S W E D EN. 5 3 6
C it ie s and
four months in the year it is frozen« ..It is howevef dpgg^srid ödpabie
.of receiving a -great number-of veffelatoiThe -royal .palapp 'Hands in a
central and 'high fituation; and there are a. caftl'ey^an arfenal, and
feveral academies. r The manufa£turés are few, of. glafsy china', woollen,
filk, linen,-&c. By the lateft accounts the populatiomof Stockholm
may'be: eftimated at 80,000.' .
| ’ Next -ftfi dignity' i£ Upfal* the only archbifhoprick, land-tformerly;
efteemed the chief city o f the kingdom j but at prefent the inhabitants,
eiclufive of the Undents, do not exceed
Gotheboig, -orGothenburgyim the province o f Weft (Gothland, 'is
efteeined the fecond éity-ïn Sweden, having a"poplilatioh'o£ 2^ ê &4
though it was 'flority founded by Gharles-TX; or ' rather- % - Guftaf
Aflolph.' Beftdes «mnfiarid&lecommercè, the1 herring fiiheiy V^rK'üfés
to ehrrch ■ Oothénbuïg.* The ftreets are \C$r<!um-
. ference is computed at near three 'yniïes ^'feut the foitiftcafFons. aré fo
weak fhat in ry&8 it muft have-fallen into the hands of the Danes, had
ft nor been for the interference o f ‘forêign powers.
CarHkrona was -founded by Gh^rles.;:Xf .in aM^?; ;TlwS cjt^^nW
Stralfund, in Swedifh Pomerania, are Toppofed each to contain^about
11,óèö inhabitants. Abo; in Finland b êopaputêd'k,8,7^0.
number it is nearly rivalled by Nordkioping.Eahlun is , the^next in
population V and is followed by Wifmar, another ^town ppjfeffeff by
Sweden, -on the northern ihore of ;Germany. ' JSIone of t,he tóhër
towns contain more than 4,000 inhabitants. L
Even including the royal palaces, Sweden cannot böaft o f many
lplendid edifices. The roads are in general, far fuperior to thole of
Denmark .and Norway, which' fe.em. unaccountably neglected, good
roads bring the very ftamina of national improvement. r Yet the
internal communication, even in Sweden, is impeded by bad arrangements.*
■ ' •« H | I r. . ' i ! L- 'T ■ ^ '
O f late a laudable attention has been: paid fo inland navigation | and
the chief effort has been to form a canal between Stockholm and
1 C o x e ,lv. 175. ' * lb. iv. 323. s ölivariu» Le Nord. Lit. No- 12.
■ . Gothenburg.
. Gothenburg. In" this canal, ftyled .that of Trolhattan, conduced
-along the river Gotha, ftupendous excavations have been made through
the granitic rqc£s, in ’order to avoid <kkra£ts; mri'p of which, of more
Than feet, isTklled- the^^fefnalTFalj. - ’pmfhe .plans have repeatedly
faijred/’frora'^tlk' i^dpraneE. OV tie engineers^ and' the firft expence
bright to have been to* procure a Fuperintendknt>©f reaMkill firdrii Engr~
land« The irifdntiprr was,t£> epndurilan.inland-route from the Melei
lake'to that of H ielmer,and thence to that ofWener f and by the river
Gotha, an outlet^ of the fatfefy to the^kaggef‘Rack and German fea.
This grand* defign is already^dnyfomrimeafpre completed ; and in the
year TSoSffee4 Fivbrs"andi-tbld emalsJ‘of*Fiiiland were ordered to' be -
/■eleared • but iri ^na^wionfhe Jp;afFords the eahbft mbdb of commiini-
.yatiom '
The-SwMilK mknrik&utPs-are fan froffi. Being. numerous, :cdiiffift|ng
■chiefly of the>fer of -foPO and-ftdefj with olptfis, hatsf W^tch^s/Japd fail
cloth. The manufactures o f ebfiper' and brafs, and the couftradion nf
fhips, .al#cfceapy many hands.' ' ’In'-1^785'it* wks^bmputed * that* l‘4,'o©t>
>'were employed iff th d f^ f wdoLl,> filk, and cpiftonV 'O f native products
exported, won is the moft confiderable; and it is faid that the miners in
. the' kingdom' ‘&i^
[' fChe'commerce Df Swedeh refts chiefly'on thsg'-expdn'' o t tffe f nativh
prbtiudtS,' ffon, titobef,ujmch,' tar, ’h:emp, aad irBpydri3 Herrings'mffo
form a'bonnderable'article. Paitf is'aifo'transferred to other nations of
thVgOpds imported'by SweBilh merchant^ froth'the ifie d^StThartho-
lomeW-in the W. Indies, and from Ghiha.' -THe chidf impiMTs - Horn
o f various kinds; §iarticuferiy :t^,?Swedeh -rarriy affi^^te^kTufiritncy
her' /own' confumption; -with1 hhmp,; MiaeCO-, 'fdgaV-, c0,ffee,J-drU|l,
"^[ilk, wines, &c. Mri Coxe has •,'|rabKlHed a -‘«t^ife isf the-' Swbdilh
•Commerce, whehed tit appears that !the,‘exports* thbh amounted, tb
■ 1,368,8301. 13S. arid ^he imports'to'«n,008,392k i?2S.' 4fd., f© ihat
the balance in favour of Sweden was about 360,000!.
I nland
N a v ig a - .
merce. .