BU'RsGii .
A n fp a çh .
Sufc, : cthlftitJute the other miserai productions.* There âre lïïany-
■■warm bâths and médical fptingfp.&ad the chiefiriver is the Nêekar,
BjflBHHpfaii the* Nagold, and its other tributary ftreàms, enlivens and
fertilifesAhe -duchy. The ftàtes'cônfilf-of fourteen -fuperior clefgy,1 and
the deputies of p ity -e ig h t towns and bailliages. Thé religion is the
Lutheran, with feme Calvmifts,' and fome ’"colonies' ’o f the '-Vàüdois.
The 'church ishhledvhy1 !four fupefintendants, who are ftyled -abbots,
and "thirty-eight rural deans : a fynod " is annually ■ held in the Itâtufnh.
Education, and ecclefiaftical ftudies ih phrtièulhr,': are 'f£ÿéare0
dab’le inlïitutiohS, not 'to “be fouiid in anÿ other prGteftanfycptiutry.
.i^ ^émïn&y 'b f anf
there is an âcâdemy of education 'at Stutghvd. There1 hre mknufaéïürbs
of pottery, glafs, 'woollen, linen,.-antf fiïk ; whjc^j'with the natural
eroâüas of the1 courifry, Topply A . tjie impo|is|Ite
by Frantfort nn ihe Mayn. T h e cffief 'city is "Itut^rd,,i aereeatgy
Elated on a rivulet .which Bows into the ÏTeckâr, ‘ and the ducal' rq-
fidence fince the year 1321. . "Some of: the, buildings arçfflegant, an^
tTér'e .Is a CàhînH, of' natural ‘and 4ruhC1^ puriosties. ft ‘ has not rpr
.cently fufiered -from war, but was greatly/%ur^d5&y'aponBagration
in tawjjg The fécond town is Tjubiagen pn. theÿPeà^, with
an univerfity .founded in 1477. The other ..towns .are finall but numerous,
and the villages thickly placed in a populous, and flourifhing
Among the'fecondary-powers, in this fouthern divifion of Germany,
muft Brit be named Anl-pach, or OnoKbaph; which-, with Bar.euthj
maintains a -population, of 320,000 on. ^ {qn’a x emiles.. Thefe
regions are - mountainous ! and -; fandy jj| but ;near, theMayn, yield-good
wine, The. chief mines are o f hop, the; others I being.; neglected. -blear
the Fiçhtelberg, Bareuth /produces a variety of beautiful, [marbles, and
fome curious: minerals. The principality of Bareuth.: is- alfo known by
* The re is aireinarkablé cavcra-at pfulingeii,.-and another in the Albian mountains. T h e y
are here called lochs* or lochs. K e y fier, i. I i.6:
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
the name of Culmbach ; and, with Onolfbach, forms the chief power in A nspach.
Franconia, now ■ annexed’ to the. fovereigrity of Pruffia.
The country of/the Salz, alfo called Salzia, and the archbifhonrick Sal/ia.
of.Salzburg,, is. a compact and interefting. region, about . ,1 o,o. Engliih
mMps in, length^.anifitêöl^^i^lg-reateib^Dpeadthcompute,awat 2,Sr&o • •-
fcpjare^»niUes3 jj^l^M»rp\jlati#i'bf iaQApo'jtby Hoeck’s account,-' ónly
200,000. p ^ ^ l d i b m r f n i d s primate o f all Gernpany,'*the-Jp-f being
fq uÓ ^ d p y JMy RupeiL. ajri E ngiiïhp^ivlBw'i 0 / r {ijtb:ej ©papier con fills
of m entyToiir perforis^’ot noble J'ejxrtiA$Uaand hhekouTeSof AuftriU has
ppjS|iTve|} that a^-gtieat majqrity|»bhld-%e|M0mvh e r||l0maifts. No .tax
c ^ ^ e ^ tn p ó ïe n ’^ iih ó u t/ tb erconfèiit d r tile1 pfov,incial ftates‘^J obtr^ofed
bfk l£ ^y f'ifiibm ty arid bhr^|ïfés, thë deputies'beihri,at the-famfe*-time
th‘en tM^gatóe'lriis?7 ,Ih ^pmieaT' affair? th is ‘fee is-1 wholly ruled by
AhB?ia','There .beir^tWenty-two-AulMlnl^ih the ^cnapferi Thé chief _
fuBragahs are the biibdps /OfChierh ; ©f ^Ghrck,- and Lavant, ihCariii-
thiT;- add Sediauy in’ StifiM { vdho- all fwear -ndöHty to-the 'akdibifliop- ...
li’ék^whfeh-pcM'éffé's «many fair ’hirdihips in' Auftrial, ’S titia ^ n n Garin-
thiS?) 'Sil^buSg, thfe ancient Juvayum^.has^ian .univerfty, with abodt Salzburg.
■23o|3 oöaïhh£6bilants ; {he: other towns, being rof „little; moment. >' The
. R 0 m%n Catholics’lyfterar.th'asicbanifhed/many ' jnduftriouS ..inhabitants,
chiefly .takenTefjjge tn^the, ^EÜffian^djOÉjlntehs. ,,T h e} ^k Mineralogy!
works at Hajlep, .about’twelve iniles■§,iof,Salzbtuggi: very.,lucrative,1
Thsyr are in .th hm o u p ^ in of Durenbürg, which, isj.ej^av.ated jpj-galltó
ries, occaflana^ly filled p p th ,Wjater, till it be impregnated with falirie par-
pcles. t Tfiere are alfp in f Salzia“Jpipje-^manfes oT filver and deadif and
one,of. gold .,at,.Gajlein,' and others .along the,,nottfierii fide of .the Alps
to Zillarthal, fp th}at the archbifhoprick is fuppofed by Bergman to
yield only to Hungary in the production, of this precious metal. ' Fhe
■ copper is ..often impregnated with gold, which ufed to be a-‘ fource of
6 Putter, i. 44 Bufching, & c. St. Boniface afterwards founded many bifliopricts in}llie foutli
•«fi'G.ermany. Columban and Gallus were-the apoftles in Stvabia. ■ Kilian in Franconia, Willbrod
in Erifia, were all from England and. Ireland. .' j ;
7 Barlié-Marboié, p. I.OI..
J lb,_6o. y 3»
g a i n