the Britifh eye; the
m a g p ^ d e and variety<o f ,the maritime oluedts and manufactures^ and
• th e pfofpedt df'Spithead, 'tffiigrahd. iOctis d f naYM arrti4meM,i 'cdli^iife,
-with' a “thonfan'drrelatiye! ldea^s cotic%fp|ngltIife‘power of England,
preme iii ev-ery fea, 'to'fecfte ‘our affdnifhy^nPand1 exultation.
Lewps«rsjjefteemed the chief,'town p r S u lfi^p Sp: lituati’qn is lofty Lewes,
and pidture’fque, eipeciafty the* fite o f the ah c len rc a ftle ^ ie ^L g in g ,!^ ^
the powerful E a r l s ^ f ^forren ,pnd §ufl??c. Beneath, in a p'leafapf
MJ , 1 ■ • .plain,