C ities and
T owns .
Sslonicav ./•,
retain abotit 25,000 inhabitant's.^I Banjal'uka in Bofnia is alfo a con~
fiderable town, fupp’ofed ,-to._ con tain • i8,hb6J fouls., •"
In th em o re fouthei'n provinces -mull firft be named Saloptca; computed
at 69,060, a city o f ' confide rable commerce, fbated on a noble
giilph of th e Archipelago. About 80 B ritilh miles to the S. is LariiTaj
a n inland town, b u t fuppofed to .contain 25,000 fouls. .. A tini, the ancient
Athens, is o f fmall population ; and th is --re g io n ,of* claffical chats
now -fearcely prefents another to w n w o rth y o f commemoration in: gene--:
ral geography, jg
Exclufive o f the feraglios and royal-palacMS, which themfelves poffefs:
little claim to architectural grandeur or beauty, the chief edifices in
T u rk ey are the mofks and caravanferas. The^jmoft beautiful mofks
are thofe of the capital, and Adrianopie, and are generally kept in ex*,
cellent repair, as the church poffeffes ample revefRfeS fbr that.purpofe;
and the intereft and honour o f the-clergy are promotedi byvp’ifefefyifflg-.
their fplendoitF, The caravanferas, on' tbe-r contrary, are .aftbnnaeg«*
lefthL Thefe buildings aro generally in the, form, o f ’a-fquare-,>en-i
clofing a court; the upper chambers being deftined for travellers^-and-
the lower for horfes and camels. They are.often founded by.legacies'
of the opulent 5 hut. the truftees, having no perfonal intereft, generally
fquander or alienate the funds allotted for their; fupport, fp; that thefe’
ufeful edifices, feme of which boaft fuperlor elegance, are permitted to:
fall into fhameful decay.
The manufaftttres and commerce o f Turkey in • Europe ate chiefly
in the hands of foreigners; hut as what is called?the Levant trade
almoft entirely, centers in Smyrna, and the Afiatic fhore, this; fnbjedb
will belmore properly deferibed in that part of this work which relates
to Afia. The native manufactures exported from European Turkey,
are inconfiderable, being chiefly carpets, and a few other; articles ; but;
the' rude produfts are far more numerous, as currants, figs, faffiron, fta-
tuary marble from Paros,_filk, and drugs.
C H'jAfP TTE R ‘ m ’
Climate and{<5e,aJonr.^^ac&tifi tfce jS.oM»fry.— Soi{ ■ artd%\J-grkulture,—R isers.__
^L a k e s.^M o u n ta in sj— liorejfls.—^ Rotanyi^MZmJm,^yMmenafogy.—-Mineral
Waters.f-^Natural 'Curihfitifs.' '
T H E ;oyfenuyfe;'^regiona ci^^rijldv;-withlh 'th e ' limits mF Europe
T u rk p y ,,em Q y ^ |a ^ n e ra l, aMd»elieious1dimate, .pure ,a ir,an d ’: re|$jff
] | n f e a f ^ s ^ banilhed to. t j ^ e r n Bulgaria, has;written
xnany elegiac 'cpmglaints on the fe v p iiy ;tjftth e clime ;V n d infeefns an
undoubted. fa ft trhat theTeafons have become more genial, fince Europe
lias, been ftrip p ed VoH thofq er^KnOUs'1 rorefts',, whicn^nmifeft^humidit y
a n d mold: ,fpr c o u n t e r s ,/ a n e i e ^ a s 'fu ll of^mo^affis/and
-Water; 'are ho.w d r y ' aheiTiluhnouk; and (he risers are’ftotlonly con-
fitted to narrower channels, b u t ^ » n y r th a t fifed, t o f r e e ^ e v e r y ’ whiter-
now'dpyblvh ^ tnrbid^but Free ftream. T h § ’ yiMatopf'MoidaVra^ wnME
Ovid y o fild h av e painted like thatr'of Lapland."“i^ h |M ? lltle 1 liferiortto ‘
th a t o f H u n g a ry , 'thought the weftern part be mountainous, and the
eaftern pififent many uncultivated defefft..; In Walachia the air is fo
temperate th a t vines: and melons profper. In the mountainous parts o f
the more fouthern diftrifts. the temperature mull partake o f the. cold,
unlyerfal in fuch elevated regions ; but the products o f Macedonia and
Greece, rice, vines, olives, (hewI th a t the -climate retains .its ancient
praife. '
T h e general appearance o f T u rk ey in Europe is rather mountainous;
b u t abundantly interfperfed .with dencisfi^plaifis’ and Vales: and to the
N. W . o f Conftantinople th e re is a plain country of'vaft. extent, while '
the. fh ores, o f -the Euxine prefent many level deferts. Befides the grand
■ftream of the Danube many la rg e and beautiful' rivers interleft,, thefe,
1 3 N’2 ' - . provinces^
A Nil S eA-
Face-of the