' C H , T.‘ ^
' G e n è ^-â è B Ë s e H i P T f ® ^ a r P e a e y . ■
jDiviJîons.~ Boundaries.—-Kxfenk— Oyiginat'lFdpidhtid».— B refont PbjMÏaüon.—i
' , F#£f Country.^Risvfits^—Fdfe s\^MounPaïns^Bvfmyï^eioèlogÿi'f ■
rx ^H E clafficâl and Lnt^æfliog country-of Italy has-been fo, repeatedly
A dpfejbedj ^that k *h^s, hecpjne familiar ‘ey.enr’to ,the[ comrnoh
reader, Vi/t fli ibperfJp<j;i^tQ wrke^TOkhQu^'addkjgj toik-nowledge*
dria:;dfeGkipriftn fhall, ’in çorçfbcyaenpeÿ fatfajgftpftsd to very narrovy
limits hand will; alio, of; neçêffity be foinewhat abridged by the. prefent
jtiaftfëtftled ftajte of; thejCtmntry>.\’ whieb,i©0':nrany:: tj<?pics,,, fcarceîy leavps?
materials- oven fcr: cohje&tre. ’j^entt,e?th*’poIidcabasid:C<^il!%|3|a!r^
’mentè of gébgEapkicab dblcri]pt4i®0 -â#©':al^^'oWterat:ed.}. and this brief
IBçbnnt feali chiefly delineate thofe ‘làfiang features of nature which n©
political change can influence.
. ’ Italy may-t>e .regarded'as having been, in all ages of h'lffory, divided Divisions*'
into three, parts,, thé fàüthern, the1 central, and thë' northern. The , ’
fouthern part having received many Greek ’cpîôniés Vas-hono'u'recî with
."the ancient, appellation of ..Magna Græcia: the châtré Was' the feat of.
[.[ ;yoL. I.......... ” ^ R^omaj»
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