F o y l.
L akes.
iSterdoutfevbétweSn^t'Hè^'uBpQj? lo w r payts. Theuwhole,e.Qjjrfe of
the S h ^ ü ^ tt^ ro a ^ b ^ »% ^ pw d ra t j^^BMlejs*.^
‘ T H p ' mf-'L i-r .r.iv.eèSj h f I r e l a p A A a v M k ^ ^ tM S m a j iÉ ^ Q ^ t a ' r ^ d - é n '
> The jriver Bar-cow rifeS; abo.q.tiforty mites ,to tj^.weftyof DuMi3!}v>.,riear
the’fodï^eoÊ-thë jBoypg.; an d after a caurfe -'êj^aboutlspc -hundfièifl jiSles
en-tets’the-.fea cad the^Sohtbseaft,- ha ?& g|fe tóyed: the.tI(v^r^?^öpir}'Ut[d
Suir; and'fermed the haiilfciKföft Waterfard.i; •
.?.;!§G|ie' Blackwater; another (^pfiderableltMeitpsdri^f^ee.'South'j. enters
the fea-^^dugljalhB&ysSrsf
Sidney forms tKe^Hafhotsr+bf -Wexford.1
- ^TheLiffy 1st an ifeGof&derableftream, epnd^led ;Wt thWc&pi$al:i>,;
The B ^ a e * ’'afteras'Ggfurfq.o'f aljobit ififty m.M4 |t|lfdfQié^êïöfËhte^ea'fterrt
fe a : th e p th e r rivers'on, th,e.eafl are.fmaltand unuj^(|^aiij& '1
’Tn the north ce^j^wiaWe-Siia^®; which pjgrades
Lough Neagh, and enters -thet,fèa a^térra hes^^cS&he’ntfevénty' mÊes.
By the canal hTNewryf-kc commuhipaftes with®€iSp|ingf®S d ja y ;' Sind
thus miniates- the FJorth-eaft ,proje£ti©a-of. IrelancU u\
The river Foyl paffes-hyXondonderry^Hip^has^ e h ^ f& ^ h la t^ ^ ia ry
.called Lough Feyl. T h e &wiHey>^s;,®5 .insonfid£riahle./.ilen'gt}^'^p£
forms a ‘ löng' eftuary.
b On the N. W. -Lough Earn iflpesdntb ®eapi^aJ'^^|f5a^oQB^derable
ftream; b u t n a ’othhr-river o f’ cönfeqüënc^'^R%tes'Öpl^ iwOKsfc&ch p:he
eftuary o f -the^Shannon j norjaretthe risers .on tb « 'S ii|8 ^ a f
T h e fak‘es»<|ffrelah3 are, numerous, ^^$Jbmse^e?t'hetm.»klMifive>
The ferm Lougb^ correfponding w ith ' ^e-oSb o d fi^ ^ te te^ -fo ia stfln e s
applied to an eftuary, sorfto .an hatet o ffh e -tfea,-<tftichf£^S‘»thei>^yilley,
the Foylf th a t'óf StraE^ord'dnfP'ow,n, ' ^ . d ^ T l k c h ie fd a ^ s:|f'fre fh
•water is that o f Earn, which, exeèeds th irty Fritilh'miles in .ten^th, |fnd
twelve in its 'greafëft "breadth; it is _ divided' byt a' narrow.- oütlët^4 from
th e foutherh part into the northern, of about four , miles in length.
Next in magnitude is Neagh, about twenty-two miles in length, and
twelve in breadth. B.oth thefe lakes .are ftudded with-fmall; Blands-;
and the latter is faid to poffefs -a petrifying quality.. It feems however
rather to belong to the adjacent foil.’
5 Smyth in Spate, jT .n z i. 1 0
f ' T h ^ 1 a% ©f % frih ^ llP th 'e ^dh'hty o f Galway, is about1 twenty miles
id d fen g th !fan d f% ^ wide. Th^fe B frRee'and'Derg are lefs
confiderable inTize : and there is a fmaller lake alfo named Derg in the
N-?W.> w ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ e m a r f t a 'M p 'id t ^ ^ f t i ^ u s tidiestfor' a< little- ifland
cohVauft5grwrt\.u‘N ^ St/f*atrick.? .. ‘
I muft-be firftr named-the
w l f e - r b ^ a n l^ |: ‘r e ^ i ; ^ p ^ | ^ w l t l ^ tMjarbht^?&S> ^ e r& .e f c g a
namflfpfthe Briti%rddimTii4ns.\'^ Tliisli=* almoft tltelofejydike^m the
fsa%& o f Ireland f a n d < t|p |» ^ p ^M n mayfbe^e&ten^ed^tKei eaft. O n
the Wifar&le' tak^foEralk, -Tjrieirty, rMehfe}. Macnean^ act'd ><]$&&,
That Ias-,ajr^ady .mentioned^is a.'bhi^fjfo^ee*oT tli g Shannon,
imo'WKhfc^thb Ga^kStt^,tR'eyf ajjfoig'out theijg waters* "Further ),to the*
w h ^ d E ^ ^ c p p ^ d f e ^ le r r i^ k e sV tll^fjdsntaf and the Maik ;|% 5¥ niuft
fW^^^f^o'rrafin Bb. forgotten.
^ p ^ ^ o u lta in o u fe 'to h a in sd b y lr.e lap d vaie^neitber,.numerous nor im-
p o r | a ^ | |u ^ a n uplandjri’dgefdjiyid^s the.-country from theiN. Et tf> t h i
S'1. ^ g l S l p 'g , birth'/to 4 % 4yefs^ r T h e Irilh \
lpnn&ort, lin^.*,, pmVt4 -hcdgK)u.^os.f0 nc,g^jupc c^konlidfrable hbur^t'
^ P B ^ ^ £ % ^ # ? ^ , ^ ^ i ^ h o U g h J L a n e , oij^hajjKS clijuUiuH ike
^gld h e fe Af ^ a l l
* Mr. Young, i. ^ 8 , fays Mangaten’ Ï. 8 j j yards- f2 5 oS fe Q dbov x level o f .the fra.
‘ lj,QI‘^L‘1'1 1 -’tréla itl
Shcve Donard, C o . Dpvvn.
' Mangerton-, Co. Kerry.
Groagh Patrick, Co. Mayo. |
■ I -Ncphin,' fame Co.
'■ Cumeragh, Co.. Waterford, i ' t
Knock Melcdown, Co’. W a tè^ ^ ^ j-'''’ .
1 ul\X 'ri$V I
Ï2500 abdve-the-levelofthelake 0f Kd
l -< E i M not above th< fe ar Beaufi i t '
M P H S H k" b'arometri- 1 cally by (at is behevéd^ Mr. Kirwani ’
f: > ^ o a b o v e - th e fea, by thè-'fame.' ;, {
f 2!6o .b y barometer, taken b y Sbiifb ’
^ P-ZÓ7- ■ ^ ..f ïl ïK jlr
C 2 7° ° . Smith’s Waterfotd,- p. 2-ib
Lough of
C .hi. fern merifti^^G^ • - • ■ ; -