• io8 M G i H i
. S oil A nd
. A cmwcui-
produce .stbe-;whole>-i annual™- de£e<Shjpj|,v 654,^1^3' >j|yasrtgrs. > .fYrppPting
produce at three quarters an acre, - the land required,. ekdlififiÿe ofythe
: feed, would h e 2*3-%3§8j acres.5e4ppped> withtqoppi jhwh'îtesibfjut half as
much .muft 'h e added; for fallow and- the rotation o f crops. For-an'
abundant fapply -500,000 o f acres might be requifite,, which ■" might
feemingly be. àffumed w ith little difficulty from.' at leaft d,,-50:0,600
wafte acres, in S o u th :Britâin, which arc fit for tillage. • Yet this calculation
would infer that the deficiency does not exceed the twenty-
eighth part of the whoje, which feems too fmall, as the,,b|ead.has ffedn
doubled ill p ric ey andj intdqed^ thefe theegefiq ; view s> can*n.ei)shpret!end
to much j,exa£tripfsY'JiIf South Britain h n h u k lly 'p roe liî^ ^ i 1, 4 |g ^ p b
quarters of^wheat^-tbe deficiency can hardly. 1 ^ , f u p p a f e d ; ^ h a a a -
tenth part. Scarcity f^efeqd, iH irJ ti^ ie ^ ^ è ^ p n fum p tïd iijijas f ^ ^ ^ p r
ape reduced» to the-.ufetqf b re ïd only hi but .ï£illfith:elu:ife ifij’the rpraq^ef
th a t articleytappe^Ytohx.ceed -any fair- calculation.; ‘
- ‘ pEtieulture,- or--the art ôfqrardçfimg'i i§ f‘alfo’ip.urfned-im*tEhgl‘and
with ^eat<affidtrky and fueefefs. h’®hevl$fgfe foppkÿ e?fèhh^/ca^®t^ifn
vegetables and fruits, and the high pfi-cps tgivenYpr €âr 1 y p rôdtfcé $ tp |d -
iio n fuch a fpiiat-ofs eultivationfthat : each aeYé- thus empI&JjjsSîÇ, fa fup-
pdfed to yield »about lio l. '’annually, th e confumption inïfhélmeirbriolis
being eomputed at more than ■sjfjbppgla'ol^annually.' g -While Mr,»Middleton
compotes th e hop-grounds .in : South B rita in ta h ^ ^ q é ïaG ^ s^ tS le
aMowsYh^j^©ipot-raarfey ’grounds,, _ÿoÿ»so:ft»tfi:uit> and kitchen gar-
dens, and 2o,o©odor pleafure4^rounds,tthat f l y the' table ^JPaErtS’ of
the. latter, the reft bèing paitured fo r catüp,* or moj#n fofc ,haytt$$(0'f
jernaménial gardens, laid out with a -juft attention'itoîth^bhâjpfïés-.-of
nature, and .free from,, the uncouth a f fe â ^ o n s ,.o £ ant,lEhglâ;nd:.'is ;dfè-
fervidly regarded as th e »parent c o u n try 7. -The | ftrft* idea; >hâ.p. tfieen“
referred to Milton’s defeription o f Eden jtahd'-a papén in-thef^Hâÿdiàn'
isifuppofed to*har®J induced ..Bridgman, a fafhionable defigner p f .gardens,
to begin, this -reform, which was fuccefsfully followed by Kent,
while the Duke of Argyle introduced the various foliage of exotic trees.
One of Kent’s, belh works was thegarden.at Roulham, while ©lhrem.ont,
Ether, and other places, alfo proclaim the extent o f his powers. • The
7 Lord Orford on Modern Gardening, -
nW-defigsb« wdreutf^ft^edphyhfavetal rgeflrflhieti' .of ’ fate.’;-? apd Kenf
Was- f^l^wfedih^lBihwrid^tHouh^s! fetedY Ap&ded.tByv Reptpn, .and
.Aar« rriatetsi fefrfceft icarntfeiaft.litthi^qgfj; than h alf
b centhry,%h^ha^hhasJhp,t4 6n^)bse^yd|ffi}fe<li r e a t -B r ^ ^ ^ u t has
beeiisimitapqd.in'yllc'^eifil Ji^\tylMife!%jts‘p n th ^ o ip ip e n L e y fe n ’ aa ft®#s
fthe«rj jdajg!liipatg.of Rulfia. uftj
( ■ Sut^JierCTyefsj Untry ^ h f li tn le its.lrojft' !impnr.
6^pfeAthglS ^ a nd!iwi thu-iJl.JiuA dJlin^lQnstpY^ b .mi ' tfn Tpyngr jj4
phicjj3fcUpi^pi&^y»iM|.hp^cu^UqKti,tul4|nhtrDcmblarm^ ^Eqglaiad is
iiitc ^^^ed;h}iiciiijE;jpi’pc^rtanLiiv,^’»j (be Scpe^p,TitU hanje. , th u lium-''
her,, a r i» h e ^ e ffe j^ T i e ryus.Bly^wK’^ j u n t un’ PlMimman,
ajid alter an c aftujy’epuklj tf^Slfri-wlbiii^, buuls i t \ juogrefsp^iuoil
fotnliTSrl^nuaflter. Hows louth-ivTtjintcr th^ljiitTca^r lnnP.1
nci, ajprogrtft,' p f abojjt..ic,'| mikK, n qy^abli 8^*1 ir* is \\1^ure4$<|oI;
ng! chiefYrpjutary' -rne NmMdrrr.**a<gdr '’Sdtfthefh Avopsj
thYTqme^a.ricl tbc Wy-dYu
.The .'JHiai^ncs/origina't.es' in Cotmmlddnll'^^rai^mlrCTlhifrl^tid maili- ^
tiiiriia ‘iputh-eallerl j clir c m t M ^ t h c YirtjAri‘a*d.^luttirVj
afte'r rcceiwiigTbc (.Jicnwj, tTie wW
B^^SancI ‘Lqe. T f ie 'M ® w a y ' fioW s^^^ra cTw ffiry of ‘lHeThames|:
as tKc ^ * G ^ rip j^ ].feo r'u ie Se%1c'pf).v,"Th'e l ^ r f e ' pt?Pabat iko»
oaiT^friavigable to CritMa'H.e®.'
The'Hum ber is a panic' aimoft” cmmhe!d | ^ r llfg^Mfuatry^‘whfch
receives ‘ many, conuderable rrvMm :jh a t fetrifize? thld jrife ;'o f
Bngl md. i T )f tliffi’tl'ie Trent^is the moft 1 i h p w h 1 ch YiifeV
Staffordlhire*,' aiycf^ proctee^ifi^^^WdBth-baft,' entet's^llid
Humber* Sner a mreer clrarfe n’avigsSiP nd’
Burtonup *Sffnordlhp|.v ^ ^ fie ^ tn e ?* priricftal^ rivers tlr^ ilm e ^ in to ' the
H u iff i^ 5 'lire .the; Dun, a' 'natvigame ’ firearh’ fw f iW runs - byg®ha£ .
c ^ e f ^ ! |h e . !M.ire nlvtgaBle^td' DeddV,' a n d ’the' Caider navigable tb’
H alifasi,: i b othl it’lijigrrlaflyj; ufeful in transporting - the jn an u v
fafttireS ; th eW a rf, navigahFe ''tb-,Tadpaftef; and^the^n.obl^ giy,e^|'We*
or Qufe, which runs ,by. ;Ydrk',v and forms another, grand branch of th e
, 8 Campbell, I. 146. 9 Ibid. I. 139. |
| Humber^
Soil, AND
A o rico i..