will be .found not to haKre>kesn,eMrufte$:jQ? inadequate hati(|s* H^iqay
- affirm, that tie mofbilbdigtiQus afifcen&optffias.bee^ey^rtsd, .in tljt^ l ^ m p
and'arrangemenFof the'moll aqt-eiiefting tQpi^Sj.^adjhg^p^fthat t$ie
noyfelfy of thei plan will uot only heaecomme-nded by,»greater pafe-.-a.nd
Okpeditront'dnhn(ing• tits work as'lst'kook-of reference*; yfei&db'y&ga,e.rnqre
ftrixft and elaffica’llcffltale^i0ii,wfp-askq afford more'clear ,anAia.ti^ai£tqry
information-an*a-generat perufal*. The mature and chafes« ©fhsjtie play
be Explained in the preliminary obfervations, as being iptilpatdy
cbnryedted'with other, topies therein veftig'aedh. It may« hereA fficeto
‘ Obferve, that the' objects moft effeatiaHy^aiAed ^ith; each other,fi^ftea;d
bfbeing difperfed as fragments, arc here gathered <9-.;-.h earls
Sct chapters arranged in unifoilms pfegfdfsy-.esseepti where partisalm/cag;.
cumftances commanded a-deviation : and infeead o f .pretended, hiftories,
and prolix commercial documents, the ehiefatfcentlon isdemoted jo. jnb-
jeds ftri&ly geographical, but which in preeeding ■ {yftoms h a v e «fora
appeared in the form of a mere lift :o£ names, the evanefcent' fhades ro f
knowledge. Meagre details^ of diiftory can he'of -n© d^^ep^yeiL.tO
youth, and are foreign to the same and'nature o£ geography,Vj^hich,
like chronology, only afpires'it*o illuftrate hiftpiy. ;> and» without encroaching
upon other provinces, has morfi'than fufficient d^Sgplti^s .to
encounter, The States are arranged ITce^fjng to ktfeehr-'cogiparative
importance, as it is proper that the ohjif^s wjhich.dgfetye; -PP,&#;%1$en-.
tion fhould be treated at the greateft length; andxljura^he earlieft;ab%-,'
vatioh of the ftudent.
In the Introduction Profeffor Vince Te'em-s-to have dBfltiedaaehhig in
aftronomy, Or'meteofold^y, that coUld-in thhleaft rjidftrate geography;
'and has carefully availed himfelf of the lateft Indentions and difaoveries.
Fof the botany o f the feveral countries this work is'indebted-'to Mt.
Arthur Aikin, a zealous and intelligent cultivated of fiatural hi diary. - ,ilt
may Be neceffary to remind the unlearned rdadet, that the Latin names
B in
fn fBts^p^a#fnl%Ofdl.H^te^ufe in England muft
Farfeiy*;adMtof*Migfch -appellMOns';''* »
d#®jf it -Sjibope'd'jS fhew |hfertf.#g«,f«.,e|f ^ g r y p h y , in
Overy ipart J^ndteetfeb .century;
andwl$eidfei|tep aj^ ^it-fe1 any fteftv-p^b.feEhed;.#-afe$hH&.beginn^ng^ or
’^e^.ibi'the''ti^^v®fi%fe^g|fte^i|i^,(iti^^dyan®es-}w^lib#4Q'-tnd' *©< he
pro,^^i3^su|<M^qys,®£uh.gtead^M^ftejHS. 1 ifctle ’ '
tiuth^'and , perfpft:'uLt}i,t liw tlie;mi^^j< of^a^^i^an'd,. t o ^ m vha«ne$,
^ .rUm ^ h e n fa p s c jK ^ p f f^ V fo^ x e^by fopaef
r P.n.ok. an tli rvfecj • rimflu thp^ft^v^thIp.,tciAykiftatd qugKt al«way.g;tO
claipi the
mountain,s,and al\|ho|e;parts,in^hicli
ancc fiom natural hiftory, are only i.^i^cl J^.^rcccn^MCTv^m)
and upon this immutable r a ^ u i t t i W e l 5 * 4 ;
The..,r^©d|rp' 4 elineati|ps,,qf many;j^ft| $ § f § i § 9 |
haye thrown a light yp©i|ane||nt>hi^pr|y., ^
derived fromtl^fretic .geagryphy^ always ufelp'f^ ^ltgr
the face o f natqrejpjmd; knOfyr~
ledge, - -i t jmpedesnhe4)£Ogyfl^ f eW ^ |f ^ M g ^ ^ ^ |p ^ ^
covery. To order .to d e l in e a t^ ^ ^ n # .e ^ .,^ ^ i^ % ^ ? y , it |s |i ||p - .
penfable that. thj^ibefe, ,$^de;-p. maps {.i>y
ipqrabfe^co^^uTes i0^pih|grijuSi^54SV^^ ^
been .overturned hy the precifion ofa rgeent knowledge. f' I .t tlic lh ’ft
elements o f,a n c ie a t^ ^ # a |^ y ^^^,^'|p^yifidj.%||the ’ nii n ^ q f.y v a t h:
frpm obfolete maps, in w®ch the ihbft im p o r tan t'pO fiti^ ^ natural
geography,, and fometimes .even t h ^ y e ^ |p n ^ of the '.compib,. ap:
petVeFted ; and from Authors w&ofe hiofe f^tfeal ^ ‘hiohs ;ha3?e been;
a 2