chatter II., •
^ } j ‘tS a^ \T rë / é ^ a^ ^ ' ^ 0S ^ l,% i^G ^ e r ^m n t.—X f ^ ^ —Pcpulatwf},~r rColfitiies.
• Importance* and Relation^
'X 'H E réligipn o f th eTu rJao is th& Mahometan :' but o f the ir fubjeds,
A in this divifion ®f; the^erripire, i t ’is probable .th a t' two thirds a te,
(Sreek ch riftian s; V c irc u rs fta n c e ' which would} fa c ilita te an d, end ear
‘tliê domination o f th e Ruflians, who foU p ^ ’the lame^perfuafion. T h é
ïe lig ipU to f Mahomet ha$ beenrrecently i charpdj from k®any erroneous
Ats.perniciaus* effeds are*fuffidfeptly yifibL jn th ^
'W&ftïudion ó f m-t a nA £ipduftry, wherever-it has made its appearance
The.exehifivp attachment to J t ^ K p r a n j the rigid fanaiicifm,; an d ' th e
ïtoritèthpf for prpfatae knowledge,^^onlpm^ with, thq devout hatred againfi
all unb,shears,Ao. prevent apy intCTCouf&. w itb o th e rtfe d s, é n d th u s 'to
■e^êö a harrj^r.‘againftjey^ry^ b ra n c h ; o f fc ie ^ cg ^p d induftry. While
th eM a h o tn e ta n a ;rpgart| all othe r patfon^ ;as (|pg^ fg itf s ^ h d ^ q w a c x 7
p re flio n ,.it is n o -wonder: tlpMSthey-HhgmfelYeAl/houjd^fink, into a d
ignorance and a p a th y trul^jbriifal;. T b isjh n g jg .principle;, oT u fu rp ed
fnperiority muft ever'render thqnj i&ferior'ro^thetinatiqnsj; .butras th e
Turkifi* Sultan has jbeen for^fgm£öc^nturies the chief leader a n d f u p -
p o rt o fth i§ devouring fiyftem, o f w h ic h h is : fn b j^d s th^nfejlves begin
tp.perpeiye tb e .d e fe d s ^ ij: is to^ bevcqnp§iyed th a t his fajl wo,uld^con-
^ e r a U y c^ e a k p i\th e ;^Eah,Qmetan faith ^ andhhat; thofe "proud ufurper$
o f ^llTiuman;virtue and mgrit .would,find, th e irTorntór arrogance*Returned,
w ith duq-icontempt; b j *> T ^ jM uM’ o r
Mahometan,, pontiff, prefidespat- Cpnftantinqple ; but •.h|sepg|ve^f jh,as
ftldom interfered with th e ;c i ^ ,g g ^ m m e $ 3 • ;^ex.t,to..hinv in- ra®kar;e'
th e Moulahs, w h o .'th o u g h , efte^med dignitaries q f jhe church, are in
A '4 o i . ,L x - ' ’ ‘ 3*m' ‘ U* f f a d
R eligion.