B a v A'RIA.
E s ten t, r
• WîttèSfeaÔbV ‘ * dèfhéndaiït df Arötilf/feeoöd duko ef Bavaria, after
tfee kmily’-haid been upjuftly -derived stóre than tw© centuries. •
Thé -emperors Lewis 1314, and Chyles VIï, 1740, were o£ this
T h e dn;éhy ^ f Bavaria & divided into tipper ànd dLowesy add what Is
called the^ljigher Paktinafce (®t that" of Bavaria). The length from N.~4so 5 .
is fomewhat interrupted, but may be about X50 Britida miles* and the
breadth about 120. Upper Bavaria ia, in a great degree, mountainous;
and covered with forefts, interfperfed with ,large and final!
laites. Lower Bavaria is more plain and feïÿtile- There are ndgp§ of
fiferer and copper near PodeAmais^in the bailliage of Viechtach, and
of lead at Reichenthal, with many quarries, of marble, and mineral
fprings. But the chief mineral riches of Bayaria .cmnfiift in^thè kit
fprings at Trannfteia, which *ike
Biofe at Hallen in the archbifttóprick pfjSakbtïfgs,,ând,. opoupy many
people in productive induftry. There are other (prings .at ,%ichentha|/
The mountains of Upper Bavaria may be confidered .as branches of the
Alps. The chief rivers are the Danube, the Inn, the, Her, the Leçh, and
the Nab ; and im the Palatinate the Necker. The^eUgtó^is^ the
Roman Catholic, which, as ufual, damps, the ’fjprit of induftry j ^and
the manufactures are of fmall ,account, the chief pxpo'its’heing corn/and
cattle.—The revenue is computed at i,i6(>,6ool.'; ,anc) the military
force at î 2^500:' both being greatfy .inferior |o the fmaller ^^fltóWé’bf
Saxony* The chief city is Munich, efteemed thé inbft elegant in‘Germany,
with 38,000 inhabitants;’in Lower Bavaria pre-LandAnf' and
Strauben. RatHbon, or Regenfburgh, though; feized ^b| the
ele-dor of Bavaria, 1703, is regarded as ’ à free and Imperial, city. , In
the palatinate of the Rhine is Manheim, fuppofed to hold 24,000’in-
, habitants ; and Heidelberg, noted for wines, and a capagipus .fun, Apd
formerly for a valuable library transferred' «to the Vaticâp. This city,
amidft the infàmoiri deftrudion of the Palatinate, Was redhead to mere
walls, but afterwards reftored by the induftrious Lutherans.
* V o ya g e d’ un Français aux falincs de Bavière et de Salzbourg en f 7 7 6 , ,. Paris 'an V . j tlie
author is Barbé Marbois. The
The .Bavarians, " are little" diftidguilhed in’ literature 5 but are a
ylgbrops - r-acei adapted to the fatigp#^|^f war. There Js however an
nnive;i!^y at kigplffidtj and ,an apademy of fcfefices' at Munich-f .fhp
ftates.cpnfift, as ufual, of ,c|ergy,'mobility, afldyhurgeflps,; but before
the acceffiou of f-^e h^iife ofj5 eux Popf's, .tpe adqri'niftration had be-
go^Pfthe ^ o f t je^targic^pf any in G e t^ ^ F \ !i PieUcdlks political importance
has in^op^ pa|^ftpe ,decEppd'. and in,the dangerous fituation
between Fxaqceja^d Auftria* it-i^y hei;diffi^hlt thi$,poy?et> ^®ng ,to
prefexv'e a fhadoyr <a£indepqnd,ancei'
, ..The, fecond potentate inMlmKQUth is th'dhdukp '!pf\»Wurtemburg,
whqfe dpminioh| are somputed at 3,200 ftjuare milcy wi
inhabitants. This.,duchy derives itsltnaove from theJVaftle,'’of Wurtenv
burg^Jittistted in the h^illiaVe?(of‘Canftadt7 ThepV'WemfS»/©? Wur-
teipbprg m- the" twelfth century yandMri149(5' the drolrfit-le wlyimifc’
ferjed on carl EVerard. In 'cafe“ of therextmdiop o ^ ie ’the
houfe of Auftria pretends to fhe fucceffipn, and ev^n now affumes the
title and arms of Wurtemburg. ( The"^ke(|om'pf Terncwas added in
the fourteenth century. The revenue is,’ computed at' 24 c t h e
mditary force.’ at 66.001 ;This duchy forms "tlie" moft ctfflfid^able and,
fertile part of the circle ef Suabia; arid rs'ihcfepcl, after Saxdriy,':qS^,of
the ’heft" in the 'empire?* The hlpuntains^or ’the' Black V^reft 'offnliS
weft, and thofe'of the Alb on the ar idt fot 'bnly 'aivermy lfil^ e *
of the ediintfy, Bub fbp’pfy timber, fuel, aritf "Tnift^k ' The fchfef grain
is fpelt, and fome barley," and wheat/ Wifh\ftaxj lint/ <^cf ahd'thb $e&
tility fuftices even for ''export^' 'The1 win^BfTffid^MSlliar are le t ’fe
abundant as t® prevent the u£e of cyder. | There are mitrfe'tof hlver arid
copper near Freudenftadt, and at Keni'gfWartoftiMer'-at Kpnrgftem;
and of copp#^; afeGuttachi near HdMberg' Iron, is aifo ftJund, but was
chiefly brought from mont Beliard, pow perhaps loft iri'-'t-hc French 'ac-
quifitions. Cobalt, fulphur, cbal, porcelain clay,^;iftarbk, ajabafter,
black amber,h hr rather obfidian!, from the Alb, With the fait works at
* B y .tbe .taKEoranis■ of: RieAecfcj;.and: others,,‘the. government o f tKe Palatinate o f the Rhine,
-while detached, was miferable.
H S u , i 2 ^
B a v a r i a .
Political Importance.
4 K z