• M p f f l |’4 ENt48.T A T E | p 1 1 u | . * ' •
foil, are crowned with thg-tgreal aga$e. "a-tscrieaSa., while their
fides.. are adorned' 'with- thd ulri^ ig u jig , ■ Cadtuskopuntia. - T h e ffiony
beach, and the fandy ree.effes: o f the,ibays, delight the eye. with the
fnowy bloffoms of \ h & v a p e r'h ifi, -capparfs'fpipofa,. and thevglow of the
am eibyfiine with the laveridgrt, Iajv.aridi}la j i . . , «V d •£\ In ,
the '/'ofemary,. roftSarinus officinalis the glaucous foliage'pf theffir.ong
fcented rutr, th,e tree ^fmtliern^wQod, laiiemiffia*,arbQ.r.efcens.,. the hyacm-
thus feratinus, anthyllis barba-Jovis, plumbago europsea, diaat'hus
earthufianorymj ainbrolia maritima,' lavatera, arborea, f.clyp.epla jha-
mad pa^caaHum m^MtriUJm ■ tr.
The fides of the ftrearhs are bordered h jfc > th$h fphaganhyfterjfiift>% ;
tike-oJ'ed#de£iirthe m yrtle, thei C o riie Jig n iT p lie rry :^ ^ ^ ^ s.mafcula, ;and the
S p a tfi/h re e d ,arundfj;,d.onax,i vrbrifc tall jointed ftem ,a n d long fimplij
le_av.es aim©!!; emulate th.e bamboo of India,-
The dry heathy tracts o f the-interior of the country are covered with
erica feopafia, and carnea, ruta monfana, ciftus. laurifolius, and|Slahi-J
ferus. ; Rhus coriaria\_fum ach:, rofa^mnamomea, ra^lswIg^ ^ ^ S f a l^ia.
officinalis, and aethiopis, fag e j meliffa cretica, convolvulus-, cneoru-m,.
eatarianrhe .cserulea,f [arid pafferirialhirfuta.
Among the trees, befidejs the common ones of llrifain,-: we fjiid the
t / J jz the date plumb, diofpyros lotos,, the Jio r'a x ■tr.ee^&.jrax.officmalisi
Meliai azedarach,. thej. bead, -tree, the ; almond., T1
ttt^pm acanthals the idMcfMtMm* .cerapariia; jSliqua, the ile jj
t h , thg \inanna-tree, 1 fr^xirips ;pjnus,, the. cyprefsy the ’’ lA ' ,
’ the lemon,, the orange, the-fig, and the v fie y
Of the flowering flirubs, and lower trees,, the principal are ta e lila c ,
fyringa vulgaris j the jafirp-me, and .y e llqm ,,fij?fip e , the fy rfig p , Phila-
delphus. coronarius,. the Igbuffliqy^ *pd cytifus;..argenteus-; the Sp d n 'fir
bvooyi, the - Ju d a sd tre e , ■_ ,cerrcis filiquaftrum, the fib iaw tre fo il, ariagyris
fetida, the prqvehce rbfier, ,rofa gallica, the laim fin iu s., the bay, . the
lau rel,, and globularia plypum.
The fublime ruins of ancient art,, and'the infulat'ed rocks that often
ferve them for a bafe, afford a favourite' fituation for the - re fiv a lc ria h ,.
valeriana rubra, antirrhinum cymbalarja, majus, and -j bi}ori.tiu.m, cneo-
xum, tricoccum, cotyledon umbilicus-veneris, and coronilla. glauca.
w i M \ i I • 11 '. . i n .
CH A P. I. G E -N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N - . Syy
: In the foutherri parts cotton, rice , and the.fiugar cant indicate the fer— B o t a n y .
tig g of the foil, arid the warmth of the climate ; and the fields, and
paftures, as far as they have been examined, bear, a ftriking refemblance
in their native- products to. thofe which have been already mentioned,
as enlivening the foutherri provinces of Spain.
_ The Italian horfes are of little r e p u g n . ' The cows of the Eodizan, Z o o l o g y ,
■ s the noted•hhecfc-H<s1 how mad-e^wb'ich was: formerly produced
near Parma, are d e lb |b |d : by Mr. Young as generally o f a blood red
colour, Iprig, lank, and ill ' made/11 The fame writer obferveS that
though in Pufeany the number of cattle be far inferior to what might
.he cxpedlcd, yet' the, art of. fattening oxen is well underflood. The
buffalo is in Europe ahn.(#..pec:idiar. to Italy .; an, animal, though tame,
of fe ro c i^ s ...afpedi, ..apd.ks. different Jfrpm the bull, ;as the afs is from
.the horfe. In manndj-s k®[|Pnaewhat reiembles the .hog,: being fond of
wallowing,in.mud, his lleffi is. coarfe,. and hisdiide, though.light, is fo
firm as -to; b.aye fu • lied ; the buffi cpafe^|or armour -of .-the feventeenth
century. Origtrially it: is fuppofetl from Africa,. h ||;p liricl let adapted to
The marmtit, arid the ibex are- alfo -reckoned among
the anitpaM' pf the Apennines • and; thp ereded porcupine is efteemed
peculiar to the foyth. of Italy. ; Among bfpds l >,’SW mentioned [the
little falcon of Malta, the ,e.er.rlua inuraria, and the turdus rofeusX.and
cyapusv -with .the.jalauda fpinoletta, and. <rthcr fpi.ts of land and water
fowl. Of reptiles the Jace.rta orbicularis is efbqetijetl peculiar Jpithe Icing-
d'om of i%ples.,.'Ilhe remainiag-topics are treated ,under ea.ch divifion.,
12 PriiweSailhsiF- B j