C it ie s As.
T owns.
"Milan, ^ '
jg ra tz .
ferve as a $euce;agalfa'ft;tihe min,..arwkthé ’trayelfa ttather -Gepplaios o f
löQ? . ..The j^iéaËi^nKi&so^rtshu^^eaÉióii^aÊiMö^'ig^feQratfiii«---
ijUtpidVeA byThe happy iaipeöbbfi.tbê: Airaftriaö peafaitó-ry.
Next’'in (importance to. ■ Vienna»was Milan, thedxdlabjtants"of which
were computed a.t more ..than i?^©ydo©. ; The iéfs. o fM iian iwouidsfee
richly: recompenfed by the acquisition of Venicej .fu-ppofed to contain
2QO,qo,Q' fbyta The latter celebrated city, Angularly .fituated in the
lagunes, or (hallows o f the Adriatic fea; and fecured in a great
frppi the fury .of thé waves by exterior fhoals, which, form a atatural
fortification -nn that fide, has been fQ freqnendy: A®f(^b'Qd, rthat' :e'XC,ept,
ii§w circumftaaoes could he added concerning .the Afiftrian adtaainiftra?;
tie®,. if would be &perfiue«s to enterrinto a h y antiqnated: details.lA ^
The honour of the third .city in the Auftrian dojainiojis muft he
claimed by Prague, the population being eftimatec\ aUU(§fo|öc©.b .Thia.
metropolis of Bohemia ftands on both fidbstef/. the ïiyér 'Muida; over-
w hkhf^ tfi; & a noble bridge o f ikrne, .• founded/ins iTfhe-fcnwi
tifications are of final! moment^ but the houfes are of ftdne; and tom-j
roonly three ftories in height., This; deity has had th& 'fatality off
being expofed to frequent fieges, commonly fortunate to thd aggrbfforsa.
About a ffxth part o f the population confifts of; Jetvs,.
Next, though at a 'great. diftanciSj flandft ea^faèl®fjlif|f|s:|,
filppofed to b o ld ly ,ooo fouls. This city Hands on the W. fide o f the:
river Muehr, joined by a bridge to an exte-nfive fuburb .on the oppofite-
bank. There are regular fortifications; and on a bold rock near the-
river is placed a ftrong citadel.
■ Trefburg, the capital of Hungary, only contains about 27,000. inhabitants,
its ; precedence"being o f modern date, after Buda the ancient
capital bad been repeatedly taken by the Turks.*" Freiburg- is.beautifully
fituated on the Danube, towards the weftern, extremity, o f H.un-
gary, being only about 35 BritHh. miles to the E. ó f Vienna; but the-
pofition is ftill moré uneentrical than that óf ‘Buda!- The Danube" is-
here very rapid, and about 250 yards in breadth. About one quarter of.
I T ó jd i fo n ,44a, Jib a Regalls., formerly celebrated, is now Stuei;Wciffenbi}rg,' 34 B rv miles .
5 , W , o f Buda. M ia Gmca, or. Griecbs W eilfelbu rg , is Belgrade,. 8 thethe
inhabitants) ?tre Lutherans; ("who are fo opulent" as to pay about bne,;
h a lf the taxes. A good - theatre, and cohvetfiert,#eoffee-hOttfe’cOntribute
it 0'the plfafijre' of "the, inhabitants;' Jews 'alfo -abound" in this; c i t y .
Buda, b y th e Germans : called Often, the" ancient metropolis o f
H u n g a ry , is now reduced to little more than; 20*000" inhabitant's ; but
i f th e c ity o f Pef thbe included; which ftands on the oppofite fide o f
the Danube;; over which there is a bridge o f boatSj -the-population1 may'
be-ieomputed.'' at- 3-4^000.',' Dr, Townfono e-Vfen allows 3^66*0? The
chief public and private .buildings are" in Pefth, and within the fortrefs:
the-royal palace in particular is a large and ftately edifice. A t - B u d a '
there .'are: hot-fprings ; and the people,, like thofe o f Vienna, delight in
bull .feaftfc and 'exhibitions ‘ofi wiM-sBeaftsr' In i yS4"thfc7feall6f^he{pfb--/
'vineialigoyeiapient, and the puhlic^SfeisbbeSjigireftored froth- Prefburg
tO\ Buda# the, latteife joined1'with) Pefth may ftill’ be -rtrgkrded^as the
’Capital of Hungary-,9 The n^ining‘cities'd^SeKemfi^and'Cremhitil'db''
riotHexneed 8hoo- inhabitants >'r e®5h'-i* btlt^M^rmahflriiiii, tfief capital’ of
Tratiffl®dnia^vin.Jatth L^;W«/»j'from^JS?e^nvdf'iCibin,''is’ fiippoffed To
cofitain: ty,©bb;:i 1 fo-isfthfettehldf-feaT'of the1 fPEplf feofony ; but tfit'afir
i s unhealthy.’5’'The BUGfeovi-na,1 arkiexed^t®’ the' Ahftrihn’territdty1 in ’
a 71*1 y -contdin'smO.tOWfi. ofrcduthtpiencdh :
' T3aatipar«"i of TolairKh which-wasva8quifed in 1772, aiid1’ divided into'
two .province^, called Galjtyjar "and Tddqmiria,f- pfbfey ts ‘Eembeig, or
Leopold, ofel^o^o-inhikbitknts; - and hfofnfe-_ other TJ6nfidbraTDle, towns.
A'ibBgA-lEt^Pulili’aCqiftfitJbti^» mulf alfcf^hafii^l 'Cfic'dw^ ajndehtly'
thexapitafiof>fhat -kingdom,-'and - eftiMted to'c'^iifai'n ‘ e^ooo'peojilel
Thb icity 1 ftands'-'on^t-he-’Vift'dla hndi,hafs' a ‘Wtife," ,but ii^poorly,
fortified. •_
Bramn#:itt' MuhaVi^ is-eorhputed^af'^j&S^j-'jkdd O lm u tz ,'in 'th e fim e
country,n a t ~U2i;0®0 ^ and the-laftter nUmhdt4 s'dlf6' affighedlto'Troppau,
in .tlpA u fe& tn %art ■'bf ^ l d f i ’a.- In -tli£ fi^th'hfh?','p ro ^H c e st^ n |p ru ck
an ^ ffiren t a re ‘'fuppofed-eachijto^^bWlfin‘ it30&W F^u!'siv ^Tfi-ieffe^ which
is reckoned-&t- i SjOsb"; -deferv’es' more- particular attention^ hav in g jbeen
for a long- -time;=thb'bnly;'fea-pbrt beldngingd.td Auftria. | It is fituated
o n a gulph b f f h ’e 'A d ria ti^ a n d 'n f e s bn ah 'afc'ent wh-ieh is crowned by
• 9' Tow afo ii, g . po.- •' - ' ' * Iloeck-.puts Cremiiitz at 4000.
ill Z Z 2,’ .'
C ities an*
Buda, or
T r id tc ,
a caftle.