H istor'icai
E bochs.
i llI
. *13« The eryil wars, andbtfteTidoftquent: difpiates- between the Brefby-
terians and Undependantg.; caufess frhSct I'ejetrpgu^iHe.i^all found'literature
in (Scotland, fori the fpace-of twenty- years; A.dD-.hi'fft.o— r 660?.'-its
14. T h e ’revolution, of tr (S^Sftand t h e 'h f |r f n i a B R f t 'n S g c i t h e
Prefbyterian' fjtftem.- ■
: 15. -TJie‘Union oflthe two k in g d om s ,^ -1 7 0 ^ 1 ^
'16. The abolition hereditary 7$S>^w h k hK .#
the flpft 'foundationiof the fubfequent-*pTofperityjih£%QtlaWd;’;
' • The monuments" ofi antij^ty!fieI&ngin^'¥w%d'm^^%M5HBp®chs';’
may be coflfidered in the followingRirdeik*f O f ^be'hrft 'epoch,
- panrent^ean.exift, except thoife^ofahe tumnlar k3jid>* and-i|if4m p ^ l |t
fibleito afcertain the period o f thei r-! form ati o bfti ’T h e f t emaims; of (the
Roman .period in North Britain, chiefly appear ,in t^fteleb ra ft^* fe ll,
built in the EtegiPpf i^ to fiin u s'^ i^ l.h e t# 'eb irilth&i«fl£fhs§gf^F^r,ti^K ;|i
Clyde, in the ruins -of which many curiohsff'ih fh E ip |i0 ^ hayft ; f p n
found. Another ftrihing objedt o f thiaiepoeh; was- a ipgf$l eflhft^Jful-
garly called Arthur’s Oven-, whichjfeems rig f tlyU fth a v e ^ e e fti^ a r tle d
by fome antiquaries, as a fipall temple, dedicated to -trier {3-qd /J e rn ftfts,
probably after the ere&km of the wall qffAntepinpspfor we, are n q tt to
conceive that the£e_walls were the abf)luteiSIm^-'l3fey@^‘whSeh®he
Romans pofleffed no territory!; whi|p.|'qnhthe .qpmtftry, j^ftjft^gjtcifle
intervals,-the garrifons along the w-aTT may dfav,e <dai me,drift -fprage,, of
the exterior fields.;.; and. the dream o f ' E ftip n y ,-be^ndE -which K is
chapel ftood, may-have Been confidered -as. a n e c efla r y’fifppkyydf w |f t r .
.T h ^ r em i a in s ; th e wall aird-ferts, and. d d ^ r.R om fti anriq h te e's. in
Scotland, particularly the ir camps apd.ftations, many o f whfth are remarkably
entire,- are ably illuftrateq in ,.a -late p u b ic iu o n . &£ feftuuRal
Roy, to w h k h th is reference pmft fiiffige, with this Phat
the ingenious author has tooTmplicitJy followed a , c® dn[i a n t ||||» i a a
. ierrof, in afciibirig all theft'camps, Rations, &g../te-^fcrifctflah$ffile‘ $bey
m ay be.mOre ju ftly affigned to Lolllus Urbifcus, A. D. 140, ojRtofthe
Emperor Severtis, A. D. d a y ; felpecially, indeed, fo'the, la tte r,'fo r “the
Emperor’s appearance in perfon to conduct 'two campaigns, jtpoWjly
a s far as Invernefs, muft have occafipned the erection o f works rtipre
■ ■ eminent
eminent.and durable than ufual,,the| foldiers being .excited by the ani- A
mating a iif tf ta r y .-raoftftb., f iCo^ftantips' Chlorus Mft," }
A.-sE).|j|^6,tipadp a ilp ^ p ^ ig ^ i;.^ :d p S f 0 r f a n d J, df-wse rtL}ft$be Pane-
g y rifftu S&y, i n f t f t jre igm .p ^ o ih in a ri^B o ftn u s , |f| vft ,learn" ftom
Status th f psofet, gjfi&ed.- fcveiah works ip B W i n ^ p r o b a ^ in the
north^«fttbhat itfi%idjft>fcQ, j.ijj,gut^4h ^ f e fem a > n s ^ ,a n y <M§ au th o r:
b u t,# .a j^dicftus.eyK,rihftclftm4^o^^^^^ /
is thatjplea||ft,,fo,u,ree ff-jthe River JfplyuJ, periphery
q i f ^ S at.
Q i^ j^ e j^ r t} ^ :%ftw
Rnn-Taftsofts .ha^g^ibeeiitj tftced-.a Gpnfic|&y>ftJt.i-pay,“i'nyJthe 'eaft-of '
S c ot j - a ^df a k Jhp ,coqri.Syjj(^f* i e n q.e. oR ^ f
ft^ ?exifl;ea)cej^£sthQ, efpafiana,; b u ^ ^ ^ ^ f t ^ m a i n S j are .
withinf^epi^aR’- A , h y ^ e a |& \ ^ ^ aW & i f eM ^ T s ^ ^ E e E th ..and' '
a n ^ e r j i f t ^ A l u ^ i h u r ^ « a ^ . p i o f t i ^ 4 « J w n e ^ o m a n ’
fiaUon. near theiScptjfli.capital, bu^ t h ^ a apiig; q f A l a a *
error;-arifujg from* an iufGrfttSMd'by ,
g o d d ^ ^ q ftt|ip i||i® y tn couptry, A laie^vau|ffeMfft'allerr,^
remains o f R pm ^ a n ^ /ju ity f g p / i p i f t ^ ^ l4 n d . ’aaRepins, psteH-fils, 8cc^
are n^meEpus»-- ij
W,t-h %q f^wftjepoeb, n ^ y ' Be f t% t e GOipmQci^, ^He ^ild fh monu-r
mfeE('ts;iS||a nt iquityi^jTl^ctomljs-nMiwq u Id » l^ '|iffioideji tyUdiftrj «m 1 -
froffi- thofe o f th e fli%eppGh% but;‘as^. the hings* ryften^^pas, ,
v e r t^ |t-q- Ghriftiarihy, :h©ld th e ir t chi.ef‘ rgfiden<ft afeJjEnv^ne& fthe^S
fmgular|h|]l; ict' ilp’yi^in-ity, prefentihg the for-Us qfaibl^t^revcr-ftc^, -m'ajl,. *
peth#ps,lHsva> momsnent’'o&'figg^hfeppfeurfirr!f. 'Ell^lp^Ees^o^ ju d gm e n t! '
aHi^ngft{fte;t6>.orhie ■•^ridm^pr.-what'-'-ara now fty led • |©^|)les, ■
a te '‘numerous; and theretU-^' a remarkable one imthp/ , Leuis,
where,(probably, ».the mopardha* ^elJdcd^rin^tft^tftDR;-earlyftffl^i'^uti
this^perHaps^rraither helon'gs to,fife f^o rw eg i^ n ^ fen l^ enE ii^ th e ninth >
6gratu{y, Some of th e ft monuments,are Gtf-,fmalljGircuit, and;fifth.*rev<-
ftmetimes foupd-at net great diftance from each ofh^^Pas" f tp y wemf rftt - t
onfy, Ibmetimess, eredted as Yte r(ii-p1lps’^ jOdiq',.Tho(ry,-fteyga» aad .
other gdthib.fteitles, but e v e r y . - a maaiOF,„having, -
'..•jft-ifdisSiqaft, f