Face ov and friable 1ftone, reftihg-s^n- a'•ba^yp£''whab’i,s,'ealledrirhn-iydbured
Country, pudding ftbne *, projedting into the fea. The coaft o£ Eflex is £=jBjiLe7 '
rally low ; but to |lje fouth o f the Thames, anfe continued cliffs of
chalk, with layers of flint, refembling mafonry. T h e North Foreland
is a lofty chalky promontory.; and the Cliffs of Dover are known to
every reader of Shakefpeare. .
- ’ It is to lie regretted that Mr. Pennant did not extend his ’--animated
d'efcrij)(Sop*Io“the7 fo'uthern and wefterri;-c,0&ft§^^4i© bf-ehalk ahd^May
'•/^re^hteffperfed with flat grave'!; , Maud .of Portland* prefept||;its
bold rocky fronh * T h e weCfern fhbres abohnd w iih -y in ite , »aiiH^^her
filiceous? rohks.':
Seflani T h e fo'd and agriSuitute' of EhgKhd; are>’t6^ics'%hihh'.ha^e recently
Agriydture. been illuftrated ra i fuoh a'' multipHei&y’iof SffenjWrt^b’s^^'iif'k'S, '■ tmaf%lig
4 fubje^l labthirs u n d e r the ahurMctaee^df-the'ihatefiallssi- ' A TeV* verly3ge -
. • neral remarks mtfH~Beie fiJffiee.“ T h e foil is. d i ^ I r f f S e 'd * / in
gene'raFfertile;- and 'in n® country i'stagri'ebfttirie n ^ g lW ( § l b t ^ ^ ?un-
derftSod;1 or pnrfued in a grander 'f ? y T ^ S t^ ^ tp e r h a ^ s ,riih ;Planfiers
and ‘Lombardy. The nobility and g6hffy,‘ me^l^Tifjding^nji'OTWeir
eftates in himmer, often retain^Shnfi'defahle?* farina in th'ari'oym'’ Viands,
and pradtife and encourage I ^agricultural - '^f^fhe
■wrltfiigfe o f Mr. ‘¥ o dng,?lfhe inftitutibns mfhe"weft', a n d ,kiV^8a¥|®«|'
Agriculture, recently eredted, have contributed to diffufe a wide1 and
lafti-ng knowledge-of this interefting branch. The intermixtuic' oia S i
green crops with thofe of grain, the ufe of turnips, -the irrigation ■ of
meadows, the regular fubftitution o f crops appropriated to the .hate of
the land, the art. of draining conducted ton fcientific principles, may he
mentioned among the recent advances of knowledge; nor muff the improvements
in the breed of fheep and cattle, introduced by Bakewell and
others, be forgotten...
Amid ft fuch topics of ju ft exultation, it is mortifying to refledt upon
two circumftances, the deficiency of a' proper fupply of grain, and the
immenfe extent of the wafte lands in this induftrious country.. T h e
cultivated. acres -in England and Wales are-computed at upwards o f
39,000,000, while thofe uncultivated are 7,888,777.. Of thefe it is.
* Hue farcilile o f KJrwan from the Latin : better front the Greek, hnlhifue.
t t | - - ttm j fhppofed
?ftl]jp6/l?d^.*fKat^fiot*,‘SjboVeI h a lf a%dSlMc$i is*%Mdfty-'Uhithpfdvablej and
perhaps a million is only fit for plantations, while-of the remainder one
quarter is fit for tillage, and three' fourths for meadow and upland
pafture'3. Mr. Middleton* computes the arable land in South Britain at
only 14,000,000 of acres, upon a general view of the confuuiption of
the country, 'as we import; corn proportionate to the produce of
.378,006'acres. ' He fuppofes the ftate o f ..crops on each 'i 0,060,000 of
■acres do- bd?a^ ■ folt&wsS: h •
i p e a i A f m . h n t
heaps 1 ■ r|IS- K 'iS , 2^500,00©'
KdU&p-tu.d R v e ,, ^ E - 1 1 --S
Ro<rei J " i~
Clover -
Fallow- . '''‘'A ■;>, 26000/,Coo
l T o ta l |-j|^b©>0,oo.
• The^itjfity p f ijid la ^ s g dubious and d f e million in clover
d i s a r r a n g e d a s (pafturage,■.which,d^er>tfe^peq%les.4igt left jthan
- 1 affign.edh t6 %-oods, -copfes,
ow s5. ; f u ^ h - t h a n --*,£00^*9®, ade'^avoidably cbnfumed
and- y?ater§v &c, The fubje®; cau o n l y ^ well difr
’ cuffed, Jjy thpiIpeft,ppmp.et ©jjit'judges; but* it maythe wfefiarily ©bferved,
ab,. error-of Froricbu,.- ^riEjdtqro,\wasi a'anbxcefs o f ; land
hn,|e«sg.rUJu, whence-, there,Was>u ddfteiensy of fpafftuife* ofacattle, and
manure,, <fo fbat fh e arable ground -was-.ftarvedy fo in,
,may, perhaps.*;.!)© anxeX'Cefs1 of;p#urage-. ^Whatever Be
tfee^ufes}! a-grQwing, poptdari’en, .fie»faiuiy;,mcfbafipgiu®uryi'arid wafte,
d fe >M#e6t o£lth,e wafte laftds, on other* fo u rb l^ th e ., fenffimption; of
gffiih imthis* ^o.untry^i has, dts.isf}fbteliev%d^-i x6idd‘lel(*of''the laft
e^^ltpartiogilarlyj*ftnEdx-E767y^emerajly exceeded th e ' prodade-,; ";and*
t^ e 'y y . itas^raduail:y.iric3teikfedrta apdjdarnftng.ex.tienjtikdian 'average
of efeven years,, aioftag-'with iifg g f tihe annualtdefi'caesfcyi^mottrlted to
1^,3613. quakbers of grain'-; nay, in r ^ y , ; th e ’'ftaSr6ity dethanded a'ftill
fuiitibenfuppl^ o f r , i,yyjsfoo.,quarters ;i. 6thicfe '«tlfo, divided by .-i r, will
: 3 Report bf.fhegomihrthejoF Iioufe o f Comtnons.'p. 22.
a V iew o f Miiddlefex, p. 4S4. s lb . 486. . 6 lb 481.
Son, a k b
A g r ic o l -
■ TtfRt..
F 2 produce