S oil and
• T'O’b.’e.* ••
bfti niore^eSteh4 with.* la r^'^|lM|8§rib f ; fend/" 'Such has* been, even in
t h e - q f e ji|*p|$lture" -that ithe°N%ihetltMfs^ werS.fciig
effetemed the very' gatcfenjsf Europe,* a p’raife w|dch' thfe^*- Hill {bare with
Lotobardy-and}E|igland/i“7N aV ip ^ f e f spro&fj cfiifl,)b’e ^adduced bfcehe
■ advantages^ which*' cbm'mercri c4 h f e r ^ h ’a^#dii|turer, than this couqtry,
.which^evH^es'that « 1 -latt-er- a d v a n c e rifefes'fr0mxcommereial
ephlehce'eihpley«!:iri^us-iiidfb ^e#dtdfee<^i^.f’^^heiinfere. Famne's can
neveKbekp&e ojhiledt,he'x(fepe<ffrbk: tiheTreweSuftent benefitsLefi.trade;
but while lie* is fharing % th e «atiOntd Wealth 'thus-acquired, fetis- natural
that the fh.ould-TrrfJiutri' * r<ft3)e;cefe fbkly{ttb .his^ c^rai^lfiboljrs^si It rail ft
readily occur thabtombardy-; ^ S f e k b ta te d lto ^ p r a ^ r ic tihm ^ ’p^as-.the
country b f th e ancreitrbank:e?/of EuVop'e,1 -who/returnled:thdre$©jlri|©y
th e fortunes-which-they had ’acquired';l'aniO'Wt’England is pre-S'HaSgent
in M e r c a n tile weSfth : fS th^t ^ffi^platni'fafls-,a^er-*vrcfrth ^ throffl^nd
thfeoriei. * An1 accurate“ Obferger6 repeitedly -praift s ’fhc ;'ifta!e'|6f agri*e!ul-
ture in the' Netherlands'," anjt p o in t^ e u f - 'many ^ ad v^ntf ges it
maintained 4-sect that' o f En^liiSl. 1 TEcTepeatelT i>op $lJ©ft fexMl<] ent
clover," ‘the coje, the turnips, theJtkan®crops o f Uafe", ‘battE^y,-and e&ts,
deservedly" attracted, ’’bis * a'ltbntibm ^Hd remarks that me' agriculture
has been celebrated| for thefe, p o d years, ’e^er”® « l fffidffi%)c!inferbe and
manufalidreg. became eminent; and that th e ^P i-H ^o ff^ ed 't& 'effe nK S
of good hutbandry in 2be deftru&ion of weeds 'aoa\p'CTpetdhrfi^»ss.
They ^ o p irh o n ly . ufed four horfes •/^yghoutJ aholding
the reins, and being ipquigpe'cl whip nufc'kririto a
locket.- The* plough had wheels, and the furrows1 'w ep rfea llow , as
they did-notwifb to turn-up.the fharp andfu^mahurea;lyiid;^'pffilb'm'e
low Spots, between little eminerichs,rwas ‘ teen ‘"ab uM'^^^oLB ^ps, a
native and pgpp)ia.T pr&du& adopted in E n g T a ^ 4n fme‘Jwgn»^35 Henry
V III , They never allow the land to lie fallow, regardingThe df f le c tion
of weeds as the foie advantage of fuch a pfabEice1,' wnich’ may be
equally accpmplifhed by crops o f tufnipSj 'rapejTftbeanspaua-s^K v e r,
which not only deftrpy the weeds b ute ryich fhe fdib E.
T h e Netherlands are watered by fo many rivers and e£(ifals, that it
will be fufficient to mehtibii only a few o f - th e ‘ cMef *ftreantslli'1Fbe
^Mwlhall, 1 1 " ' i ' ■> '
8 Rhine
^ i 4@ b ^ a n ^ :0psliSyg!at.;a ebafidefableNdiftance; jto the 'JE.
3$ itheihfSstitkr J d^teWtr^ffitbe I Meufe,; or i Maas,
?&®b®.*tyi b £iNam»r p .ini thesfej Netherlands. T h e 'phl^fyiver.
i^th&^cbfeldi wMehEieCereesHtwoKothepiftreams,- the Lys*( »ado the
Sfealpe, the latter near Mortagne, the former near . Ghent. All thefe
rWlf^ £tife'" ia/thbs, ^fmnlysreffltoio^pifEom nodeonfedetabfekley atibn.$
ar id l’ f e e l w h o l e ’1 a&wfefesi - b f i s t h 'e id ^ f ip l& t o B T r e B c h u E ib a u t p i e a n o o t , b e
eOiM!f>'arrifc£vbly iefeimMrid: -'at»’ab'bv©rix asotunifei.'? The D'yle -riles not far
tih th e 4vf W.'ofHNamhr'j^a-ridi'ijeinsSl’the JSdheld- above NieJjljafteTrre-
cei^-ftgifirbm ih e ‘E. ■ the? Ete'KS&rir,i!iiie iNette;:bt^Neihe> from the, N. and
tKe3Sbii!he)'frOm th e lS)-Bl^@to®®tl4«fetfeer.’riverst-yield .in importanue. -to
th^^malls, rn d it ’wo'lald mdeecfibe.dhShiffilt in manjy"in{|aricfcstjto, de*
feriAifesiwhetiher!their <Souflh-'becthei;wotk'iof nature-or aEtsfipT-here’' is
;f^ihsriao#atibh;l£ 3 j
Though there-hfri littfe*rid^e|'’df'’hiirs'in thb counties of Namur,sand
Lrixerrihourg, the traveller.(jmuft -ip^0eeed<?t0.tli| diftrin’t banks the
Rhinelpefore-he '-.mbetS1 with any elevation that can dfeferve $#•' name,
c \ c n of a(lfmall mountain. Thcrie.^cev however, lb \c ra l' woods even»
in tB£.i|gA]fere of F;iarfd^s;- and in Bfabaniis th u lo i^ ft ot Soigne.' Fur*»
ther-t’© the TV and"® are immen|g fOrefts'^Whi'eH, almofl pervade IJainaut
and Luxembourg, frbm Valenciennes, tptSiWes, -■ forming flriking re -
main4 e f t f e A b iengfcr'&ft of Ardennes.
The vegetable productions pf the-^athblic Netherlands differ in no
refpeiS from thofe o f Holland,,.and all thei ulant.s that are natives of
thisMou.®tjy i^a ay h e met with in'the fandy ^'and marfhy diftri£tsof the
So|ith-eaft coaft ipfegland, hxcept-tyrhe -1 Gentiana1 cruciata. A few
fpedi^^mdeodj which are rare with us,?va;re: o f fiequent/occtirrence ifs
the' Ne.tbe«lat>dsj particimrly the §enefeio' paltfdoYujs, mavjh ragw ort, va.
fhallpw dhchps.;.- Eryngiam campeftre, fo ld eryntfp,- in great plenty by
the fi-4^ o f the-roads ; and the elegar\t Metiyantheji- nymphoides, frin g e d
Jzt>a/cr'-;^7y,: adorning th e canals, aneji,other deep low ftreams.
The^ziplogy of'.the-' Netherlands affords no remarkable material^»
The breed o f horfes and cattle is efteemed for fize,
• The Scfceld properly rifes »tout tight Hides N.'-of St. Quintan, in the modem department .
• f the A-ifne.
Yol. i .