laft is more' co'iwe&ed wkhtb,e' Fijfic.5 ;?n.4' $$$£ 4iM®&S °,%%e ,^ rt:^
of 'Gerdany^ In.itfre ancient; . I c e l a n d } L o r d ’s prayer 4 s as' ^ “
lows:*’ ..f* * cilia s$j& $ i itWs??«h!yfj fjft ft
, Fader m r fm eft i Himlum. .H algad w arde-thitt nama. .f^o p tm e ftn tt
Rikie. She thin Himmalapi, ftf^pch pq Ibi'dannft - Wort
dacblicha B ro d b g ifo j i dagh. O g h firla t os fto ra tk u ld a ffp jom ogh v i
fo r fete them osftkildigbe a re / Ugh m kdm {ibkie i Freftalfan. Ukm.ftrels
a s fr a Ondo. ' Amen.
In the Finnifh it is aj ..follows ; -
Ifa meidan joca filet tam ajfa.. Pyhitetty pkcm fin um ,N m tsfl . fa h es
tulcon ftnum Waldacundas. O lfon/ftiftm , tahtos. fiftn maafca. cum tairpeftti.
Anna meile tanapahvatia meidanfoea fai-w am en leipam. Sa anna medic
meidan ftfndim andexi mmciiin mekin andex annam ryeidnn p fiftt^m ftem .
'■fa ala.jabddtd meita kfi/fauxeji. M altafaafta\m eita,pahpftfa ,p-;Amen.
, And-thus in the Laplandic : .
A tk i mijam juco lee almenfsne. A d is zia d d a /iu (I f am. | Zftaeigpb'atta
tu RykiJ’ iZdaddus tu Wdlip naukuchte .alm fne.nau^M , ednq, manna}.
W addem ijai udni mijan f a r t p a fw en laibebm.j,, ■ r J a b 'andqgpjkitgfiu, ja n i-
j anfuddmd naukuchte mtje andagaftpltebt h i f t f i i y e ^ f ^ f a s lm ir r fa b
ftjfalaidi mijabni. . JEle tocko k a fk ^lk bm a -p a f^fl.. Amen. -
It will hence, appear that the Laplanders -h^ve borrowcd^Opip.-tjerms
from*the Gothic,aswell as from the'Finnifti., y
The* literature of Denmark Cannot-afpiref^of. much ap ti^ iiy , having
.followed, as ufual, the introdu&ion o f Chriftknity,-which was not efta-
blifhed till the eleventh century. In the next .century lived; Saxo Gram-
maficiis, whofe hiftory of Denmark abounds wifh ffoleptutWfhpfoftyle
and manner are, forprifingly claffical for that age.. His contemporary
or predeceflbr, Sveno, is more veracious- and concife, and is eft.eemed
the father o f Danifli hiftory. In general the ancient literature of Denmark
is much more opulent than that of Sweden,: as the colledianpof
Danifli hiftorians may-evince. Norway cannot boaft of a native writer
till a recent period.; Theodoric the monk of Drotitheim, who .wrote a
fhort hiftory of the .ancient kings, .being, fuppofed to have been a
German. But lit is a truly lingular ’circumftance in the hiftory of
European literature, that letters highly flourilhed in the remote republic
: V m
ó f ftcelahd j^römnhêl’éîév'é'nW * to* th e 'fourteenth century; and inde- L it e k a -
pjcndent of the‘laTOfouP'Skga^^'Kieh might be-1'counted by hundreds, TURE*
the foftd'Vnd valuable wörks AHmt<p5rQdft‘cedt in I that ifland might fill a
cori'fMdfahlè câl?aW^eî^>^iomdcelahdfWe( derived^ the Edda, and our •
knowl^geJ<(h0 .'tlfl^£^a'Gllnt 'IGöthic 'mythology.*'>’ 'Frapa Iceland the
S'wede's, 'Nbf^giahsV^sS&ds^HasrS -Orcàdians draw:-their chief intelligence1'
cb’ffèfcrning^tfrêif,''*ah^ichtlfhift'Öfy;ï':Shorro 'dn particular being
ftyled'tffiiedHfótodötus of the north«: and the Landnama, or book o f the
origins of’Iceland, is'h'Upiiquë’w'ork,: difplaying.tSe names and property
óf alt the ^ g lh a f fettlefs^Iahd" tfiehbireuïïiftàncos attending the diftribu-
fieri'of a- bafMric|êfrlo'ny. * ,
v :>,A'fter the rëftó ration* Of letilfS'Dehmark continued to maintain her
Wonted afcehdaneÿTbvcr 'Sweden« ;' ahd Jt-he ‘Siariïe, dr Tycho Brahe is
ÿét celebrated,rbut'iis 'Jktle ifle ofÎHweft, noted for hisl aftronomical
obfervatiohf, now belbhgs to' Swedeh. ’ This daft kingdom .has'for a
eéfrtriry ‘been more ‘âîftirigâilhed in literature thaiï^Dén'mark, which
Has been chiefly ôècù|)ied iri hiftory anff antiquities, While <Sweden,
without neglecting thefe. proVipces, has *'allp.k^iltivated with great fuc-
c*èfs' fiiê 'moft ifrtererató^ h<^hes>of fhaturall hiftory. The names of
'Arnas'Magnæ^s, Langcfrek, iSchoeiring; ;artd Suhm, are eminent aihong |
file cultiyatprh of national ' hiftory ; and.Holfiêrg was'a'l-wntéf of wit
as well as of erudition. The'bbtany' of Denmark has been illriftrated
téy OEdèr ; and ï^febuhr is'dlfringuifhed as an iritèllïgâl'f traveller f but
in the*other paths of'ifri^nrie and literature there feémâ toFbe a deplorable
deficiency j ’n if 'Wufd it be eafy to fpecify a Danifli poet; ,
philofophef, phyfician, Dr able and critical' luftorian. '
", The filençe o f travellers arid geographers cbncerriing7the’niodeS of Education*
.education purfued iq different countries^has- been mpre than once regretted.
in: .fi^j work ; but the materials are not equally ^deficient- concerning
Denmark, While in. Sweden there is qnly a fcrhool- in each
of the large towns, maintained at the expènpe of the . crown.; in Den*
mark each parifti is provided with two op thriee fchoqls, where 'children -
are taught to read and write their native tongue, and the principles of
arithmetic ; the fchoolmafters are allpwed about .i i l . a year.; .with .a
i • houfe,