C im s a n d
T ow S s . ' ,
Mamifa ftures
and Commerce.
a ,cattle. The fhippihgis fepüred by a_ wall,-i extending from the. Lazaretto
to the ifle of Zuka ; and the hath o u r was declared free by the
emprefs Therefa.. The neighbourhood produces; excel lent wines. 'i[-
Some i-tpvvns in the Auftrian part o f Italy, and in Dalmatia, might
harp deferve notice* were there riofevuncpr taitfrieS'.'ctM^erhirhf%hèp dp rati0?.
of thb fubje^joajto Auftria. The chief pjrf>tó&ffdiffcêS%rë»*at
Yiemna, Buda, arid? Pefth, fe- which, may. now-be added Veurél^f''4>iit
thpre- are.many fplendid churches and.monafteriesHn tlje'feverid feegiduf-
°f, theji.Auftnan ,rkxpinatiot}i'ï Many of. the’Hungarian 3n*bb'^l!^y, whïl
have vaft eflates,;poflèfseaftles;of c p E d b 'fp è n S ^ ^ Aih'onjgf"
thefe .the clji^f are the Palefy, Schaki, JErdoby, ’Sichy, p5r^atfh,‘ Kohari,
abóvp ÉsJ fffterhazyy whofe caftle^'/abwht 4-da^’$QHriïèy
fropi Prefburg, is faid to rival Verfaillesfignpemp*; rfnd'PÉem's' glfêi ïö'-
rival that palace {in the furrouadingyriëfdation, ' being- ,in k moraffy
country, near the Neufidler lake.'“
jThe utility fof inland navigation fepm&itojbe .little perceived in the i
Auftrian dominions y and even the^nodfev'eapals- in the Aaffirari ,
Flanders havefuffered by ftrange? negh<ft.i Thedong navigaHle* baurfl^ofli
thp- Danube may,, ;|u/ot^ej meafure, apolpg&e for Öiis/ffificieiibf.;. tbrit
th^cis no doubt that the greateft advantages might; be-:..-deriwsd/by
°P«dög canfls in fome of the provinces, partiedariy'.tÖVaï^ï-tHe
Adriatic, and in Hungary.
Nor do manufactures féem' to be cultivated to a 'grgat;(è%të»ï in .any* .,
part of the Auftrian dominions. Vienna perhaps equals any other of *
thé .cities in manufactures, which are" chiefly of filk, _> gold, and ;{fil.ver
lack, cloths, -fluffs, ffpekings,. linen, mirrors, porcelainwith;IfilWr i
plate, and fevcral articles in brafs“. Bohemia is celebrated for .beiawo
tiful glafs and paper. But the commerce.pf the. Auftriah. doipinioris
chiefly depends upon thpir native opulence 5. Auftria proper'and the
fouihern provinces; ptdd^cing abundancejof horfes and .cattle, cörtiy U
flax, -faffron, and. various wmes,x#ith feveral metals,;particularly gnirk- ,,
filver from the mines of Idria.. Bohemia and Moravia are alfo rich in
oxen^and Iheep, corn, flax, and hemp; in which they are rivalled;by .
the difmembered provinces ofPoIand. The wide and/marftiy plains of
10 Bieftecfe.E 4 9, 66, . B . . • »* Bufching, vi..S49, ./See Ho é ck .' f
Hungary .oftetf prefent excellent pafturage for numerous herds bf
K w j y p f l 1 ’Êófn, rice,
the rich wines o f Tokay, and tobacco ©f an ex-quifite flavour, with" great
an$ o f various n fr tW 4i$<|T n i t ó i i t . f | jg | | |^ ï l r ia r i
texmo^es in .genual a^e ft>abundant in'the \hriolust nééêlferit^ancl^lux-
uri0^!‘fé,’-tSb€'fou^jhtfjgn t | | 'the im-'
pó$t<s ^ould^^;^bé^wS^üeohffll^M^"i',F,ill the'aÉjbiérion1. of
V^iïce, thdhMëf éx^órts wére frbml'-‘tieiC^^%#lrièfte, jÉMfifting of
qwckfilver-' and^et'ïfgrf ^olheP ffative'' piodijCts>.
Thé-’ comtö^fe o FVe rii cé ffadi pink' tn^^cat'll <j c jjip ép, hu t i|^'"fi^;eét ffi n" t o
1l' ^ Ji f tay ^ e r ^ ap s ^ | r i ^ | H : S t X ' x O T i o h ' : » ^ é :1 - ?ma i n i n g
trade ohi^lhelnirfed ’ 1 rï?'fëarleMSfiknd■ in fluffs, iri|
WÖven'’ih%ö'|èt,and'?ti'lvër, fólff ï^muèh \èvaS^?iu'tKë'ËIfabW'' and
the Venetian* niitrorf retain 'theif^aècrcift ^'|ylta\aon the' èfty did
not exift fo ihifcli by'immediate oommérté,' as ’by'; t}iè vafl' wialtli §c^‘'
qulrfe’d düling'-^lhnh j^éricrd óf pfdfp^nt^-. Dr. ^o^™jin,®'givesl iha!ble
ofthè-expOïls of Huiïgaiy*lbr ónê yèkrj ft om which .i^apmaifcs’tfl'it they
doqfifted fchfefl^^of^ eattlé^ fmg4‘ anff
Vfnej^Ga'rriè'd (d othef Ahlft-ian provincesand orilyi'aBSrit^nëffêvënlh^
part femtto foEëigri’countries: V1
Horarfe|A,l’tfiat in 'the arcKcIucliy óf, A'uftc/a tfiere 'aVe leven gT®'t .maniifaftures'
of Sgttön ei^h. wfiich occupy 6 ^ o o è Wdividüaliil; xèfltfcïat 'Etepz a-'ïwboÜën’ manjjJafeory1
i. 3Qf T t e l f X1!0“ ! > magu^óhi^ -^re 'njimeraus in. Stiria. has linen J
Kor the; others that author may be cönfulted..