H isto rica l
. E pochs. ■
-were included in the donation. The county of Gelderland on. the E.
was erected by the emperor' Henry IV in; l <-><79- > became; a- duchy
in-1339. - Utrecht was.£ubje<3: to its ..powerful prelate^, who had fre-
quent contefts with the earls of Holland.,
4. F.lorenceJII, who fucceeded in 1187, carried on mim^rajas-wara
againft the’Flemings and Frisians; and died at Antioch, in 1189* .on
an expedition to the Holy Land. He married Ada, grand daqghter
o f David f f king of Scotland) a country which-had early!commercial
connexions with Holland. In 1213. William I earl of HoUandTorjned
a league with John king of England, Ferrand earl, of Flanders,, and
the emperor Qtho, againft France j but William was taken prifoner at
the famous battle o f Bouvines. f .
5! William II earl o f Holland was eledSed-hy. a>.pafty-emperor'of
Germany A. D. 1247; but his* claim‘was fijpt.'Growried with' feëc.öfs.
John earl of Holland, A. D. 1296, wedded Elizabeth daugh&r* of ;£d-
ward I o f England. Frequent contefts appear between- tb # earls- o f
Holland and thóïe- o f Flanders," concerning the pofFeffiqn of fheiflaiids
of Zealand. PhHipina, daughter o f William III Carl- of Hollh'rid,-' is
married to the Prince of Wales, afterwards EdWarcf III of England/a
princefs worthy o f an heroic hufband. This kihg afterwards- ^ehtefted
the earldom of Holland with Margaret his fitter in law. Jaequelin
the heirefs erf Holland in 1417 wedded John IV duke of-Brabant ;* but
her uncle John o f Bavaria, who had refigned the bifhoprick ©f-litfege
in the hopes of efpouftng her, contefted the- fucceflion. A kind of
anarchy following, Jacquelin went to England, where jfhe. marri'è#. in
1423 Humphry duke ofGloucefter; and this marriage, being annulled
by the-pope, {be wedded in 1432 Borfejen ftadtholider.‘-oftHoManch;
and the next year was forced to refign her ftates tfó’-Philip thö'Göod
duke of Burgundy.
6. Holland, with other large, pofleffionsof the houfe of Burgundy-,
fell by marriage to the houfe o f Auftria.
7. Holland and fome inferior provinces revolt from thé tyranny tef
Philip II in 15664 and in 1579 formed the famous union- of Utrecht
in ftridt alliance. The hiftory of this interefting ftruggle has been
l i f t e d ' i r i 'glblviKp eblo'iirs bÿ the cél^bMtéd 'Grotius,' - who in this
-lifork fordb||frfe^¥ifall*-me acute brevity ô f Ta'dibite.*1- '
P 8- A'F®<«?yrtb-at '<|‘muiy"-^élDutctf Êàd&ftabliâied Colonies at
the Cape-of Hope, and in’t h M a M i^ were
a^drwards'gtfn^{fiÿ»m.eHèa; ' During?thf|fevenVdlMbriAry they
rivalled the ' Ehgliflï empire of the fea; aid\p e&ly exceeded
fe rn in pow'ér ^égari4 fèméWhat to
..dfeeîinë’aftertue,® ftirt^te- naval cVôii^i^;theMm^.4R;®har:i-és II# In
%6y2fvÉb'hiS XIV invades Hplland ; and Âmftérdam is1- bnfy fâved by
■Opening* the ‘fl-tîiees. "
t e - W îllik rf % d { h o l d è r ; 'ÿ f |^ é | ï ^ f afcetfdt; Ip e ^ tK ^ f e o f England
1688 p and à f irm e r prevails between the ço ü ^ |fe l,,T Io l-
B l B f H «Tip -grand channel cçfi>the* c em m e ^ e ^ o fE n g k iid f^ ith
•the continent.
™r^9* T h e ftadtholderate declared hereditary 1747. T h e war in 1756
opening g re a t'c o n f i o n s b e tw een ‘Holland and France, a French party
began to form in the^country, which opppfed the ftadtholdec, who was
fap p o rted b y 'th eE n g lifh . I n i j § 0 a w a r - a r o M - ^ P H ^ S a ^ B n t a i n
and* Holland!, which'cfofed in- 1784, affeer expofing tfy Europe the decline
a n d wèaknefs o f the United Provinces,'ftill fu^her/difpjkyeif by
th e entrance^ o f the duke p&Brunfwick in 178®, wh o may ber laid'' to
have fubdued th em without a. blow.
n / ’The Dutch having'joined the coalition' againft -the Trepch,.their,
Country fell-n prey to the invaders, during the hard< froft o f the, winter^
* 7^4-5 ; and the ftadlholder took tefuge in England im 1,795.; ^feughi
:a,"feparate government cofatinue, yet the Ûnited Provinces mutt,be
confidered as fubjedt to France, which intends m ipcorpotafe the parts
S. of the Rhine. The Dutch fleet has fince been nearly annihilated'by
the Englifh.
The ancient 'monuments of the United Province’s are far from being
àÜ|merous or interefting.' The chief remain o f thfe,|ftoman period js
the ruitted tower .near Gatwick, about fiiilniles N. W. from. Leyden,
at the ancient ipibuth of the Rhine. This placé ia^éommoniy called
Brittenburg, and is fuppofed by fome' to.have heên eredled by Caligula.-
An inferiptibh evinces'that it was reftored by Severus. The Dt*p$-
S '- ^ ' antiquaries
H is t o r ic a l
E pochs.