(hemlock drep-wprt),; (water-hemlock),- A few Specie»
by d.int of cultiyation, have been rendered fervideablq to jnaq,,ei|beFt aa
food, or ;on account o f their aromatic, qualities ; fqch are Daucus ,carota
(carrot)?; CFkhiaum maritimupv (fhmphira) j, Angelimj^majqr; ,Co-
riandrum fativtuasj. (Coriander); y Paftinaea jf^iiva (parfnip)Afjothuni
foenicuhim (fennel) jv- Carum earüi (carraWayi,a* and Apiun^^^veo-
lens ,(§,éfèry), a plant which in its. native fak-mar.£hes, is. Midland; of
diminutive,‘Sze, bj*t- by attentive culture-.beeorh.es ifocdsilgntj; j^trifep,,
and pfdiigh eftimatiom., Thef,vegetables belonging to tbjisj clafe are ;|if-
iinguilhedfrom the reft byjheir fmall cluttered white q£ yelle>\y!ftPWt§rSv
produced at th e extremaVypf; a greater.or lefs number of.fp.okes^ra-
diating from a common centre^ like, the flicks of an umbrejlk*, -ét ,®pd©
o f inflorefcence which diftingyifhes them at > once .-fromrpther,plants^
but difqualifies them from.- being ornaments to a-gardest;/fónyejof thëfe,
as Caucalis-dauepides, and Apefhum foenigulum, are,(Certain ^proofs* Qf
a calcareous foil. ,:The rarer fpegies are •Eryngj.ppi campeftfè (field
Eryngo) ; /§efiaum paluftre, (milky patrflfcy),; -/geucedanum;.Ofh®j.pale
(fea fulphur wort)'; Gieuta virpfa r'water-h.emiocli)*,!» iwefl place»1 »rad
fak-mmlhe&; Tor-dylium .maximum (great hart-wortj; Caucalis lati-
folia (great bur-rparfley); Athamanta Eibanotis >.^in©iintain,flone
parfley) ; Pimpineiia di»ica'(dwar£ rock-parfley), pn lirae-ftone^roc’ks,
and c h a lk -h illsM eu in Athamafitieurn (fpigaieh), i n f high mountainouspaftuxfes
; and Ingufticum Cornubienfe (Corniflx lavage)ppecu-
liar to the thickets and hedges ®f Córnwalh;' '
The ringentygaleated, hooded,- or ïabfatedpplknts, hold.a- eonfpi-
euous plaice in the English Flora,, and arrange themMvës^inthe t in -
nsean-fyftem, accordingio the. number and fituation. o f ^thbirdlapitn's,,
partly in the clafs Dfandrii, and partly ift the .
blóflbms are fituated for th em e ft part-in whorls or rings, containing
five or fix individuals, and encircling the fiem from the tof) downwards.
Qf thefe, none, except perhaps, the- Digitalis" (foxglove)* deferve.to be
ranked among the poifonous plants; a. confiderable number', ;hWe.ver,
exhibit a ftrong aromatic fmell, approaching, in fame cafes, to; the foetid,
and pollfefs other active lenfible properties. Thofe which are at*pre-
fent ufed in. medicine, are Teucrium. fcordium (water Germander);
;.. i Mentha
Mentha virldis,(S^da^-,na*in!tf)Mentha piperita (pepper-mint)*; Menth
a phlegiurn. (penny-royal J ; Marr-uhlum viiigajife (horehound) y and
Digitalis; ipurpurea (purple fox-'gl&ve). Our moft 'etteemed pot-herbs
'belang’to^bistoatilrai |l I r s ^ n d xarfetipanybof’ themihafiiyes' o f -England.
Such as (bciides the mint® mentioned above) Origanum vulgare (mar- ‘
jorara)f;5 Tii4ymus^lfei-pyll.0m (esWiinon'» '-ando lembn ‘ (■hyme) ; and
ThymUsjaanpSff (ba ft ft*hyife(e),t&flHejfl 6feeSmfrabuiidant«fiar*efedky and cal-
cacebds ®^d&5kThefi&;nre -rtot'^dnytyery. fliOWy plants im’tb'isqelafs«;
huttfth^'^lalboptts'o^yfibofcr 'mettle) ; Antirrh in um rymba)ari^,
lirfayia, land m^n^i.(l^b^dbag®hf^ Uariif 'Digitalis, | ffges^glhve^ both
pucpleii'and wMt^^ate-:»mLndptIy •beaittiful.i. ■''The'/ rarer,i'?fpe,eies are
U tricu-laria mi a or: (final biibl ad dfer-fnJsiit) .-,7 Sedsnar prajenfis'-^neadow-
■ e(.UiY);%Aiuga Alpma|M.p^untp'tigbi|gl®^ JVlcathr odoi \t i (bergamot*-
mint);;!.®artfia'i’Alpiina (mountafry«'eybpiu'ighAntirrhinum . ^plenf^
iScrophuilafbii • foo-fo^'f^ t(i baj c^leaved ^fig^opt); ^ajrid
■ Drabaifehabcoerjilea.(purple iipoom rape)o. ;Sdme-of,ithpCe'^afU;ji;} have
certaimpeeuliaritresiof .ffruiture.,' hvhichnrendsr them .worthy pfjij&ficfii.
The genuslUtrieularia {bladd^fnout), an aquatic,1»limy bd'diftilguilhed
froxar all the reft, by the nutnerph^fmall i5jemb,raneot|S' bag^,^t;|a^hed>to
its finelyfdis^ed leaves.that feevei to,1 fuppofife. i y on the pf >the
water jilthe genera, Lathrasa>(t.oQthwort^pand;![phabttncha'(bF#qiB«rap.e;,-
are parafitical, that iIs,,;t;hey :fix thefnfelves (imthp y^st.Siof ,qthet .yege-;
tables,! from wbfeh they. derive>sfch.elr nutrirdetit/fb’eihgfinoapabie'of fub-
fittangiifiplahted in die open .ground (.-/they'are alfq,jdeftitute of leaves,
eonfiftingimerely o£aflefliy.ftem;teyrui4ia,ted byi.purplidxtbrpwn fipwersi
The Antirrhinum linaria, (yeMowtitcia©flascj;i s - j o a j 1 y l f u t o * a
fmgqlar..vSariety, in -the ftr-u^ure ofiits.'blqffdm^and'when- in tsliispffcate, is
knowneby theenafsieuofi A.i,ipelofia.r ,“T h ir ty -f ix f'g e u ,■*iajtdiigbt-y*-
cightipecies;- compofe -this.dafsfT
i Perhaps the.-inoft fplendid -Of-aii the herbaceous '‘plantsy arei thofe df
the. hulbous rodtsy which,- fifem th ^ r
have -obtained the i,napief:of^Liliaceous;- ’ tnoft,®fofkefe5g^(^6yQri;-, -are
oatiyes o f warmer dfmates^the'daiiHy (lefdEts atbbult th»<SSipe7«f? (SsodiJ
Elope, and the fliores o f the Indian Oce’an, 'produce.,' ilhetinoft'.heautifal
R 2 - _ . ^ i c i e s .f ;